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13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain ----------------------3
13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain ----------------------10
13.3 Applications ----------------------------------------------13
13.4 The Transfer Function ----------------------------------30
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction Expansions
13.6 The Transfer Function and the Convolution Integral
13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady-State Sinusoidal
Response ----------------------------------------------------49
13.8 The Impulse Function in Circuit Analysis -----------56 2
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain
• We can represent each of the circuit elements as an
s-domain equivalent circuit by Laplace-
transforming the voltage-current equation for each

Resistor: V = RI
Inductor: V = s LI – LI0
Capacitor: V = (1/s C)I + V0 /s 3
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain

In these equations,

V = L {v}, I = L {i)
I0 = initial current through the inductor,
V0 = initial voltage across the capacitor. 4
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain

The resistance element.

Time domain Frequency domain

• Laplace transform 을 회로에서 직접 수행

• Resistor( 저항기 ) 의 경우
- v(t )  Ri (t )  V ( s )  RI ( s ).
- 따라서 s-domain 등가회로에서 저항은 그대로 5
di (t )
v(t )  L  13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain
V ( s )  L[ sI ( s )  i (0 )] V ( s)  LI o
I (s) 
 sLI ( s )  LI o . sL
V (s) I o
  .
sL s

An inductor of L henrys
carrying an initial
current of I0 amperes

The series equivalent The parallel equivalent

circuit for an inductor of L circuit for an inductor of
henrys carrying an initial L henrys carrying an
current of I0 amperes initial current of I0
The s-domain circuit for
an inductor when the amperes
initial current is zero 6
dv(t ) 13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain
i (t )  C 
I ( s )  C[ sV ( s )  v (0  )] I ( s )  CVo
V (s) 
 sCV ( s )  CVo . sC
I ( s ) Vo
  .
sC s

A capacitor of C
farads initially
charged to V0 volts

The parallel equivalent The series equivalent

circuit for a capacitor circuit for a capacitor
initially charged to V0 volts initially charged to V0
The s-domain circuit for
a capacitor when the
initial voltage is zero 7
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain

We can perform circuit analysis in the s-

domain by replacing each circuit element with
its s-domain equivalent circuit.
The resulting equivalent circuit is solved by
writing algebraic equations using the circuit
analysis techniques from resistive circuits. 8
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain

Summary of the s-domain equivalent circuits 9
13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain

• Circuit analysis can be performed in the s domain

by replacing each circuit element with its s-
domain equivalent circuit.

Ohm’s Law in the s-domain

V  ZI 10
13.2 Circuit analysis in s-domain

• S domain 에서도 Ohm’s 법칙이 성립 ( 초기 에너지

없는 경우 )

V ( s )  Z ( s) I ( s ), where
Z ( s ) : s  domain impedance of element.

• 저항 : Z ( s)  R.
Inductor : Z ( s )  sL.
Capacitor : 1
Z ( s)  .
sC 11
13.2 Circuit analysis in s-domain

• S domain 에서도 KCL 성립

alg  I  0. : algebraic Sum

• S domain 에서도 KVL 성립

alg  V  0.
• S domain 에서도 직렬 , 병렬 등가 변환 가능
• S domain 에서도   to  Y 변환 가능
• S domain 에서도 Thevenin(or Norton) 등가회로 구성
가능 12
13.3 Applications
• Circuit analysis in the s domain is particularly
advantageous for solving transient response
problems in linear lumped parameter circuits when
initial conditions are known.

