Chapter 15 Ecology: Past Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

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2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
The population growth curves, P and Q, are shown in the graph below.
(Refer to STPM 2015 Question 16 in past year question book.)
(a) State the types of curves and their shapes.
Type of curve: Shape:
P : Exponential curve P: J-shaped
Q : Sigmoid curve Q: S-shaped

The answer were exponential curve and J-shaped for P and logistic/sigmoid/sigmodal curve and S-shaped for Q.
Many candidates was confused and gave J and S for the type of curve, and exponential or sigmoid for the shape of
the curve.
(b) What is meant by carrying capacity of the environment.
Carrying capacity is the maximum population size of individuals. That can be supported by the environment.

The question required candidates to state the meaning of carrying capacity. Most candidates managed to answer
the first part correctly, i.e., the maximum population size that can be supported by the environment . However
some of them answered as “ the maximum population …” Or “ the maximum number of organisms ……,”
which were not acceptable .The second part of the acceptable answer was “ it changes /it is dynamic in response
to environment //symbolized as K” but rarely mentioned by candidates.
(c) Give two factors which may limit the size of the carrying capacity of the environment.
 Food availability
 Habitat space
 Water availability
 Light intensity
 Mate availability for reproduction
Most candidates managed to give the factors that may limit the size of carrying capacity such as
food/water/space/habitat but many candidates lost marks because they failed to state the qualifying word
“availability of food/limited food supply. Many candidates also lost mark for this question because they failed to
follow the instruction that requested them to give only two factors (they provided more than two factors). As a
result, many candidates were penalized if wrong factors were provided (wrong cancels right regulation).
(d) Describe the characteristic of curves P and Q.
P: In a new environment, the population density grows without restrictions in a logarithm form but then stops
abruptly as environmental resistance suddenly becomes limiting and the population size is unable to be
sustained by the available resources and the growth of the population.
Q: A pattern of growth where it starts off slowly as the population gets accustomed to the new environment
and then goes through a rapid growth phase until it reaches a phase that levels off once the carrying capacity
of the environment is reached.
Not many candidates managed to answer this section correctly because most of them failed to include the
keyword, i.e “growth rate…..” Most candidates wrote about how the population size changed over time and
corresponded to the y-axis and x-axis of the graph.
A study to estimate the population of two plant species, Eleusine indica and Striga asiatica using the
quadrat sampling method was done in a field. Ten quadrats of 1m x 1m were placed randomly in the area.
The result obtained from the study is shown in the table below.
Quadrat number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of individuals

Eleusine indica 15 8 3 0 0 11 9 14 7 7

Striga asiatica 9 0 12 5 7 8 0 0 4 6

(a) Based on the table above, for both plants, calculate

(i) Species frequencies, (ii) Species density (iii) Relative density

State one advantage and one disadvantage of using the quadrat sampling method.

Advantage :
- Quadrats allow researchers to study plat and animal population that are spread out over large areas.
 They are inexpensive, easy to design and can be adapted to study unevenly distributed populations.
 It is a harmless method to use for the organisms sampling.

 Moving animals can move out of the quadrats between sampling periods.
 It is tedious and physically demanding.
The percentage of energy transferred among the organisms in a coastal area is shown in the
food web below.
(a) Draw and label an ecological pyramid for copepods, phytoplanktons, prawns and seagulls.


Most candidates managed to score full marks by giving the correct diagram and labels Unfortunately , few
candidates gave the diagram of an inverted pyramid ,which was unacceptable.
 (b)Assuming that the phytoplanktons contain 100kJ of energy, calculate the net energy obtained by seagulls
in the following food chains:
(i) Phytoplanktons Copepods Insects larvae Mudskippers Seagulls
(ii)Phytoplanktons Molluscs Seagulls
 The net primary production of energy in phytoplankton = 100kJ
 Only 17% of the energy from the phytoplankton is transferred to the copepods.
 100kJ x 17% =17kJ
 From the copepods to the insect larvae, only 7.5% of energy is transferred.
 17kJ x 7.5% =1.275kJ
 From the insect larvae to the mudskippers, only 28% of energy is transferred.
 1.275kJ x 2.8% = 0.0357 kJ
 From the insect larvae to the seagulls, 1.2% of energy is transferred
 0.0357kJ x 1.2% =0.00043 kJ
 From the phytoplanktons to the molluscs , only 18% of energy is transferred.
 100kJ x 18% =18kJ
 From the molluscs to the seagulls, only 7% of the energy is transferred .
 18kJ x 7% =1.26kJ

(iii) This is because in the first food chain, the seagulls are in the fifth trophic level and more energy is lost with
more trophic levels whereas in the second food chain, the seagulls are in the third trophic level and less energy
is lost because there are less trophic levels.
The candidates were required to calculate the energy flow and in part (b)(iii), the candidates were required
to explain the differences of energy received between part (b)(i) and (b)(ii).

Most candidates managed to calculate the energy received. However, some candidates failed to score any
marks because they had wrongly written the unit. The correct unit was kilojoule (kJ). Some candidates had
written it as KJ, Kj, or kj.

In part (b)(iii), some candidates had used the wrong term such as more organisms in the food chain instead
of more trophic levels in the food chain

(c) What is the effect on the population of the seagulls if the following organisms decreases.
Phytoplanktons are the producers in the food chain. When there are less phytoplanktons, there is less light energy absorbed
and converted to chemical energy by the producers. The amount of energy availability for the food chain decreases. The
number of seagulls will decreases as there is less energy availability to sustain the food chain and eventually there will be
less number of seagulls in the chain.
(ii) Copepods
When the number of copepods decreases, the population size of seagulls remains the same. This is because even if the
energy available in the food chain with copepods decreases, the seagulls will obtain the energy required from other
alternative food chains in the food web.

