The Giver Chapters 5-7

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Chapters 5-7

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
Draw an
image from a
recent dream
Did the dream make sense to you?
Why or why not?

vocabulary for Murky
chapter 5

Why does the community take a pill to get rid of the stirrings?

What are stirrings?

Why are feelings of
passion, love, desire, and
attraction dangerous?

Should stirrings
require treatment?
Pg. 42 -- How are Jonas and Lily different in relation to dreams?

Chapter 5 Pg. 43 -- What did Jonas dream about?

comprehension Pg. 45 -- Why does his father take Lily away at this point?
Pg. 46 mid. – What did Jonas’s dream mean?

Pg. 47 bott. – How does Jonas feel when his mother explains his dream?

Pg. 48 after mid. -- How does Jonas feel now that he has more information? How does
he feel about the dream and stirrings?

End of chapter: What is the purpose of taking pills daily? What is the chapter about?
How does the Community deal with people’s sexual feelings?
What are
• 1- Children are given a name and
placed in a family unit.
• 3- Girls get hair ribbons and
dream telling begins for both girls
Let’s review the and boys. Also, correct language
ceremonies found instruction begins.
in • 7- Comfort objects are taken
The Community • 8- Volunteer hours begin.
• 9- Children are given a bicycle.
• 10- Girls lose their hair ribbons.
• 12- Children are given their
lifetime assignments.


Key Reprieve

vocabulary for
chapter 6

Explain one method of teaching interdependence in the
Community. What symbolizes reaching interdependence as
an Eight?

Gabriel has been labelled “Uncertain”. What does this

Chapter 6 mean?
questions Explain two ways in which names are recycled.

How are the murmuring at the Ceremony of Loss and

Murmuring-of-Replacement Ceremony symbolic?
How is your
childhood similar or
different to children
in The Community?
Essay #1
• Write an essay comparing your childhood to the one experienced by children in The Community.
How are they similar? How are they different? Are there ceremonies in The Community that you
wish you had experienced during your childhood?
The Ceremony of Advancement
• Do you think you would be well suited for this job?
• What would be the worst aspect about this job?
• What would be best part of having this job?

• Write a paragraph about how you would feel about having

this job for the rest of your life.

• 50 word minimum

What is your
To trade

vocabulary for To curb an impulse
chapter 7

To discard
How old are Birthmothers when they have
their first child?

What method is used to ensure children in

the Community learn to use language

What do the numbers mean for each


Did the Chief Elder make a

mistake? Explain.

Explain the phrase “Thank you for your

childhood”. What does this signify?

Do you think that twelve-year-olds should

be treated as adults? Explain.

What do you think will happen to Jonas?

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