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Let’s talk about:

Determiners, countable and

uncountable nouns
Countable nouns

Countable nouns can be singular or plural

Phone → phones
Card → cards

Some countable nouns have irregular plurals

Man → Men
Woman → Women
Person → People
Child → Children
Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns are always singular

Sugar, water, flour, sand, bread, money, information.

We have to use other words to count these nouns:

Two glasses of water.

Three slices of bread.
A lot of money
Some nouns can be both
countable and uncountable

❖ There’s a strange noise coming from that box.

❖ Can you hear that noise?

➢ There’s a hair in my soup.

➢ I’ve got long hair.
These are words placed in front of a noun to specify quantity

We use:
Some Any No Plenty of (not) A lot of

with both countable and uncountable plural nouns.

Some people play chess.
The electric car doesn’t use any petrol.
Have you got any ideas?
Would you like some tea?
There is no cake.

We usually use:
- Some before nouns in positive sentences and in
questions (offers and requests)
- Any before nouns in negative sentences and in
- before nouns in positive sentences.
Some Plenty of
I’ve got some biscuits and some cheese. I’ve bought plenty of vegetables and cheese.
Would you like some tea?

(Not) Any (Not) A lot of

Are there any apples? There are a lot of people here today, but there isn’t
We haven’t got any apples. Also, there isn’t any a lot of food.

There are no oranges, and the shop has no fruit
Many, several and Much
We use “Many” and “Several” only with countable nouns

● We don’t have many places to meet our friends.

● Many students enjoy meeting in this cafe.
● Do you go to many parties during the holidays?
● I’ve got several friends in Germany

We use “Much” only with uncountable nouns

● We had so much fun

● How much money have you got?
● It doesn’t need much milk.
● Did you get much help from your brother?
Determiners for:

Countable nouns Uncountable

No ● (not) Much
● (not) Many
● Several Plenty of
A lot of

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