In part (c), the candidates were required to make a deduction on the effect of specific organisms i.e. (i) phytoplankton and
(ii) copepods decrease in the food chains. In part (c)(i), most candidates were able to give the correct answer, i.e. the
number of seagull decreases as the number of phytoplankton decrease as the phytoplankton is the producer. However, in
part (c)(ii), many candidates answered that the number of seagull decreases, which was not acceptable. The acceptable
answer was slightly decreased due to copepod involved in alternative food chain
(a) What are meant by the population distribution and the population density.
 Population distribution is how individuals of a population are spread around the area.
 Population density is the number of individuals of a population living in a specific area at a given time.
The question was about the definition for population distribution and population density. Most candidates could
not answer correctly the meaning of population distribution. The candidates were not able to mention that the
population distribution was actually referring to the pattern of dispersion of organisms relative to each other. As
for the definition of population density, majority of candidates answered as the number of organism found in a
specific area, missing a keyword counted as per unit area, which was more accurate and accepted.
(b) State four advantages of quadrat sampling method.
- Simple to use as the quadrat is uniform in size and shape.
 A straightforward study that allows researches to study the distribution of plant populations or slow-moving
animals I large areas in a short time.
 Cost-effective with very few materials required.
 The distribution of organisms can easily be calculated in terms of their density, frequency and cover.
the question was about the advantages of quadrat sampling method. Majority of the candidates were able to answer
the question correctly. Given answers on general advantages such as cheap and less time-consuming were accepted.
(c) To study plant distribution in a forest, various patterns of the plant distribution should be considered. Explain the patterns of plant distribution.
Random distribution
 Individuals in a population are randomly spaced out within a population throughout an area with regular spacing of populations between them.
 Occurs due to consistent environmental conditions and resources.
Clumped distribution
 Uneven distribution of resources in the environment.
 Causes individuals to be concentrated in specific parts of the habitat.
Uniform distribution
 Population are uniformly spaced out within a population and there is regular spacing between organisms.
 Occurs due to competition for sunlight, nutrients and water.
The question was about the patterns of plant distribution. Most candidates were able to state the various patterns of plant distribution
which were clumped./clustered, uniform/regular and random. However, few candidates were able to explain the pattern correctly. Some
candidates gave examples of organisms showing the different patterns but no mark was given as the question did not require the
candidates to give an example.
The growth curve of sambar deer population is shown in the graph below.

(a) Name the two phase Y, and Z

Y: Log phase
Z: Stationary/Plateau phase
Most candidates managed to identify phase Y and phase Z correctly. Only some candidates answered lag
instead of log for phase Y as well as linear instead of equilibrium/stationary for phase Z.
(b) Describe the population growth rate at X and Y.
 At X, the deer population is getting accustomed to the new environment/habitat.
 Reproductive and growth rate is slow.
 At Y, the deer growth accelerate exponentially.
 The rate of reproductive of sambar deer at the fastest rate as environmental factors do not limit growth.
Majority of the candidates answered the question correctly. However, only a few candidates were able to describe
the growth rate. The suggested answer for phase X was the population growth rate is slow due to few reproducing
individuals/low population density. The candidates answered adapting to new environment for phase X which
was not accepted as the answer because the deer was not colonizing any new environment. The suggested answer
for phase Y was the population growth rate is high due to natality being higher than mortality. Many candidates
wrote population growth increases, which was not accepted. The candidates’ answers must be followed by the
adverb drastically in order to be accepted
 (c)estimate the value of carrying capacity for the population.
There were a significant amount of candidates who answered 125, which was not in the range
of the accepted answer of 90-110. This was due to the fact that the students did not understand
how to estimate the value of the carrying capacity correctly.
(a) In a natural population, there are three types of survivorship curve that is recognized by ecologist. Describe the three curves.
Type I
 Characterized by a high chance of survival at a young age and at the reproductive age.
 Large mammals belong to this type of survival.
 Organisms tend to live long but chance of death is higher as age increase.
Type II
 Birds, insects and mice are example of organisms in this type of survivorship
 Mortality is relatively constant throughout life.
Type III
 Small mammals, fish and invertebrates belong to this type.
 Organisms with a high death rate immediately following birth which is at very young age.
 As age increase the probability of survival decrease.
The question was about three types of survivorship curves, namely Type I, Type II and Type III. Few candidates answered these three types of curves as Type 1,
Type 2 and Type 3, which were not accepted as the answer. Almost all the candidates sketched the graphs of these three survivorship curves which were not
requested by the question.
Many candidates were able to describe correctly each type of curve by giving the relevant points. For example, in survivorship curve Type I, survival rate is high in
the early part of life cycle whereas in survivorship curve Type III, mortality is high in the early part of life cycle. However, in survivorship Type II, survival rate and
mortality are constant throughout the lifespan, but many candidates wrote survival rate/mortality are always equal or the same, which was wrong. In this part of the
question, most candidates mentioned the survival strategies used by the organisms which were not requested by the questions.
(b) Differentiate the survival strategies used by an ant and a tiger.
 An ant belong to the Type II survivorship while tiger belongs to the Type I survivorship.
 In ant, death rate is equal throughout its age whereas tiger has a higher mortality rate at a
later age.
 Ant adapts the r-strategy while tiger adapts the K-strategy.
 Ants are small individuals while tiger is a large individual.
 Ant has little or no parental care while tiger has a lot of parental care.
 Ant produces many offspring but the tiger produces few offspring.
The question was about survival strategies used by an ant and a tiger. Majority of candidates
were able to differentiate the survival strategies between ant and tiger. Many candidates also
wrote k-strategies instead of K-strategies. The alphabet K must be written in capital letter.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


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