• It is also useful for problems involving multiple

simultaneous mesh-current or node-voltage
equations, because it reduces problems to algebraic
rather than differential equations. 13
13.3 Applications

The Natural Response of an RC Circuit

The capacitor discharge circuit

그림 13.10

An s-domain equivalent circuit

Vo 1 CVo Vo / R
 I  RI . I  .
s sC RCs  1 s  (1/ RC )
그림 13.11 Vo t / RC
i (t )  e u (t ). v(t )  Ri (t )  Vo e t / RC u (t ).
An s-domain equivalent circuit
V ( s)
 sCV ( s )  CVo . v (t )  Vo e  t / RC u (t ).
그림 13.12 V0
V ( s) 
s  RC
1 14
13.3 Applications

The Step Response of a Parallel Circuit

The step response of a

parallel RLC circuit
그림 13.13
L{I dc u (t )}
An s-domain equivalent
그림 13.14
V ( s ) V ( s ) I dc
sCV ( s )    .
R sL s 15
13.3 Applications

The step response of a parallel circuit( 계속 )

V ( s ) V ( s) I dc
sCV ( s )    .
R sL s
• 위 식을 정리하면
I dc / C
V (s)  2
s  (1/ RC ) s  (1/ LC )
• 구하려는 것은 inductor 에 흐르는 전류이므로
V (s) I dc / LC
I L (s)   2
sL s[ s  (1/ RC ) s  (1/ LC )]

• 위 식에 R,L,C 와 I dc 값을 대입하면
384 105
I L ( s)  2 8
s ( s  64, 000s  16 10 ) 16
13.3 Applications

The step response of a parallel circuit( 계속 )

384 105
I L (s)  2 8
• 위 문제에서 전류의 final 값만 구하면 s ( s  64, 000s  16 10 )

384 105 : 적용조건은 pole 이

lim iL (t )  lim sI L ( s)  8
 24 mA. S 평면의 왼쪽 및 0 점에 ..
t  s 0 16  10
• 위 문제에서 전류의 완전 해를 구하면

24  10 3 20 10 3 126.87 o 20 10 3   126.87 o

I L (s)    .
s s  32, 000  j 24, 000 s  32, 000  j 24, 000
• 위 식을 inverse transform

iL (t )  [24  40e 32,000t cos(24, 000t  126.87 o )]u (t ) mA. 17
13.3 Applications

The transient response of a parallel circuit

• 그림 13.13 과 같은 RLC 병렬회로에

ig (t )  [24 cos 40, 000t ]u (t ) mA 가 인가됨 . 이 회로의 초기
에너지는 0
• 앞의 문제와 같은 방식으로 inductor 의 전류를 구하면

384 105 s
I L ( s)  2 8 2 8
( s  16 10 )( s  64, 000 s  16 10 )

• 이를 부분분수로 분해하면
7.5 103   90o 7.5  103 90o
I L ( s)  
s  j 40, 000 s  j 40, 000
12.5 103 90o 12.5 10 3   90 o
  .
s  32, 000  j 24, 000 s  32, 000  j 24, 000 18
13.3 Applications

Transient response of a parallel circuit( 계속 )

7.5  103   90o 7.5  103 90o

I L ( s)  
s  j 40, 000 s  j 40, 000
12.5 103 90o 12.5 103   90o
  .
s  32, 000  j 24, 000 s  32, 000  j 24, 000

• 위 식을 inverse transform 하면

iL (t )  [15cos(40, 000t  90o )  25e 32,000t cos(24, 000t  90o )]u (t ) mA

 (15sin 40, 000t  25e 32,000t sin 24, 000t )u(t ) mA.

• 이 중에 steady-state current 만을 택하면

iLss (t )  (15sin 40, 000t ) u (t ) mA. 19
13.3 Applications

The Step Response of a Multiple Mesh Circuit

The multiple-mesh RL circuit

An s-domain equivalent circuit

 (42  8.4s) I1  42 I 2
0  42 I1  (90  10 s) I 2 . 20
13.3 Applications

The step response of a multiple mesh circuit( 계속 )

 (42  8.4 s) I1  42 I 2
• 이 두 방정식으로부터 0  42 I1  (90  10 s ) I 2 .

