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“Total Quality Management”

Lecture 1

Dr. Muhammad Irshad

Institute of Business Studies, KUST
Topic: Total Quality Management


Total Quality Management (TQM) is a Management

Approach - originated -1950’s and become more popular since

TQM is the integration of all functions and processes within

an organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of
the quality of goods and services. The goal is customer

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

What is Quality?
ISO 9000 : define quality,
“degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills

Degree - quality can be used with adjectives such as poor, good and excellent.

Inherent - something, especially as a permanent characteristics.

Characteristics can be quantitative or qualitative.

Requirement is a need or expectation that is stated; customers, and other

interested parties.

The term quality is perceived differently by different people.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

What is Quality?
Quality means different to different people:

Customer-Based: Fitness for use, meeting customer expectations,

excellence in everything.

Manufacturing-Based: Quality [means] conformance to requirements,

design, and / or specifications. Having no defects. Manufacturing quality
focuses on tangible product features, conformance, performance,
reliability, features.

Product-Based: The product has something that other similar products

do not that adds value.
Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

What is Quality?
Value-Based: The product is the best combination of price and
features. "Quality means best for certain customer conditions. These
conditions are (a) the actual use and (b) the selling price of the

Service Based: Service organizations produce intangible products, and

quality relate to perceptional factors like courtesy, friendliness,
promptness, waiting time, consistency etc….

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

What is TQM?
 TQM is the enhancement to the traditional way of doing business.
 It is a proven technique to guarantee survival in the world-class
 Analyzing three words (TQM) :

Total—Made up of the whole

Quality—Degree of excellence a product or service provides
Management—Act, art, or manner of handling, controlling,
directing, etc.

Therefore TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve the


Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Total - The responsibility for achieving Quality rests with Everyone

a business irrespective of role. Quality emphasis to develop entire
business processes, that together lead to reliable delivery of exact,
agreed customer requirements to achieve competitive position and
higher ROI.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Quality - Business prime task is to understand customer needs and

deliver product / service at agreed time, place and price to satisfy the
needs. This retain current customers as well as attract new ones.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Management - Top management lead the drive to achieve quality

for customers, by communicating the business vision and values to
employees and ensuring the right business processes are in place;
introducing and maintaining a continuous improvement.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

TQM is a systematic business process integrated all functions,

involving top management and employees to ensure timely, cost-
effective and availability of quality product and services to achieve
customers satisfaction on agreed commitments with constant

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers(JUSE)
Defines TQM
“a set of systemic activities carried out by the entire organisation to
effectively and efficiently achieve company objectives to provide products
and services with a level of quality that satisfies customers, at the
appropriate time and price”.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

TQM coordinated all activities to direct and control an organization with

regard to quality

TQM = QP + QA + QC + QI

• Quality Plan-focuses on setting quality objectives

• Quality Assurance- providing confidence that quality requirements
will be fulfilled
• Quality Control - focused on fulfilling quality requirements
• Quality Improvement - focused on increasing the ability to fulfill
quality requirements

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

A good Quality Process

 Driving the business into customer needs

 Setting a clear vision and deployed down into coordinated action

 Managing processes to their optimal capability

 Using the contribution of every person to the full
 Managing well beyond company boundaries

 Developing workers to manage and mangers to lead

 Becoming faster, leaner and more responsive to
market opportunities.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Dimensions of quality

Performance: Also called Functionality or Operationality.

It is the main operating characteristics of a product.
Example: Crystal clear picture, clear sound etc., of cellphone.

Additional Features: It represents the additional features supplementing

the product’s basic function.
Example: Screen lock, phone directory storage, memory storage, built-in
games, etc.,

Reliability: Probability that a product is performing its intended function

over its intended life and under the stated conditions.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Dimensions of quality cont..

Conformance: The extent to which the product’s design and operating

characteristics satisfy the pre-determined standards.

Durability: Measure the products useful life.

Serviceability: Time consumed in servicing, Courtesy, Competence and

ease of repair or reconditioning of a product.

Aesthetics: Should appeal to senses. It is Human response to a product .

how it looks, feels, sounds, tastes or smells..

Reputation: Past performance, Brand image

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Total Quality Management

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email:
Topic: Management by Objectives

Dale H. Bestterfield “Total Quality Management” 3rd Edition’

Sarkar, Debashis, 2001. The Managers’ Handbook for Total Quality

Management, New Delhi: Beacon Books

Brocka, Bruce and Brocka, M. Suzanne Essentials of Quality

Management, Homeword, Illinois

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