Ian Lafrenz Career Comparison

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Drama Career


By Ian Lafrenz

Trigger warning: Brief mentions of depression and school shootings

Careers Compared

Just for clarity, I want to state here before moving on that I will be comparing
two careers in the theatre field, my ideal career field. The two careers being
compared are the careers of a theatre actor and a high school teacher,
specifically for theatre. Going into this, I want to make it clear I do have a bit of
bias. I think I would be fulfilled in both careers, but here, at the beginning of this
slideshow, the teacher is my backup plan, with the freelance theatre actor as my
primary career of choice. That may change, but that is my preferred order.
Educational Requirements
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

● No education is required ● High-school diploma

● However, a Bachelor's Degree in ● At least a bachelor's degree in

General Theatre Arts or Acting is Drama Education
somewhat common, and very useful

● Master's degree is highly

Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

The average yearly theatre actor salary, for For a high school drama teacher, salaries vary
those actors who do find work, is a little bit. One can be as paid as low as
approximately $7,500, according to NPR. The $18,000 a year, or as high as $106,000 a
sad fact of the matter is, for the few actors year. Most teachers earn between $36,000
who can beat out the competition and land a to $51,000 yearly. The pay largely depends
role, the pay isn't much. Therefore, many on where you live. As with all theatre related
actors also take on additional jobs on the jobs, you will find many more job
side to help pay for bills and rent. opportunities with high pay and better
benefits in an urban environment.
Job Environment/Workplace Expectations
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

● Highly competitive, with many competitors ● Work conditions vary between schools
● Long hours in rehearsal ● In most states, teachers can get tenure and
● Might not have much time for performance retire with job security after a certain number
● Actor's Equity is utter garbage that requires of years
you to work a certain amount of union roles ● It can be very rewarding to teach kids
for a certain amount of weeks for basic ● However, constantly preparing for classes
healthcare and dealing with kids can be stressful
● Touring theatre companies are very good for ● I can't find much proof of this, but I imagine it
employment would also be stressful to think about the
● Overall high rate of depression and anxiety idea of a school shooting, given their
from lack of work and exhaustion commonality, especially in high schools.
Duties and Responsibilities
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher
The responsibility of an actor is to assume a
The first responsibility of a teacher of any kind
character and communicate that character to their
is to convey information to their student or
audience through their words and actions within students and show them what they need to
their production, thereby transporting the viewer know about something. More specifically for a
to another place and/or time. They want to almost drama teacher, this consists of communicating,
trick the audience into believing that they are demonstrating, and helping to internalize
playing a real person, by communicating and techniques around character building, improv,
emotion or idea in a very believable way. They are teamwork, stage confidence, and more. They
responsible for showing up to rehearsal and also often direct and help put on school
performance, getting themselves ready to perform productions for the public to see, which are

and working well on stage with their fellow actors.

ideally a fun and exciting thing to watch and
take part in.
Hard Skills
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

● Knowledge of character ● Knowledge of acting, scripts

and character techniques.
building ● Technical acting, singing,
● Ability to interpret a script and and/or dancing ability (only
character acting may be needed)
● Ability to recognize and
● General acting proficiency
understand flaws and strengths
● General singing and/or dancing in another's acting
proficiency (may not be needed) ● Knowledge of lighting, sound,
costume, and set design.
Soft Skills
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

● Ability to communicate an ● Ability to communicate a

emotion or idea technique or piece of information

● Stage confidence ● Memorization ability

● Memorization ability ● Patience

● Patience ● Ability to engage someone

● Tenacity ● Empathy

● Charisma and ability to engage ● Ability to give notes and critique

Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher
● It is a fascinating and unique field full of ● Teaching is a very rewarding job,
fascinating and unique people. And because passing on information and
while you can kind of just say, that, it's helping people come into their own
true here. People from states over will actively makes the world a better and
converge on a role, and you can meet more diverse place.
friends while competing for a job. That's ● Teachers have a good amount of job
just the nature of the job. security, including various health
● You can become famous. People can benefits, and usually make enough
recognize you. People can want to be leftover money to have a healthy,
you. middle-class lifestyle.
● Nothing is impossible in theatre. As an ● Teachers get a nice lul in activity over
actor, you can be anyone. the summer if they want it. If not, there
● You can show people new experiences, are always openings to teach summer
and push the national conversation school, and help your community in
forward. other ways.
Job Outlook
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

The amount of actors in the workforce is Okay, I couldn't really find a general statistic
projected to grow by 3% from 2019 to 2029. about specifically high school drama teachers,
Given the still rising prevalence and use of but the general high school teacher job is set
the internet, jobs for actors will likely expand to grow by about 4% nationwide from 2019
into digital spaces. The groundroots of this to 2029. As for more specific areas, it really
have already been laid with actors starting depends on the urbanization and population
successful YouTube channels and the success of the area, as well as the demographics and
of live streamed Broadway shows during the amount of people going to school, especially
pandemic. However it is likely that traditional in the high school age range.
theatres will lose funding because of this.
Advancement Opportunities
Stage Actor High School Drama Teacher

The way that advancement works for most Advancement in teaching largely revolves
around going between schools over time,
actors is simple. As you become more well
when you get a better offer for pay and
known, better at your craft, and continue to time. You can get a masters degree if you
grow your portfolio, you will be offered don't already have it, and continue to
more and better auditions and roles. This take professional classes related to
multiple topics, specifically drama and
may lead to you joining a union, and gaining
acting with drama teaching, as well as
more benefits, but this can cost you some
classes related to learning how to help
degree of freedom, especially in finances. students socially and emotionally.
You may also expand into teaching, either in
Best Fit
After going through every source to check my information, and thoroughly
considering what I've found so far, I've decided that… my opinion is pretty much
unchanged. There was very little new information I found today, at least about the
actor profession. And while I'm sure that I would be fulfilled as an acting teacher, I
really want to act professionally. I'll still go to college of course. But I'll definitely be
getting an acting degree while I'm there. And then, I'm going to give acting a shot!
Because I think if I never try, I'll never know, and I'll always be a little mad that I
didn't go for it. So I will. And if it doesn't work out, or something else in my life
changes, I'll go back to school, get my teaching degree, and get a drama education
job. Therefore my best fit for now remains acting, although I know that I would be
fulfilled as a teacher as well.
“ Actors: Jobs, Career, Salary and Education Information.” Jobs, Career, Salary and Education Information, CollegeGrad, collegegrad.com/careers/actors.

-, Project Casting. “What Are The Skills for Acting? What You Need to Know to Become an Actor.” Project Casting, Project Casting, 23 Sept. 2019,

“Actors : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Sept. 2020, www.bls.gov/ooh/entertainment-and-

Doyle, Alison. “Teaching Skills for Resumes, Cover Letters, and More.” The Balance Careers, Dotdash, 8 May 2020, www.thebalancecareers.com/teaching-skills-

“High School Teachers : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Sept. 2020,

“Job Search.” ZipRecruiter, ZipRecruiter, www.ziprecruiter.com/.

“Teacher Advancement Opportunities.” Career Advancement Opportunities for Teachers, TeachingPorject.org, www.teachingproject.org/articles/career-

Lafrenz, Christina. Interview. By Ian Lafrenz. 24 January 2021.

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