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UNIT 9 : Spreadsheet

Student Number:120354
Name:Sana Kausar

In this powerpoint I will be talking about a work placement that I have completed
with the local football club in administration department. In this powerpoint I will
show you a spreadsheet that I have done to manage information about the club’s
season- ticket holders. I will also produce a spreadsheet so that it meets the
managers requirement.
What are spreadsheets used
Spreadsheets are used for lots of things for example: To improve accuracy,To support decision
making, To present information clearly and effectively, To carry out complex calculations. To improve
accuracy you should use a spreadsheet to make things easier for example if you was working in a
business and you was working in the finance team and a customer called to to ask how much there
bills are for this month you would need to use a spreadsheet so that you are really accurate. When
working in the finance team you need to be accurate because you can't be making the 2 different
customer pay more or less money only because you used a calculator not a spreadsheet.
What are spreadsheets used
To support decision making you could use a spreadsheet because in a business spreadsheet allows
business to make decisions because the spreadsheet finds data that are the same.when presenting
information clearly some businesses use a spreadsheet. In my opinion i think it is good to use a
spreadsheet when communicating with customers, for example if you was working in a foodbank and
there was lots of customers coming in because they would need any food or any kind of product that
would supports them you would use a spreadsheet because it is easier because if there's going to be
a long list with lots of products on it customers would tick some of the boxes that they would want. If
your giving them a paper to write down whatever they want they may cross out quite a few times
because they may not want it

It is good to use a spreadsheet when working out complex calculations. For example if you was
working in a retail sector and you was a person who was working there and you wanted to check
what is the target to meet today you could use a spreadsheet to check it because it's much more
easier if there's a huge number you could just put the amount of what you have made today and then
you could see if it sums up to the target that you are looking for.
The two spreadsheets should be designed for different
purposes. Examples of the different uses a spreadsheet
can have are: (select two)

● Cost modelling
● analysis of data tracking
● learners homework tracking
● creating league timetables and match results
● stock control.
My Selected spreadsheets
Spreadsheet 1 Spreadsheet 2
What is the purpose of my
two spreadsheets
The analysis spreadsheet is used to show data of how much item was sold online through the
whole year. The analysis spreadsheet shows that more people were buying product through the
christmas season. The spreadsheet shows how much the business earned. In my opinion i think
the sales had gone up in during Christmas time because more people were buying things because
it was a festival season. Spreadsheet 2 (analysis spreadsheet) shows that it is a bar graph. The
homework recording spreadsheet is for students to record how many hours of homework they
have done out of the lesson. It also shows different colours. The colours are red green and
orange. In my opinion i feel like red means if u have done upto 2 hours it records it as red,
orange may mean if u have done 2 hours of work it will be recorded as orange and green may
mean if u do more than 2.5 hours.
The purpose of Tools & Techniques
of both spreadsheets
Tools and techniques Tools and techniques
spreadsheet 1 spreadsheet 2
On spreadsheet 1 (recording homework ) the One spreadsheet 2 (analysis spreadsheet) the
tools and techniques that have been used are tools and techniques that have been used is a
formatting. What formatting does is it allows bit similar as spreadsheet 1 (recording
you to change colour the each of the cells. homework). Spreadsheet 2 (analysis
Formatting allows you to and rules to the spreadsheet) has used formatting. I know this
spreadsheet for the cells. Formatting allows because it shows if u click the format button
you to also change the spreadsheet page setup. it allows you to change the page set up for
In this spreadsheet case spreadsheet setup example for this spreadsheet has used the
does not only mean if the spreadsheets going page setup and this spreadsheet is called bar
to be landscape or portrait it also means how graph. This spreadsheet is similar because in
the data going to show up in a graph. spreadsheet 1 ( recording homework) it
formatting allowed the cells to change colours
too. In this spreadsheet it also allows you to
change the cell colours if u click on the
formatting button.
How are the Tools and Techniques
used in each spreadsheet
Cell replication

On both of the spreadsheet 1( recording homework) and spreadsheet 2

(analyst spreadsheet) the cells are used to make life easier for example if
you if you wanted to write down a calculation and solve it at that minute
you wouldn't need to use a calculator you could just make a formula up. For
example on spreadsheet 1 the rule that you would need to put to get the
cell colour green is you would need to click on value greater than 2.


For spreadsheet 2 the page setup is designed to show the data on a bar
chart. To get the spreadsheet form a normal spreadsheet to a column
graph you would need to click on the formatting button and and then after
that you would need to click on the page setup and click on bar graphs.
Tools and techniques used in a
Page setup

For example in spreadsheet 1 and 2 a lot of techniques have been used for
example lots of rows and columns have been used. For example in
spreadsheet 1 lots of formula have been used. For example for the cell to
change colours formula have been used so that the cells change colours.
For example both of the spreadsheets have used tools because they have
used spell check. What is meant by a spell check is if you dont type a word
with the correct spelling a red line will come underneath the word and in
some cases the spreadsheet programmes allows the words to change to
the correct spelling.

