Dirt Music, Tim Winton

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Dirt Music, Tim Winton

Lu’s solitude- his identity formation, effects on other characters like

Georgie and Jim Buckridge. Role of music in in the process of identity
formation from alienation.
Solitude is bliss- it is the key thing in the second half of the novel,
it gives a new life for Lu.
Connection to the Epigraph
Offers a space where he can revisit the past (music) and dread it
over, gets over it by recreating a music of his own (Georgie is the
inspiration here)
Leaves behind that marginalised identity/ existence, the music
played by everyone he meets in his journey-
A new identity in the wilderness associated with “self-
transparency” – becomes one with himself.
History is made live- make his own amends in that history- accepts
that he wasn’t really happy with his brother and his family, brings
down that elevated image of his brother and Sally.
Georgie Jutland – Lu is the catalytic force for her character
revival, she starts to develop hope in her passive life. “she never
did anything, things happened to her”, Lu’s solitude makes her
realize that the choice she made in her life- the marriage was
just an escape from her former life and profession- nursing.
She visits Lu’s place and clears the remnants of his dead family,
she rummages through Lu’s collections-
She begin to discover her place, develops a sense of
belongingness in the place, starts interacting with other
people- besides Beaver, -Rachael, her two sons.
Takes a keen interest in knowing about Jim’s history/ past. A
concern- signs of her returning to her real self.
Jim Buckridge- with Debbie’s death he lives a dual
existence, as a rich fishermen, the uncrowned prince of
White Point, But Lu’s sudden disappearance, he realizes
that he can no more lead his family with this life,
He confesses his sins to Georgie on their way north
searching for Lu, seeks redemption by making amends in
his past
It is not a real possibility for him, he still remains
He still uses a scheme – what he did in past – he would fix
it by bringing together Georgie and Lu,
Georgie- she is left with the healing job, found Lu
once and that was in darkness but this time she brings
him back from his distorted identity-
Lu’s decision to go back, he even succeeds in saving
Georgie from the accident,
However the question with Jim Buckridge- is he really

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