Technology As A Way of Revealing

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Martin Heidegger • Martin Heidegger was a key
(1889—1976) German philosopher of the 20th
• He is best known for
contributions to phenomenology,
hermeneutics, and existentialism.
• Born in Baden, educated at
Freiburg in the phenomenological
tradition of Husserl.
• Became privatdozent at Freiburg
in 1915
• Professor at Marburg in 1923
• Professor at Freiburg in 1928
Martin Heidegger • 1933: Openly positioned
himself in favor of the Fuhrer
• One of the most influential
philosophers of the 20th
• Technology was an important
element in his work
• Technology was the key to
understanding our current
• One of his famous quotes about
Martin Heidegger technology represents an irony.

• Heidegger said, “The essence of

technology is by no means
anything technological.

• He opposed positivism.

• He, therefore, believed that

philosophy and the study of social
sciences should not strive to
measure human social life in terms
of quantity (gross domestic
product, net income, etc.).
Martin Heidegger • Sociology, philosophy, and
(1889—1976) other social sciences
should investigate in terms
of quality.

• Hence, to engage in a true

and correct understanding
of technology, the goal
should be to question and
look into its (qualitative)
Martin Heidegger Three Claims by Heidegger:

1.Technology is “not an
instrument,” it is a way of
understanding the world;
2.Technology is “not a human
activity,” but develops
beyond human control;
3.Technology is “the highest
danger”, risking us to only
see the world through
technological thinking.
• Heidegger’s key concepts revolve around
ontology, or the study of “being” (dasein in
German),“forgetfulness of being”
(seinsvergessenheit), and “rootedness-in
soil” (bodenstandigkeit).

• The whole philosophy of Heidegger focuses

on the role of ethics and social morality in
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In his treatise, The Question
Concerning Technology, he
emphasized the two definitions
of technology:
• Instrumental and

• The first definition states that a

“technology is a means to an
end”, while the second definition
$62,000 “technology is a human
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How can technology be
a ‘way of revealing’?
How can technology be a ‘way of revealing’?
• “Reality” is not something absolute
that human beings can ever know
• Reality ‘in itself’ is
once and for all; it is relative in the • By entering into a
inaccessible for most literal sense of the word – it particular relation with
human beings. exists only in relations. reality, reality is “revealed”
in a specific way.
• As soon as we perceive
or try to understand it, it
is not ‘in itself’ anymore, • This is where technology comes in,
but ‘reality for us.’ since technology is the way of
revealing that characterizes our time.

• This means that

everything we perceive
or think of or interact • Technology embodies a specific way
with “emerges out of of revealing in which humans take
concealment to power over reality
How can technology be a ‘way of revealing’?
• What we call “reality”, according to Heidegger, is not
given the same way in all times and all cultures (Seubold
1986, 35-6). “Reality” is not something absolute that
human beings can ever know once and for all; it is
relative in the most literal sense of the word – it exists
only in relations. Reality ‘in itself’, therefore, is
inaccessible for human beings. As soon as we perceive
or try to understand it, it is not ‘in itself’ anymore, but
‘reality for us.’
How can technology be a ‘way of revealing’?

• This means that everything we perceive or think of

or interact with “emerges out of concealment into
unconcealment,” in Heidegger’s words.

• By entering into a particular relation with reality,

reality is ‘revealed’ in a specific way. And this is
where technology comes in, since technology is
the way of revealing that characterizes our time.
How can technology be a ‘way of revealing’?

• Technology embodies a specific way of revealing the

world, a revealing in which humans take power over

• While the ancient Greeks experienced the ‘making’ of

something as ‘helping something to come into being’ –
as Heidegger explains by analyzing classical texts and
words – modern technology is rather a ‘forcing into
being’. Technology reveals the world as raw material,
available for production and manipulation.



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