40( s  9) 15 14 1
I1 ( s )  ,   
s ( s  2)( s  12) s s  2 s  12
168 7 8.4 1 .4
I 2 ( s)  .   
s (s  2)( s  12) s s  2 s  12

• 이를 inverse transform 하면
i1 (t )  (15  14e 2t  e 12t )u (t ) A,
i2 (t )  (7  8.4e 2t  1.4e 12t )u (t ) A.
• 42 옴 양단 전압
v  42(i1  i2 )  (336  235.2e 2t  100.80e 12t )u (t ) V 21
13.3 Applications

The Use of Thévenin’s Equivalent

A circuit to be analyzed using

Thévenin’s equivalent in the s

An s-domain model of the


A simplified version of the

circuit, using a Thévenin’s
equivalent 22
13.3 Applications

The use of Thevenin’s equivalent( 계속 )

• 그림 13.17 회로에서
초기에너지는 0
• 주어진 회로를 Laplace
transform 한 s-domain
등가회로는 그림 13.18 그림 13.17
• 이 s-domain 회로에서
Thevenin 등가회로를 구함
- Thevenin 전압은 a,b 단자
사이가 끊어졌다고 생각하고
(capacitor 가 없다고 ) 두 단자
사이의 전압을 구함

그림 13.18 23
13.3 Applications

The use of Thevenin’s equivalent( 계속 )

- 따라서 s 이 20 저항과 0.002s inductor 로 나누어지는데 이
중에서 inductor 에 걸린 전압에 해당

(480 / s)(0.002 s) 480

VTh   4
20  0.002 s s  10
- Thevenin impedance 는 a,b 단자에서 왼쪽을 본 impedance 임 .
전압소스는 단락 (short) 시킴 . 20 옴 저항과 inductor 는
병렬연결이고 , 이 결과와 60 옴 저항은 직렬연결이므로

0.002 s(20) 80( s  7500)

ZTh  60   4
20  0.002 s s  10 24
13.3 Applications

The use of Thevenin’s equivalent( 계속 )

• 이 회로에서
6s 6s
IC (s)  
s 2  10,000 s  25 106 ( s  5000)2
30,000 6
 2
 . 그림 13.19
( s  5000) s  5000

• 이를 inverse transform 하면
iC (t )  (30, 000te5000t  6e5000t )u (t ) A.
• Capacitor 의 전압을 구한다면
1 12  105
VC ( s)  I C ( s) 
sC ( s  5000)2
vC (t )  12 105 te 5000t u (t ) V. 25
13.3 Applications

A Circuit with Mutual Inductance

부록 C 참고
i1 (0  )   5A
i2 (0  )  0

(3  2s ) I1  2 sI 2  10
2 sI1  (12  8s) I 2  10 26
13.3 Applications

A Circuit with Mutual Inductance( 계속 )

(3  2s ) I1  2sI 2  10
2sI1  (12  8s ) I 2  10
2.5 1.25 1.25
I2   
( s  1)( s  3) s  1 s  3
i2  (1.25e t  1.25e 3t )u (t ) A 27
13.3 Applications

The Use of Superposition

A circuit showing the use of

superposition in s-domain

The s-domain equivalent for

the above circuit

V2  V2'  V2''  V2'''  V2'''' . 28
13.3 Applications
The Use of Superposition

The circuit with Vg acting alone

The circuit with Ig acting alone

The circuit with energized

inductor acting alone

The circuit with energized

capacitor acting alone 29
13.4 The Transfer Function
• The transfer function is the s-domain ratio of a
circuit’s output to its input. It is represented as

Y ( s) x(t) h(t) y(t)

H (s) 
X (s) X(s) H(s) Y(s)

Y(s) is the Laplace transform of the output signal,

X(s) is the Laplace transform of the input signal.
* 전달함수 계산시 회로의 초기조건 = 0 30
13.4 Transfer function

• Transfer function 은 출력의

Laplace transform 과
입력의 Laplace transform
의 비율임 Y ( s)
H ( s)  .
X ( s)

• 그림에서 loop 의 전류를

구하는 것이면 I (s) , 1 sC
H (s)    2 .
Vg ( s ) R  sL  1/ sC s LC  RCs  1
Vg(s) H(s) I(s) 31
13.4 Transfer function

• Capacitor 의 전압을 구하는 것이면 ,

V (s) 1/ sC 1
H ( s)    2 .
Vg ( s ) R  sL  1/ sC s LC  RCs  1 Vg(s) H(s) V(s)

