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How to write Prescribed

Technical Memorandum
Review of the rules subject-verb
Definition and concepts of Memorandum
 Definition of memorandum (noun)

1 : an informal record also : a written reminder. 2 : an informal written record of an

agreement that has not yet become official.
 A memorandum (memo) is used to communicate something of immediate importance
to people within a business or organization. Like a business letter, a memo is a
permanent record of your communication. It is used in both paper and electronic
 Short for “memorandum,” a memo is a type of document used to communicate with
others in the same organization.  Memos (or memoranda) are typically used for fairly
short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also
employ memo format.
Basically, an Office Memorandum is a document
released by a proper authority stating the
government's policy or decision. It is recognized as an
order from the government or a circular released by the
executive branch. It is released for administration on a
daily basis.
Steps in the preparation of Memo
  Writing a business memorandum (memo)
 Establish the purpose
 In business, the purpose of a memo is to provide or request
information from people within your organisation. It is
important to carefully consider the key point of the memo and
who should receive it. A memo that is written clearly using a
friendly and professional tone avoids any opportunity for
 Note:

 Each paragraph contains one main idea or point.

 A paragraph can be one sentence long.
 Arrange points in a logical sequence.
 Memos are distinguished by a header that includes
DATE, TO, FROM, and SUBJECT lines.  Other
lines, such as CC or BCC, may be added as
 An RE (“Reference”) line may be used instead of
SUBJECT, but this use is becoming rarer as “RE”
is often mistaken as “Reply” because of its use in
 DATE:  List the date on which the memo is distributed.
 TO / FOR:  List the names of the recipients of the memo.  If there
are several recipients, it’s acceptable to use a group name, such as
“All Employees” or “Personnel Committee Members.”
 TO is used when the Memo is to be sent to subordinates.
 FOR is for Superiors
 FROM:  List the name and job title of the writer(s).
 SUBJECT:  Think of the SUBJECT line as the title for the memo.  Make it
specific so that readers can immediately identify the topic.
 These headings may be double- or single-spaced, and the SUBJECT line is
often in all capital letters. 
 Furthermore, the order of the items can vary.  Many organizations have
their own style preferences on these issues.  If not, the order listed above,
double-spaced, is the most common.
 The text of memos typically uses block format, with single-spaced lines, an
extra space between paragraphs, and no indentions for new paragraphs. 
However, if a report using memo format stretches to a few pages in length,
double spacing may be used to improve its readability.
 Presentation of your memo
 Ensure your memo:
 is  Word-processed
 has a simple and professional look
 is centered on the page from top to bottom
 is left justified, with single or 1.5 spacing within paragraphs and double spacing
between paragraphs
 For signatories – 4 space (distance)
 uses a 12-point font size and a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial that is
easy to read
 includes sufficient white space to enhance clarity
 Tips for writing your memo
 Your memos should be succinct, formal, clear, interesting and easy to read
 It should be logically organised, accurate, well-researched and informative
 Avoid using technical jargon and abbreviations that the recipient may not
 Jargon - special words or expressions that are used by a particular
profession or group and are difficult for others to understand, example are
layman's terms.
 Succinct - briefly and clearly expressed.
 Avoid the use of slang, colloquialisms and contractions
 Use action verbs and an active voice to convey your confidence
 Colloquialisms - a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically
one used in ordinary or familiar conversation ("the colloquialisms of the
 Contractions - the process of becoming smaller.

 Highlightimportant points and reduce unnecessary wordiness with headings,

sub-headings, bullet points and numbered lists
 Check for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Check the

Not justified

From whom? and

No stated specific sample
instructions and duration or
deadline of submission

Not prescibed spacing

format and not bold
Memo using FOR -
for Superior

Cite the basis, state

the purpose or

Conclusive statement
for asking a request
Memo using TO -
for Subordinates

Cite the basis, and

the direct

Unified Accounts Structure Codes (UASC)
 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE). Refer to expenditures to
support the operations of government agencies such as expenses for supplies and
materials; transportation and travel; utilities (water, power, etc.) and the repairs, etc.
 MOOE includes “expenses necessary for the regular operation of an agency like
travelling expenses, repairs and maintenance, subsidies, etc.
 "Capital outlays" or "capital expenditures" refer to appropriations for the
purchase of goods and services, the benefits of which extend beyond the fiscal year
and which add to the assets of Government, including investments in the capital of
government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries.

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