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Patient management system

This is the system that help to maintain patients records safely in the
Other possible system applicable
Laboratory management system
Hospital management system
Financial management system
The reason for system choice
• To keep the patients records daily and safe for along time
• To ensure security incase of any outbreak
• To enable patients to know the return date through recording down
dates in the system
• It eases works to doctors on patients details
Tasks and operations or processes done in the
Patient information
Billing records
Integration appointment history
Registration of patients in the system
Intangible benefits of the system
• It supports speed and results
• It improves health care because of patient records kept well
• It helps in the reduction of errors
• It enables in the decision making in the health centres
Tangible benefits
It supports in the treatment plans
It helps to obtain the best quality ratings
It enhance data security
Easy access of data in the database
Intangible costs of the system
• It takes long for the staff to learn a new computer system
• Expensive in the system upgrade
Tangible costs of the system
Expensive to come up with the system
Lack of skilled personnel
User issues include the following here;
Doctors do not get time with patients
Hiding of patients information is not trusted
Risks assessment
• Unauthorized users(hackers)
• Computer crash. And this makes the loss of patients in the system
• System virus
Limitations of patient management system
shortage of health professional
Errors in entering data may lead to unnecessary treatments
New technology to unused people in their activities
Entities,attributies and their domain
entities attributes domain constraints
Hospital Hpostcode INT

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