• Linear lumped-parameter 회로에서 H(s) 는 s 의 유리함수

( 일부 예외 : 예 , 위 회로의 출력이 L 의 전압일때… )

• 이 H(s) 의 pole 은 s plane 의 좌측면에 위치해야 시스템이 안정된

동작 ( 유한 전원에 대한 응답이 유한 ) 을 함 . H(s) 의 zero 는
어디에 있어도 무관 32
13.4 Transfer function

예제 13.1

• 그림 13.31 에서 transfer
function, poles 와 zeros 를
• 우선 s-domain 등가회로를
구하면 그림 13.32 그림 13.31

• 그림 13.32 의 위 노드에서
node-voltage 방법을 사용
Vo  Vg Vo Vs
  o 6  0.
1000 250  0.05s 10
그림 13.32 33
13.4 Transfer function
예제 13.1 ( 계속 )

• 위 식에서 Vo 를 구하면

1000( s  5000)Vg
Vo  2 6
s  6000 s  25  10

• 따라서 transfer function 은

Vo 1000( s  5000)
H ( s)   2 6
Vg s  6000s  25 10

• 위 식으로부터

poles : 3000  j 4000; zero : 5000. 34
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction
Y ( s )  H ( s ) X ( s ).

• The partial fraction expansion of the product

H(s)X(s) yields a term for each pole of H(s)
and X(s).

• The H(s) terms correspond to the transient

component of the total response; the X(s)
terms correspond to the steady-state
component. 35
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial
Fraction Expansions

• If a circuit is driven by a unit impulse, x(t) = δ(t),

then the response of the circuit equals the inverse
Laplace transform of the transfer function,
x(t) h(t) y(t)

y(t) = L -1
{H(s)} = h(t) X(s) H(s) Y(s)

• A time-invariant circuit is one for which, if the

input is delayed by a seconds, the response
function is also delayed by a seconds. 36
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial
Fraction Expansions
예제 13.2

• 옆 그림의 회로에서 출력을

• 단 , vg (t )  50tu (t )

• 출력은
1000( s  5000) 50
Vo ( s ) 
s 2  6000 s  25 106 s 2
5 5 10 4 79.70o 5 5 10 4   79.70o
 
s  3000  j 4000 s  3000  j 4000
10 4  10 4
 2  .
s s 37
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial
예제 13.2 ( Fraction Expansions
계속 )
Vo ( s ) 
1000( s  5000) 50
s 2  6000 s  25  10 6 s 2
5 5 10 4 79.70 o 5 5 10 4   79.70 o
 
s  3000  j 4000 s  3000  j 4000
10 4 10 4
  .
s2 s

• 앞 식을 inverse transform 하면
vo (t )  [10 5 104 e 3000t cos(4000t  79.70o )
 10t  4 104 ]u (t ) V.
• 위 식에서 H(s) 의 pole 에서 생긴
항은 transient component 에 해당
10 5 104 e3000t cos(4000t  79.70o ) u (t ).

• 위 식에서 X(s) 의 pole 에서 생긴

항은 steady-state component 에
해당 (10t  4 104 )u (t ).
그림 13.33
• 위 식은 그림 13.33 38
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial
Fraction Expansions

Observations on the use of H(s) in circuit analysis

• Time invariant : delaying the input by a seconds simply delays

the response function by a seconds.

L{x(t  a )u (t  a)}  e  as X (s ) x(t) h(t) y(t)

따라서 Ya( s)  H ( s) X ( s )e  as .
x(t-a) y(t-a)
이를 inverse transform 하면
-1 - as
L {H ( s ) X ( s )e }  y (t  a )u (t  a ). 39
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial
Fraction Expansions
Observations on the use of H(s) in circuit analysis( 계

• Impulse response : if a unit impulse source drives the circuit,

the response of the circuit equals the inverse transform of the
transfer function.
x(t) h(t) y(t)

If x(t )   (t ), then X ( s)  1 X(s) H(s) Y(s)

따라서 Y ( s )  H ( s ) X ( s )  H ( s).
이를 inverse transform 하면
y (t )  L1[Y ( s )]  L1[ H ( s)]  h(t ). 40
13.6 The Transfer Function and the Convolution

• The output of a circuit, y(t), can be computed by

convolving the input, x(t), with the impulse
response of the circuit, h(t):
x(t) h(t) y(t)

* 선형 시불변 회로 가정함 41
13.6 The Transfer Function
and the Convolution Integral

• Impulse response 가 h(t) 이고 , 입력신호가 x(t) 이면 출력신호

y(t) 는 다음 식과 같이 convolution
 
y (t )  h(t ) * x(t )   h( ) x(t   ) d    h(t   ) x( ) d .
 