User interfaces (how does the user enter data)

Users enter data by selecting on the cells and putting in data. When putting on some numbers in
sometimes the user would select a colour so that it automatically changes from blank to a different
colour. To change the colour cells toy would need to select format right at the top of the page then
select conditional formatting and then select colour scale and they will be a paint bucket. To make the
colour change automatically when you insert a number onto the cell you would need to select a rule.
An example of changing cells will be down below.
Tools and techniques used in a

The features of a spreadsheet chart is conditional formatting, paste special and adding multiple rows. What is meant by conditional
formatting is conditional formatting allows you to add rule onto the spreadsheet it also allows you to change colour cells as well. What is
meant by paste special is you can just copy and paste the exact data in in a different cell it would not waste that much of your time.
What is meant by multiple rows is you can select how much rows and column you want. When designing a chart graph you can use
techniques such as design layout and format.

Some examples of tools and techniques used in a spreadsheet are auto fill. To use this feature you would need to click on a cell, hold down the
lower-right corner and drag down the column. On a spreadsheet you could so some filtering. Filtering shorten down your data and show rows
that fit into certain criterias. Another example is deleting blank cells. To delta blank cells toy would need to select the column that you would
want to delete and then you would go on to data, filter. There will be a drop down menu over there, you would need to select undo select all
and then check the box next to blanks.
How spreadsheets improve

Spreadsheet improve productivity because information is separated into different

categories and column. In spreadsheet 2 information has separated into columns
this may make the people who are understand the data more better because it has
separated information. Another reason why people may understand this
information is because it has cut down from lots of informations to less
information. In spreadsheet1 people may also understand the data very well and
they might find it easy to understand the data is because all the information and
the sums that need to be worked out is already worked out for you because the
data is on the spreadsheet not a column graph below will be an example of what i
mean about spreadsheet 1.
How spreadsheets improve accuracy
Spreadsheet are a bit similar to calculator. It organizes data very accurately. Spreadsheets never mistakes when you
want to make a long calculation and find out the answer because you can just use a formula on the spreadsheet
and the answer will be correct . for example on spreadsheet 2 the person who created the spreadsheet has they
have maybe used a formula to work out the correct answer for the spreadsheet. In my opinion i feel like the
working out for the spreadsheet is correct because if you look at the months and the and how much the
company had made the calculation are right. The calculations are right because if you look at september and
onwards the figures are going up massively because festival seasons start. In spread sheet 1 the colours show
that the spreadsheet has been made very accurately because in order for the for the cells to change colours
some rules/ or formulas have been set up.. Down below will be an example of what i mean about some rules
have been set up in order for the cells to change colour.
How spreadsheets improve usability

To aid usability makes the spreadsheet easier to use because tools and techniques are being used.
For example a tool and technique. The tools and techniques that have been used to show data
such as currency, numbers, fractions, dates and percentages. Spreadsheets improve usability
because it allows users to carry out complex calculations easily and quickly and change cells
Strengths and weaknesses of both
On spreadsheet 1 one advantage is that the colours that have been selected are really useful because in other
cases people use red for being the lowest, orange being the middle range and green being the highest
range. These colours are very useful because it makes the person understand how many hours have been
done if it is good or not. One disadvantage for spreadsheet 1 is in my opinion many people love to read
information on a bar chart or a column graph because it is easier. This information that has been done on
spreadsheet 1 is a good advantage for people who can't write accurate numbers because they don't need
to waste time thinking of what the number can be it's just there for them. In spreadsheet 2 one advantage
is that the information has been done on a column graph so for people who want to see it it will be easier
for them to work out some data for example if they would want to work out how many products have
been sold in the company they could look at the graph and they could see it straight away because the
columns are rising up and up and up because of how much data that has been sold.
Strength and weakness of both
One disadvantage for spreadsheet 2 is some people don't like looking at so many number they just want a few
numbers to work with to find out the answer. One disadvantage is that key information that you put on to
the graph and if you paste the exact information the person whos reading the data cannot see the pattern
fast and it might take up lots of their time if they have to complete a task fast. One strength for
spreadsheet 1 is for people who can not see very well or people who can not read very well of a bar chart
or a column graph it is good that the numbers have just been added up are at the bottom
Weakness of spreadsheet 2 (column graph )
What is A Column Chart | EdrawMax Online

Tools and techniques used in a spreadsheet.

23 Excel Tips & Tricks To Conquer Spreadsheets | Workzone

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