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 Australia officially The Union of Australia, is a country that occupies
the entire continent of the same name, the island of Tasmania and
other smaller islands. It is the sixth largest country in the world,
occupying 7,617,930 km², and the largest country in Oceania and
Australasia. Neighboring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and
Papua New Guinea to the north; Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New
Caledonia to the northeast; and New Zealand to the southeast.
 Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and the smallest
continent. It is also the lowest and flattest stretch of land and the
driest continent. It contains more desert than any other continent:
two-thirds of its surface is arid or semi-arid. The continent obviously
lacks landforms: there are no big rivers and the mountains are low.
The highest Australian peak, the Kosciusko Peak in the Australian
Alps on the border between New South Wales and Victoria, is only
2,228 m high, less than half the height of Mont Blanc.
 The continent can be divided into three main regions: the Shield of Western
Australia, the Eastern Plateau and the Great Artesian Basin.
 The shield is a plateau that largely overlaps with the state of Western Australia,
consisting mainly of 5,703,000 million-year-old Precambrian rock outcrops.
 The Eastern Plateau is a mountainous region with a width of about 500 km, which
forms the Mountains of the Great Watershed.
 Between the Western Shield and the Eastern Plateau are three inland basins - the
Murray Basin, the Carpentaria Basin, the Eyre Basin. Together they are called the
Great Artesian Basin, which is mostly less than 300 m above sea level.
 The most of Australia is very dry.eDuring the summer, which lasts from December
to February, there are frequent heat waves, and temperatures generally reach 38
degrees Celsius. The northern city of Darwin has an average temperature of 30
degrees Celsius in summer and 27 in winter, with an average of 150 cm of rainfall,
most of which falls in summer. In Sydney, on the southeast coast, the amount of
precipitation is almost 120 cm, falling throughout the year. The coolest part of the
country is Hobart in Tasmania, with an average temperature of 17 degrees Celsius
in summer and 12 in winter.
Curiosities about Australia
1. It is the largest country in Oceania and the largest country entirely surrounded by
water.Vegetația acoperă aproape 7 milioane de kilometri pătrați sau 91% din suprafața
2. Australia is the only continent in the world with a population of 20 million people.
3. Australia is the country with the highest proportion of migrants, with over 25% of
Australians being born in another country.
4. It has 16 sites that are part of the world heritage, including historic sites, cities and
5. More than 200 languages and dialects are spoken on the Australian continent, including
45 Indigenous languages.
6. Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world.
7. In Australia, 3 times more sheep live than humans.
8. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world,
being located in Northeast Australia.
9. 63% of Australians are overweight.
10. About 1.35 trillion bottles of wine are produced annually in
11. More than 200 languages and dialects are spoken on the Australian
continent, including 45 Indigenous languages.
12. Australia was the second country in the world to give women the
right to vote in 1902.

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