• 이는 Y ( s )  H ( s ) X ( s) 의 inverse transform

• 이를 역으로 증명 
Y ( s )   y (t )e  st dt
 
  [  h( ) x(t   )d ]e  st dt
0 0
 
  h( )  x(t   )u (t   )e  st e s e  s dtd
0 0

 X ( s )  h( )e  s d x(t) h(t) y(t)

 X (s) H (s)
X(s) H(s) Y(s) 42
13.6 The Transfer Function
and the Convolution Integral

x (t )  x0 (t )  x1 (t )  ...  xi (t )  ...
xi (t )  x(i ){u (t  i )  u[t  (i   )]}

x(t )  x(0 ) (t  0 )  x(1 ) (t  1 )  ...  x(i ) (t  i )  ...

The excitation signal of x(t)
(a)A general excitation signal
(b)Approximating x(t) with series of pulses
(c)Approximating x(t) with a series of impulses 43
13.6 The Transfer Function
h(t) and the Convolution Integral

y (t )  x(0 )h(t  0 )  x (1 )h(t  1 )  ...

  0
 
 x(i )h(t  i )
i 0
 0
x( )h(t   )d

The approximation of y(t) 

y (t )   x( )h(t   )d

(a)The impulse response

(b)Summing the impulse responses 44
13.6 The Transfer Function
x(t) 가 모든 시간에 존재하면 , < 예> and the Convolution Integral

y (t )   x( )h(t   )d
u  t  t
y (t )   x(t  u )h(u )( du )

 y (t )   x(t  u )h(u )du

y (t )   x(t   )h( )d

* 신호에 따라 상한을 t 로 변경 가능함 45
 13.6 The Transfer Function
y (t )   x(t   )h( )d and the Convolution Integral
 46
 13.6 The Transfer Function
y (t )   x( )h(t   )d and the Convolution Integral
예제 13.3 꼭 풀어 보기 바람 ..
vF4Nk 47
13.6 The Transfer Function
and the Convolution Integral

The concepts of memory and the weighting function

• 입력신호가 vi이면 회로의 출력은

y (t )  h(t ) * vi (t )   h( )vi (t   )d .

• 이는 입력신호를 그림 13.43 과 같이
y 축 대칭후에 t 만큼 이동시키면서 h( )
를 weighting function 으로 곱하여
적분한 것임 그림 13.43

• h(t) 가 옆 그림 (a) 와 같이 step

function 이면 perfect memory 임

• h(t) 가 옆 그림 (b) 와 같이 impulse

function 이면 no memory 임 . 출력은
입력의 복사판임
y (t )   h( ) x(t   )d
• 대부분은 중간단계로 some memory t
가 있음   A ( ) x(t   )d

 Ax(t ) 그림 13.44 48
13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady-State
Sinusoidal Response

• We can use the transfer function of a circuit to

compute its steady-state response to a
sinusoidal source.

• To make the substitution s = jω in H(s) and

represent the resulting complex number as a
magnitude and phase angle. 49
13.7 The Transfer Function and the
Steady-State Sinusoidal Response

• Transfer function H(s) 인 임의의 회로에 입력신호가 sinusoidal 일

때 출력의 steady-state response 를 구함
• 입력 x(t )  A cos(t   )
 A cos t cos   A sin t sin  .

