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A collector formally addressed as district collector, is any person given the powers to collect or manage collection in a
district or territory. He is the highest Indian Civil administrative officer who is in charge of revenue collection and
administration of a particular district in country. District collector also possesses executive magisterial power and is also
known as District Magistrate.

• A collector performs traditional revenue functions as well as development functions and in every state throughout the country, more or less
the role and function of collector remains same; although with the developments and passing generation the role of collector have became
quite challenging yet the basic role and functions to be performed have remain same. Role of collector can be categorized into 4 major
divisions, they are as follows:
1) Revenue Administration
3) Law and order Administration
3) As an agent of Government
4) Development Administration

• Historically, collection of revenue has been the foremost role of a district collector, as the title ‘collector’ suggests the same. He is the head
of state revenue administration and responsible for the revenue collection to the state government through board of revenue or revenue
tribunal. Revenue administration involves the mentioned above roles and functions:
• 1) collect land revenue
• 2) collect government dues
• 3) distribute and recover taccavi loans.
• 4) maintain land records
• 5) collect rural statistics
• 6) implement land reforms
• 7) welfare of farmers
• 8) to make assessment on losses made and recommend relief.
• 9) supervise treasury and sub treasury
• 10) manage government estates and pay rehabilitation grant

• To maintain law and order in a district is the principal duty as well role of a collector. District collector in is capacity as district magistrate is
responsible for the maintenance of law and order in a district, for the same purpose the district police force headed by superintendent of
police is kept under the control, supervision and direction of district collector thus, also known as the function of police administration in a
district. Role and functions performed under this role of administration is in the form of district magistrate and the functions are as follows:
• 1) control and supervise subordinate magistracy.
• 2) issue order under section 144 when there is a threat to public peace.
• 3) dispose all the petitions received from government and others.
• 4) release prisoners on parole
• 5) inspection of jails
• 6) submit annual criminal record to government.
• 7) grant, suspend or cancel any kind of licenses.
• 8) supervise and control local bodies.
• 9) control and direct the action of district police.
• 10) call armed forces to aid and assist the civil administration deal with any abnormal situation in district.
• 11) order disposal of unclaimed property.

• After independence with development strategies, the developmental role of collector became significant. Two methods of developmental
functioning is seen one in which the collector is responsible for both regulatory and development administration[Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and
other states] and second in which collector is responsible for only regulatory administration [Gujarat, Maharashtra]. In Gujarat and
Maharashtra development administration is done by Zila Parishad.
• However 73rd constitutional amendment act of 1992, have reduced the role of collector in developmental administration.

• At district level, a collector is looked upon as agent of government. He hosts national flag on Independence and Republic days. He has
several protocol functions such as hosting meetings, meeting the ministers and other important dignitaries.
• Simultaneously other functions are as follows:
• 1) he acts as the official representation of state government during ceremonial functions at district.
• 2) acts as a buffer between citizens and administration in a district.
• 3) supervises municipal administration.
• 4) acts as a public relations officer to government.
• 5) acts as crisis administrator-in-chief during natural calamities.
• 6) head of district administration.
• 7) handles work pertaining to civil defense.
• 8) responsible for civil supplies- essential commodities, food and others.
• 9) coordinates election at district level.
• 10) conducts census operation once in every 10 years.

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