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Objectives of BCS
On completion of this module, students will be able to do the following,
To understand the concept behind feedback and continuum in various
systems and subsystems.
To analyse the systems in time and frequency domain and to
understand the concept of stability
To apply mathematical modelling principles in understanding the
various fundamental biological systems
To analyse biological system models using MATLAB
Open and Closed loop Systems, Modeling and Block Diagrams, Block
diagram and signal flow graph representation of systems, reduction of
block diagram and signal flow graph, Introduction to Physiological
control systems- Illustration, Linear models of physiological systems,
Difference between engineering and physiological control system.
What is Control system?
• A Control System is a device, or set of devices to manage, command,
direct or regulate the behaviour of other device(s) or system(s).
• It is used in many applications such as control of temperature, liquid
level, flow, velocity, pressure , acceleration etc.

Input Process Output

Basic elements of control system

Basic Definition
System: An interconnection of elements and devices in a sequence for a
desired purpose.
Control System: In the system, when the output quantity is controlled
by varying the input quantity, then the system is called a control system.
Process: The device, plant, or system under control. The input and
output relationship represents the cause-and-effect relationship of the
Driving System of automobile

Rate of
fuel flow
Input Output
(command) Accelerator (Controlled)
Force pedal
Terminology of Control System
Reference Input: It provides input signal for desired output
Error Detector: It is an element in which one system variable is
subtracted from another system variable to obtain third variable, also
called comparator
Feedback element: It measures the controlled output and convert or
transforms to a suitable value for comparison with reference input
Error signal: It is an algebraic sum of reference input and feedback
Controller: It is an element which is required to generate the appropriate
control signal. The controller operates until the error between controlled
output and desired output is reduced to zero
Controlled system: It is a body, plant , processor or machine of which a
particular condition is to be controlled. E.g. room heating system,
Spacecrafts, reactor boiler
Controlled output: It is produced by actuating signal available as input
to the controller. Controlled output is made equal to desired output with
the help of feedback system.
Open and closed loop control system
Linear and non-linear control system
Time invariant and variant control system
Continuous and discrete control system
Lumped and Distributed parameter control system
Deterministic and Stochastic control system
Static and dynamic control system
SISO and MIMO control system
Linear and non-linear control system

If the system obeys the superposition principle such a system is called
Linear control system.
Superposition principle states that the response produced by
simultaneous application of two different forcing function is equal to
the sum of individual responses.
If a system does not obeys the superposition principle such a system is
called non-linear control system.
Time invariant and variant control system

When the characteristics of the system do not depend upon time itself
then the system is said to time invariant control system.
y(t )  2u(t )  1

Time varying control system is a system in which one or more

parameters vary with time.
y(t )  2u(t )  3t
Continuous time and discrete time control system

If all system parameters are function of continuous time ‘t’ is called

Continuous time control system (eg: speed control of DC motor)

If the system control involves one or more variables that are known only
at discrete instant of time is called discrete time control system
(eg: A/D converter)

SISO and MIMO control system

A system with one command input and one controlled output is called
Single Input Single Output (SISO)
A system with multiple command inputs and multiple controlled output
is called Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
Eg: boiler drum level, robot arm control
Lumped and Distributed parameter control system

If control system described by ordinary differential equations are called

lumped parameters
d x dx
M 2
C  kx
dt dt
I f control system described by partial differential equations are called
distributed parameters
x x 2x
f1  f2 g 2
dy dz dz
Deterministic and Stochastic control system
If the control system response is predictable and repeatable is called
Deterministic control system
x(t) y(t)

t t

If the control system response involve random variable parameters such

a system is called Stochastic control system

Static and dynamic control system

If the present output depends on the past input then it is called dynamic
or time dependent system
If the present output depends on the present input then it is called static
or time independent system
Open loop control system

Open-Loop Control Systems utilize a controller or control actuator

to obtain the desired response.
Output has no effect on the control action. No feedback – no
correction of disturbances
In other words output is neither measured nor fed back.
Examples:- Washing Machine, Toaster, Electric Fan
Input Output
Controller Process
Since in open loop control systems reference input is not compared
with measured output, for each reference input there is fixed operating
Therefore, the accuracy of the system depends on calibration.
The performance of open loop system is severely affected by the
presence of disturbances, or variation in operating/ environmental
Closed Loop Control System
Closed-Loop Control Systems utilizes feedback to compare the actual
output to the desired output response.
Examples:- Refrigerator, Iron

Input Output
Comparator Controller Process

Multivariable Control System

Temp Outputs
Humidity Comparator
Controller Process

Feedback Control System

A system that maintains a prescribed relationship between the output

and some reference input by comparing them and using the difference
(i.e. error) as a means of control is called a feedback control system.

Input + error Output

Controller Process


Feedback can be positive or negative.

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