• 이를 Laplace transform 하면
( A cos  ) s ( A sin  )
X (s)  
s 
2 2
s2   2
A( s cos    sin  )
 .
s 
2 2

• 따라서
A( s cos    sin  )
Y (s)  H (s) X (s)  H (s) .
s 
2 2 50
13.7 The Transfer Function and the
Steady-State Sinusoidal Response

A( s cos    sin  )
• 이를 부분분수로 분해하면 Y ( s)  H ( s ) X ( s )  H ( s )
s2   2

K1 K1
Y (s)     terms generated by the poles of H ( s ).
s  j s  j

• 이 중에서 H(s) 의 pole 로부터 생성된 항들은 steady-state

K1과 K1*
response 에 기여하지 못하므로 를 계산하면

H ( s ) A( s cos    sin  )
K1  |s  j
s  j
H ( j ) A( j cos    sin  )

2 j
H ( j ) A(cos   j sin  ) 1
  H ( j ) Ae j .
2 2 51
13.7 The Transfer Function and the
Steady-State Sinusoidal Response

• 이 중에서 H ( j ) 는 복소수이므로 크기와 위상각으로 표시 즉 ,

H ( j )  H ( j ) e j ( ) .
따라서 A
H ( j ) e j [ ( )  ] .
K1   K K* 
2 1
L   
• 이로부터 steady-state solution 을 구하면  s    j s    j 
 2 K e  t cos(  t   )u (t ), where K  K e j .

yss (t )  A H ( j ) cos[t     ( )].

x(t )  A cos(t   )
 A cos t cos   A sin t sin .

• 이 결과를 종합하면 steady-state sinusoidal response 를 구하는

것은 H(s) 에 s 대신에
j 를 대입한 후에 크기와 위상각을 구함 .
출력신호는 입력신호에 크기가 H ( j ) 로 곱해지고 위상각이  ( )
만큼 증가함을 뜻함 52
13.7 The Transfer Function and the
Steady-State Sinusoidal Response

• If
x(t) = A cos(ωt + ø),
H(jω) = |H(jω)|e jθ(ω)

Steady-state sinusoidal response computed

using a transfer function 53
13.7 The Transfer Function and the
Steady-State Sinusoidal Response
예제 13.4

• 그림 13.31 의 회로에서
입력신호는 vg (t )  120 cos(5000t  30o )
일 때 steady-state
response 를 구하자
그림 13.31

• H(s) 를 구하여야 하므로

그림 13.32 의 s-domain
등가회로를 구함 . 이
회로에서 Vo 1000( s  5000)
H (s)   2 6
Vg s  6000s  25  10
그림 13.32 54
예제 13.4 ( 13.7 The Transfer Function and the
계속 ) Steady-State Sinusoidal Response

Vo 1000( s  5000)
H (s)   2 6
Vg s  6000s  25 10

• H(s) 에 s 대신에j 를 대입하면 크기와 위상각을 구할 수 있음

1000(5000  j 5000) 1  j1 2 o
H ( j5000)  6 6
    45 .
25 10  j 5000(6000)  25 10 j6 6

• 따라서 출력신호의 steady-state sinusoidal response 는 입력신호

vg (t )  120 cos(5000t  30o ) 2
45o 에서 크기가 6 배 , 위상각이
변함 . 그 결과는

voss (t )  20 2 cos(5000t  15o ) V. 55
13.8 The Impulse Function
in Circuit Analysis

• Laplace transform analysis correctly predicts

impulsive currents and voltages arising from
switching and impulsive sources.

• The s-domain equivalent circuits are based on

initial conditions at t = 0-, that is, prior to the
switching. 56
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

A circuit showing the

creation of an
impulsive current

The s-domain
equivalent circuit 57
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

• 그림 13.47 의 s-domain
등가회로는 그림 13.48
• 이 회로에서 전류를 구하면
Vo / R
I (s)  .
s  (C1  C2 ) / RC1C2
• 이를 inverse transform 하면
그림 13.47
Vo  t (C1 C2 ) / RC1C2
i(t )  [ e ]u (t ).
R=0 이면 V0 / s
I (s) 
(1 / sC1 )  (1 / sC2 )

C1  C2
그림 13.48
i (t )  [VoC1C2 /(C1  C2 )] (t ).
• 즉 , impulse 전류가 생성됨 58
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

Vo t (C1 C2 ) / RC1C2

i (t )  [ e ]u (t ).

