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Rates & Provisions
Name:- Vinod Vyas
Batch No.:- 126
Reg. No.:- CRO0239893
K | 

|  means |ax educted at ource. As per provisions of

Income |ax Act, 1961 some part of a specified income is
deducted from the person who earn that income before
making payment of such income. In other words, tax on
income deducted where the income is earned.


] |he person who deduct |  is called educter and the person from whom
|  is deducted is called deductee.
] educting |  from deductee and than deposit the same in Central Govt.
account is responsibility of deducter.
] |  deducted is required to be deposited within one week from the last
day of the month of deduction. If |  amount is not deposited by the due
date , then for each month a penalty of interest equal to 1% of the | 
amount to be paid.
] Return of |  filed quarterly. If the quarterly |  return is not filed within
15 days from the last day of the quarter, then a penalty of Rs. 100 per day
subject to maximum limit equal to the |  amount is chargeable.
K  | 

] Payment of alary and Wages ] Payment to Contractors / ub-
section 192. contractors section 194C.
] Payment of Interest on ecurities ] Payment of Commission or
section 193. Brokerage section 194H.
] Payment of Interest other than ] Payment of Rent of Plant &
ecurities section 194A . Machinery section 194I.
] Winnings from Lotteries or Cross ] Payment of Rent of other than
Word Puzzle section 194B. Plant & Machinery section 194I.
] Winnings from Horse Race ] Payment of Professional Charges
section 194BB. section 194J.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if the estimated
total income of the employee is
|  Rate Normal rate of income tax including
surcharge (if applicable) and
education cess.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in
excess of Rs. 5,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm
or Cooperative ociety. 22.66%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 10.30%.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in excess
of Rs. 5,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm or
Cooperative ociety. 22.66%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 10.30%.


Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in excess
of Rs. 5,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 33.99%.
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 30.90%.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in excess
of Rs. 2,500/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 10.30%.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in
excess of Rs. 20,000/- per contract or
Rs. 50,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm
or Cooperative ociety. 2.266%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 2.266%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 2.06%.


Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in
excess of Rs. 2,500/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm
or Cooperative ociety. 11.33%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not
exceeds Rs. 10 lacks per annum.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in excess
of Rs. 1,20,000/- per annum.

|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm or

Cooperative ociety. 11.33%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 10.30%.

Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in excess
of Rs. 1,20,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm or
Cooperative ociety. 22.66%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or HUF
and payment exceeds Rs. 10 lacks per
annum. 16.995%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or HUF
and payment does not exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 15.45%.


Criteria of eduction |  is deductible if payment is in
excess of Rs. 20,000/- per annum.
|  Rate 1) If the recipient is a Company, Firm
or Cooperative ociety. 11.33%
2) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment exceeds Rs. 10
lacks per annum. 11.33%
3) If the recipient is an Individual or
HUF and payment does not exceeds
Rs. 10 lacks per annum. 10.30%.

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