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Multimedia 17.

3 creating the
game and the sway
Asset list for the game
Asset Link / location use

Game Maker folder When the player walks up

Game Maker folder When the player walks right

Game Maker folder When the player walks left

Game Maker folder When the player walks down

Game Maker folder Enemy

Game Maker folder Sword used to ill enemy

Game Maker folder Potion used to give the player different


Game maker folder Wall around the maze

Asset list for the game
Asset Link / location use

Game Maker folder Spikes used to kill the player

Game Maker folder Key to open the door to the next level.

Game Maker folder Icon for 3 lives in the game

Game maker folder 1.58

Sound effect for the next room

Game maker folder 1.95

Win sound used when player get through the
Game maker folder 0.54
Used when picked up a item

Game maker 1.69

Played when u loose all 3 lives
Asset list for the game
Asset Link / location use Level 1 background

9 Level 2 background
G9 Game menu screen
gl/Y68ncCAMV4EUrd1i9 You loose screen

gl/urRdiXQ43hnUyBMJ7 You win screen


Game maker folder Information button for the game, telling you the
buttons you need to use .

Game maker folder Button you press the play the game

Game maker folder Button you press to quit the game

Asset list for the Sway
Asset Link / location use

Video of gameplay 1 OneDrive Showing the gameplay footage of the


Video of game play 2 OneDrive Showing the gameplay footage of the


Game file OneDrive link So the user can download and play the
Game test plan
test Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes
Collisions player to not be able No player has been Some block are in the
to go through walls or going thought walls or way
floors falls
sword Should only be able to The sword kills Sword didn’t work to
kill the enemy enemies begin with as u didn’t
have to swing to use it
Lives You should only get 3 There is only 3 lives
lives within that one within my game once
single game there gone the
charter dies
Score Will get a score when At the top left of the
killing enemy's and screen a score comes
progressing further in up every time you
the game pick up collectables
Player movement Players should be able Use arrow keeps to
to move forward, left, move forward, left,
right , back wards right and backwards.
Sway test plan

test Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes

Does the link work The link should take you to The link for the game
the download page for the works on the sway
Transitions Should run smoothly The video and sounds run
smoothly on the sway
Do the graphics and audio The graphics and audio All the graphics and audio
load should be working well load in the sway there
when downloaded the embedded into the sway
Do the videos play They should be working The videos do play and
they are embedded into
the sway
Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar is
should be perfect perfect
Is the info correct All information should be All the information is
correct correct it tells you how to
play the game and what to
Game test user 1
Areas Likes dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and The controls responds very Try to make the spaces big
functionality well between blocks

How smooth is the game and how It feels very fun to play Make yourself not invincible
does it feel to play?
Does it meet the intended audience It does meet audiences Sort level 2 out
8–12 year old's

Does it meet the adventure maze The fits the adventure theme
theme? very well

Sound effects Sound work well with the

Difficulty The game has a good difficulty
Game test user 2
Areas Likes dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and Could fix some of the bugs,
functionality player glitching on guy that
gives speed boost, not able to
swing sword when left clicking.
How smooth is the game and how The game is fun
does it feel to play?
Does it meet the intended audience Yes, it does meet the intended
8–12 year old's audience.

Does it meet the adventure maze It fits the adventure theme

theme? very well.

Sound effects I didn’t hear any

Difficulty The game has a good difficulty,
its not to difficult, and also not
ridiculously easy. The game
provides a challenge.
Sway test user 1

Areas Likes dislikes Improvements 

Transitions  Work well

Are the Graphics The graphics fine

good quality
How clear is the The audio is clear Change the win
audio and lose sounds
Videos and images They are clear Could add more
enemies in level 2
Is there lots of The info is clear
Preparing the assts

In photoshop with the In photoshop With the level

menu image I changed 1 and 2 background I
the size and I added the changed the size to 640 by
title of the game 480 to make them fit the

In photoshop with the win screen I In photoshop with the loose

changed the size to 640 by 480 screen I changed the size to
And I added the you win text 640 by 480 and added the
game over you loose text.
Maze progression

All these screen grabs are from when I

first started making my maze game.
As my game kept progressing I started to
add sounds, more collisions and I started to
make a level 2 to my game.
This is where I added lives to my
game and even more sound
Response to feedback

 From my feedback first of all I made my spaces between the blocks bigger meaning its easier for the
character to move around and collect potions.