The plot of i(t) versus t for

two different values of R 59
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

A circuit showing the

creation of an
impulsive voltage

The s-domain
equivalent circuit 60
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

V0 V  [(100 / s )  30]
 0 0
2 s  15 3s  10

40( s  7.5) 12( s  7.5)

V0  
s ( s  5) s5
60 20 30
   12 
s s5 s5
60 10
 12  
s s5

v0  12 (t )  (60  10e 5t )u (t ) V 61
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

V0 V0 / L
I ( s)  
R  sL s  R / L

V0 ( R / L ) t
i (t )  e u (t )
L 62
13.8 The Impulse Function

in Circuit Analysis

50  100 / s  30
I (s) 
25  5s
16 20
 
s  5 s ( s  5)
12 4
 
s5 s

i (t )  (12e 5t  4)u (t ) A

V0 ( s )  (15  2 s) I ( s)
60 60
 32  
s5 s

v0 (t )  32 (t )  60(e 5t  1)u (t ) V 63

Thank You … 64
2.2 The convolution sum
[ 참고 ]

• Multiplication: signal x[n] and impulse δ[n]

 x[n] [n]  x[0] [n]

• Time shifted impulse sequence

 x[n] [n  k ]  x[k ] [n  k ]
• Expression of x[n] using δ[n]

 x[n]      x[2] [n  2]  x[1] [n  1]  x[0] [n]

– x[n] : the entire [1] [n  1]  x[2] [n  2]  x[3] [n  3]    
 xsignal
– x[k] : a specific value of x[n] at time k

• Rewrite x[n]

 x[n]   x[k ] [n  k ] (2.1)
k   65
2.2 The convolution sum

Figure 2.1

 Graphical x[k ] [n illustrating
x[n]  example  k] the representation of a signal x[n] as a weighted sum of
k   impulses. 66
2.2 The convolution sum
(Cont.) 
• System output
Operator H : system
 x[n]   x[k ] [n  k ]
k  

 y[n]  H {x[n]}

 H {  x[k ] [ n  k ]}
• Using linear propertyk  

[n]   H {x[k ] [n  k ]}
 yindex
n : time
x[k] : a constantk  

• If the system is time invariant  LTI system H
 y[n]   x[k ]H { [n  k ]} (2.2)
k  

h[n]=H{δ[n]} : impulse response of H

 H { [n  k ]}  h[n  k ] (2.3) 67
2.2 The convolution sum
• The output of an LTI system = a weighted sum of time-shifted impulse response

  y[n]   x[k ]H { [n  k ]}
 x[k ]h[n  k ]
k  
 y[n]  (2.4)
• Using Convolution sum
k  
 H { [n  k ]}  h[n  k ]

 x[ n] * h[n]   x[k ]h[n  k ]
k  

Figure 2.2a
Illustration of the convolution sum. (a) LTI system with impulse response h[n]
and input x[n]. 68
2.2 The convolution sum
(Cont.) 

 
 y[n]  x[n] * h[n]   x[k ]h[n  k ]
k  

Figure 2.2b (p. 101)

(b) The decomposition of the input x[n] into a weighted sum of time-shifted impulses
results in an output y[n] given by a weighted sum of time-shifted impulse responses. 69
2.2 The convolution sum
• The output of the system associated with
the kth impulse input
 H {x[k ] [n  k ]}  x[k ]h[n  k ]

• Total output

 y[n]   x[k ]h[n  k ]
k   70
2.3 Convolution sum evaluation
• Convolution sum

 y[n]   x[k ]h[n  k ]
k  

• Define the intermediate signal

 wn [k ]  x[k ]h[n  k ]

• Output

 y[n]   wn [k ]
k   71
2.3 Convolution sum evaluation procedure (Cont.)

