Faculty520 Bs322 Kust 2021s l3 TQM Gurus

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“Total Quality Management”

Lecture 3

Dr. Muhammad Irshad

Institute of Business Studies, KUST
Topic: TQM Gurus
Who is guru?
• A Guru is a spiritual guide who is considered to have attained
complete insight.

• An influential teacher or popular expert.

• A guru is a good person, a wise person and a teacher. A quality

guru should be all of these, plus have a concept and approach
to quality within business that has made a major and lasting

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

The Era of Quality Gurus

There have been three groups of gurus since the 1940’s:

Early 1950’s:
Americans who took the messages of quality to Japan

Late 1950’s:
Japanese who developed new concepts in response to Americans

Western gurus who followed the Japanese industrial success.

The contributions of these gurus have recognized

by the world even after their death.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

Early 1950s: The Americans who went to Japan

J. Edward Deming Joseph M. Juran Armand V Feigenbaum

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

DR. W. EDWARDS DEMING (1900–1993)

Born:- October 14, 1890

Died:- December 20, 1993

Ph.D form Yale University in mathematical physics

First employment in electricity company in Chicago

Taught physics, mathematics, statistics & quality.

Deming is best known for his management

philosophy, establishing quality, productivity and
competitive position.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

DR. W. EDWARDS DEMING (1900–1993)

• Known as father of Japanese post-war industrial revival and was

regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States.

• His expertise was used during World War II to assist the United States
in its effort to improve the quality of war materials.

• Deming, become frustrated with American managers when most

programs of statistical quality control were terminated once the war
and government contracts came to an end. Invited to Japan in 1954 by
the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming Books
• Statistical Adjustment of Data (1943)

• Out of the Crisis (1986)

• The New Economics (1993)

Deming Ideas
• Deming system of profound knowledge
Theory of optimization, Theory of variation (called SPC),
Theory of Psychology
• Seven deadly diseases of quality
• Deming 14 points

• Deming Cycle (for continuous improvements)

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming System of Profound Knowledge

Deming System of Profound Knowledge, includes appreciation for a

system, knowledge about variation (statistics), theory of knowledge, and
psychology (of individuals, groups, society, and change). His System of
Profound Knowledge consists of following interrelated parts:

(1) Theory of Optimization

(2) Theory of Variation

(3) Theory of Psychology

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming System of Profound Knowledge

Theory of Optimization

The objective of an organization is the optimization of the total system and

not the optimization of the individual subsystems. The total system consists
of all integral components like, customers, employees, suppliers,
shareholders, the community, and the environment.

A company's long-term objective is to create a win-win situation for all of

its stakeholders.

Subsystem optimization works against this objective and can lead

to a suboptimal total system. 
Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming System of Profound Knowledge

Theory of Variation

Deming's philosophy focuses on improving the product and service

uncertainty and variability in design and manufacturing processes.
Deming believed that variation is a major cause of poor quality. 

There is a variation in every process. Even with the same inputs, a

production process can produce different results because it contains
many sources of variation for example the materials may not be always
be exactly the same; the tools wear out, machine heat or cold and/or
operators mistakes. The reason may be; however, these are present as a
natural part of a process called common (or system) causes of variation
and can be predicted statistically called SPC.
Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming System of Profound Knowledge
Common Causes:

Common causes inherent to the process as Machine fails. Common

causes are due to the inherent design and structure of the system. It is
management's responsibility to reduce or eliminate common causes.

Common causes of variation is about 80 to 90 percent.

Special Causes

Special causes are external to the system, and it is the responsibility of

operating personnel to eliminate such causes.

Special causes of variation is about 10 to 20 percent.

Statistical process controlling aims to achieve good quality during

products through prevention rather than detection.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus
Deming System of Profound Knowledge
Theory of Psychology
Psychology helps to understand
• People
• Interactions between people and circumstances,
• Interactions between leaders and employees,
• and any system of management.

Managing people at workplace requires knowledge of psychology and

how to motivates them. Job satisfaction and the motivation are
essential for quality. Management needs to create the right mix of
intrinsic and extrinsic factors to motivate employees.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

Deming Seven Deadly Diseases

1. Lack of constancy of purpose to plan product and service that will help a
company survive in the long term.

2. Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking (just the opposite

from constancy of purpose to stay in business), fear of takeovers, worry
about quarterly dividends and other types of reactive management.

3. Performance appraisals that promote fear and stimulate unnecessary

competition among employees.

4. Mobility of management which promotes short-term thinking

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

Deming Seven Deadly Diseases

5. Management by use only of visible figures, with little or no concern

about other data like effect of un/happy customers.

6. Excessive medical costs.

7. Excessive costs of liability, swelled by lawyers work on

contingency fees.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: TQM Gurus

In this lesson we studied:

•About TQM gurus

•About Edwards Deming

•Deming Contribution

•Theory of optimization

•Theory of variation

•Theory of Psychology

•Deming Seven deadly diseases

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Total Quality Management

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Management by Objectives

Dale H. Bestterfield “Total Quality Management” 3rd Edition’

Sarkar, Debashis, 2001. The Managers’ Handbook for Total Quality

Management, New Delhi: Beacon Books

Brocka, Bruce and Brocka, M. Suzanne Essentials of Quality

Management, Homeword, Illinois

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