 With my feedback my sword wasn’t working properly meaning once I pick up the sword anything can
go through me so I've now fixed that meaning once you pick up the sword you can only use left click to
swing and kill enemies.

 I also got told to make the level 2 better as it was basic at the time with not a lot done to it so sorted it
out by adding more enemies, collectables and spikes.

From all the feedback I got I have made the changes, I have not
rejected any of this feedback because I think the feedback ahs
helped my game to be better.
Creating the sway
My Sway link

Before I start making the sway I've taken 2

screen recordings of level 1 and level 2. I had
to go on to premier pro to edit and crop the
clips of gameplay down ready to go on the
I've added the sounds
from the game to the

After I put the gameplay videos into the sway I then

started adding the images of the sprites so anyone
who views the sway can see what sprites where used.
Evaluation for the game
The final version of my maze game I have made is situatable for the ages 8-12. This is good because I got told to make sure
The game for made for this age rating. There is no blood or anything involved in the game. The game is suitable for the intended
audience because it a fun Game and it isn’t to challenging but it isn’t to easy at the same time, The game was made to have fun
and to entertain. Throughout making the game I faced a lot of problems with certain sprites not working in game and enemy not
moving the right ways, I over came these problems quickly and got them fixed and now there is no problems with the game.
When planning the game I had lots of ideas which when making the game I didn’t do because I didn’t think it would be as good
for the game as I first thought for example I planned to add npc doctor in the planning when starting to make the game I left this
idea out as it would have made the game confusing and let simple for the audience to play. There was other ideas which I
originally didn’t think of while planning but when I started making the game I knew how I wanted it to look and what I wanted to
add for example the key and padlock wasn’t a original idea but when I started looing through sprites and how my game was
looking I wanted to start adding these as I felt like it was beneficial for the game and makes the game look more professional and
makes the game make more sense on how to complete the level. The 3 possible further improvements I would make if I was
given more time to change the maze is to make level 2 more harder as it seems easier for a level 2 maze, I would make more
levels for the audience to complete so they wont get bored and they will stay entertained as after you do both levels now on the
sway it can be boring. Another thing I would add if given more time would be to add a score board to the end of the maze so
after you die 3 times or complete both level it has a score board so you can see your high score compared to other people who
have played the game. The user needs to go to the sway for the game link and then they can download the exe files to then go
and play the game. to play the user must have a windows pc or phone to play the game and the user will also need a keyboard
and mouse and that’s the equipment the user is going to need to play the game. Overall I feel happy with the way the game has
ended and I feel like there is improvements to be made but the game is still fun and entertaining.
Evaluation for the sway

The final version of the sway is suitable for the intended audience for 8-12 year olds who are going to be playing my maze
Game. The purpose of my sway is to show people who are interested in the game what the game is about and videos on
Some gameplay. My sway meets the user requirements for the user because they can access my sway on any device, on the
Sway it includes and link to download and play my game and information about the game and controls and it shows you
pictures Of the backgrounds, sprites and videos of the level 1 and level 2 gameplay to show the user what they will have to
expect when Downloading the game, The sway is also suitable for 8-12 year olds meaning the sway meets the user
requirements and needs. When I got my feedback on the sway there was only one problem I faced and that was that the sound
effects on my sway where Put the wrong way around but from the feedback i noticed this and changed it. When making my
sway I stuck to my plan and Didn’t change anything because I knew how I wanted my sway to look. If I was given more time to
work on the sway and make More changes I would put more information about the sprites and background on there, I would
add longer gameplay video of Me completing either level 1 or level 2 to show the user how you move onto the next level, I
would change the sizes of the images as they are small and hard to see and maybe change the colour to suit the theme better
as the current colour don't fit the theme. As a whole I'm very happy with how my sway has turned out but the improvements
I've talked about would make it better.

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