• Procedure 2.1 : reflect and shift convolution sum evaluation

1. Graph both x[k] and h[n-k] as a function of independent variable k.
To determine h[n-k], first reflect h[k] about k=0 to obtain h[-k]. Then
shift by –n.
2. Begin with n large and negative. That is, shift h[-k] to the far left on
the time axis.
3. Write the mathematical representation for the intermediate signal
4. Increase the shift n (i.e., move h[n-k] toward the right) until the
mathematical represent for wn[k] changes. The value of n at which
the change occurs defines the end of the current interval and the
beginning of a new interval.
5. Let n be in the new interval. Repeats steps 3 and 4 until all intervals
of time shifts and the corresponding mathematical representations
for wn[k] are identified. This usually implies increasing n to a very
large positive number.
6. For each interval of time shifts, sum all the values of the
corresponding wn[k] to obtain y[n] on that interval. 72
2.3 Convolution sum evaluation procedure (Cont.)

• Procedure 2.1 : reflect and shift convolution sum evaluation (Cont.)

Figure 2.4 (p. 106): Evaluation of the convolution sum for Example 2.3.
(a) The system impulse response h[n].
(b) The input signal x[n].
(c) The input above the reflected and time-shifted impulse response
h[n – k], depicted as a function of k.
(d) The product signal wn[k] for the interval of shifts 0  n  3. 73
2.3 Convolution sum evaluation procedure (Cont.)

• Procedure 2.1 : reflect and shift convolution sum evaluation (Cont.)

• Figure 2.4
Evaluation of the convolution sum for Example 2.3.
(e) The product signal wn[k] for the interval of shifts 3 < n  9.
(f) The product signal wn[k] for the interval of shifts 9 < n  12.
(g) The output y[n].
vF4Nk 74
2.4 The convolution integral
• Weighted superposition of time-shifted

 x(t )   x( ) (t   )d (2.9)

• Output
 y (t )  H {x(t )}
 H { x( ) (t   )d }

• Using linearity property

 y (t )   x( ) H { (t   )}d (2.10) 75
2.4 The convolution integral
• If the system is also time-invariant
 H { (t   )}  h(t   ) (2.11)

Figure 2.9
(a) Impulse response of an LTI system H. (b) The output of an LTI system
to a time-shifted and amplitude-scaled impulse is a time-shifted and
amplitude-scaled impulse response.
• Output can be found by substituting Eq. (2.11) into (2.10)  y (t )   x( ) H { (t   )}d

 y (t )   x( )h(t   )d

• Convolution integral is denoted by the symbol *

 x(t ) * h(t )   x( )h(t   )d 76
2.5 Convolution integral evaluation procedure

• Convolution integral

 y (t )   x( )h(t   )d (2.13)

• Intermediate signal
 wt ( )  x( )h(t   )

• Output
 y (t )   wt ( )d (2.14) 77
2.5 Convolution integral evaluation procedure(Cont.)

• Procedure 2.2 : reflect-and-shift convolution integral evaluation

1. Graph both x(τ) and h(t-τ) as a function of independent variable τ. To

determine h(t-τ), first reflect h(τ) about τ=0 to obtain h(-τ). Then shift
h(-τ), by –t.
2. Begin with the shift t large and negative, that is, shift h(-τ) to the far
left on the time axis.
3. Write the mathematical representation for the intermediate signal
4. Increase the shift t by moving h(t-τ) towards the right until the
mathematical representation of wt(τ) changes. The value of t at which
the change occurs defines the end of the current set and the
beginning of a new set.
5. Let t be in the new interval. Repeats steps 3 and 4 until all sets of
shifts t and the corresponding mathematical representations of wt(τ)
are identified. This usually implies increasing t to a large positive value.
6. For each set of time shifts t, integrate wt(τ) from τ=−∞ to τ=∞ to
obtain y(t). 78
2.5 Convolution integral evaluation procedure(Cont.)

• Procedure 2.2 : reflect-and-shift convolution integral evaluation (Cont.)

Figure 2.11
Evaluation of the convolution integral for Example 2.6.
(a) The input x() depicted above the reflected and time-shifted impulse response. (b) The
product signal wt() for 1  t < 3. (c) The product signal wt() for 3  t < 5. (d) The system
output y(t). 79

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