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John and his three sisters

Author by miss Helena

Illustrator by miss Helena

Beginning of the story
• Once upon a time ,There was a boy called John and he has got three sisters.
• One day he went to school with his sisters. His sisters are very playful and they
didn’t listen to the rules at school. John did not like what his sisters were doing.
• John got idea to make his sisters listen the rules carefully.
• He called his sisters to his room and said “listen carefully I am going to make you
all became nice ” But his sisters were not listening. They were playing.
• One of the girls said “we are not that kid we can do our self” yeah yes we
can(said the three sisters)
Middle of the story
• The next day he was very angry to his three sisters.
• He decide to make them scare and became nice.
• He call his three sisters again and shouted them his three sisters
did not understand why John shouted them.
• They asked why John *explain* why ........
• Now they know but they are not listening
• First he was not that angry but now he is really angry he shouted
really scary.
• His sisters *cried*
• His sisters said sorry *sorry*
• Now they apologize to his brother John.
• They gradually become better.
• Also their teacher like the three sister been nice.
Thank you for listen

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