Roadmap For Presentation: Ethnocentrism Islamophobia Pre 9/11 Combatting Islamophobia

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Roadmap for Presentation

Islamophobia pre Islamophobia
Ethnocentrism 9/11
1 5

2 4

Critical Race Theory Islamophobia post

Hassan Iqbal

 “View of things in which one’s own group

is the center of everything , and all others
are scaled and rated with reference to
it”(Summer 1906)”
Fallacies Affecting
1. The tendency to use the concept of
ethnocentrism to denote diverse and
unrelated phenomena.
2. The tendency to study the phenomenon of
ethnocentrism using different concepts.
Emergence of Ethnocentrism
 First usage of the concept was by William G.
Summer (1906)
 Its origin was not straight forward.
 Concept introduced by sociologist Ludwig
Gumplowicz (1881)
 In the second half of the century.
 Saw ethnocentrism similar as Geocentricism
and Anthropocentrism.
 Geocentricism(a belief that the Earth is the
center of the universe)
 Anthropocentrism(a belief that humans are the
center of the Earth)
Usage of Ethnocentrism in History

 Ethnographic study of “Seri Indians” by

William J. McGee (1898)
 He described their way of thinking as “tribe
Summer’s contribution in ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism is not only the

characteristic of non-industrial societies,
but also of modern nation states.
 Conceptualization of ethnocentrism as

 Ethnocentrism causing hindrance in cross-

cultural research.
Religion is a very significant
attribute of ethnic groups.

Religion can justify ethnocentrism.

 Literature that investigates the link between
religiosity and ethnocentrism.

 Theodor W. Adorno classic book “Authoritarian

personalities” investigated relationship of
ethnocentrism with religiosity.
 What is religious ethnocentrism?

 Relationship between Religious

Fundamentalism and Religious Ethnocentrism.
 Ethnocentrism widely used concept across various
disciplines, though inconsistent.

 Ethnocentrism can explain many political

phenomenon in democratic, multicultural and
modern country.
Ahtsham Hameed
Critical Race Theory was first developed in mid-
1970s following the Civil Right Movement
by several American Legal Scholars and activists.
CRT holds that racism was not and has never been
eradicated from our laws or institutions and still woven
into fabric of their existence
 What is Critical race theory?
 Purpose of developing CRT?
 Importance of CRT?
 What are Tenets of CRT?
Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory

 The Social construction of Race

 Race is not a biologically occurrence,
 But instead socially constructed.
Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory
 Interest Convergence
 It stipulates that ‘ Black people can achieve
civil rights
 Victories only when white and black interest
Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory
 Differential Racialization
 It is the process by which groups of people
 In differing ways at different times to serve
the needs
 and interest of dominant group i:e whites
Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory
 Intersectionality
 The Acknowledgement that everyone has their
 own unique experience of discrimination and
 oppression.
Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory
 Voice of Color
 The people of colour are uniquely qualified to
 speak on behalf of other members of their
 Group regarding the forms and effects of
 racism.
Goals of Crt
 Three main Goals
 To present stories about discrimination
from the perspective of people of color
 Eradication of Racial suppression
 Addresses other areas of differences such
as gender, class, and any inequities
 experienced by individuals.

“Emergence and propagation of
anti-Muslim sentiments, discrimination and
pretending the state of fear and threat from Islam”
Origin of Islamophobia
 Clashes over power and land power between
Christian and Muslims from 14th to 17th laid the
foundation of Islamophobia
 Colonization was another reason for fueling
 Religious terrorism also led to Islamophobia
 The emergence of Taliban and al-Qaeda during the
1980s was another factor contributing to the spread
of stereotypes about Muslims
Aspects of Prejudice


Four Aspects

Exclusion Violence
people think that Islam justifies the horrible
actions done by those who bomb
themselves to kill innocent peoples
Muslims are presumed bad until proven
Only way to be modernized is to be
It can be found in how Muslims are
represented in media
Media plays a huge role in promoting
Islamophobia by portraying Muslims as
“wrongdoers” and “barbaric”
It can be seen in politics in mostly western
They incite people to fear Muslims and draw
a line between “them” and “Muslims”
E-g NATO argued that fundamentalist
Muslims are posing problem to them
like communism
Racism of extermination is when one race is
seen to be dangerous and needs to be
This can be applied to Muslims who
suffered from violence presented in anti-
Islam hate crimes
Social-psychological drivers
of Islamophobia

 Nationalism has no major influence on
 Hungarians with strong national pride
are less likely to reject Muslim
○ Religion caused mixed attitudes towards
○ Some devoted religious people rejected Muslims
as neighbors
○ Some were less hostile towards Muslims

Perception of threat
○ It is one of the major driver of Islamophobia
○ People consider immigrants as threats to their
culture and physical well being and reject

○ Study showed that ethnocentrism is the major
driver of hostility towards Muslims

Usman Mehmood

9-11 and its role in Islamophobia
Propagation of Islamophobia by West
The Propagation was boosted and encouraged with
the help of media ideological dispersal and
occupational model
Use of media for propagation of

Western media played an important role in

linking Islam with terrorism
Violence, Aggression and identified
changes in attitude
After 9-11 numerous mosques, cultural
centers and Islamic schools were
targeted and threatened.
Reaction of Opinion leader
European leaders sought to preempt an
expected anti-muslim backlash in
Islamophobia aftermath of the 9-11
I am Islamophobe and proud
Major events regarding Islamophobia
 Economic effect
 Problem faced by Muslims to travel across the
 Problem faced by Muslims of Afghanistan
 Hijab ban
Decade after 9-11 Islamophobia
haunt’s Muslims
 India tries to ban Hijab
 French hurt Muslims by showing cartoons of our Holy Prophet (PBUH)
 The discrimination of Muslims
 A foul remarks of Poland
 A certain discrimination faced by Muslim minorities
Muhammad Ali
Combating Islamophobia
 Media as a medium to counter
 Education
 Strength opportunity strategy
 Weakness opportunity strategy
 Strength threat strategy
 Weakness threat strategy
Media as a medium to counter

• Present world dependent on media
• Media can differentiate between myths
and reality of Islam
• Media can also be used as a medium to
educate Muslims and Non-Muslims
about Islam

• Education as an integral
component of one’s life
• Educate young generation about
Islamophobia and what Islam
actually is

Strength opportunity strategy

• Islamic organizations and government

co-operate as partners
• Correctly interpreting Quran’s verses
Weakness opportunity strategy

• Clear information about Islam

• Clear information of Islamic
relations with other groups
• The correct perception of Jihad
Strength threat strategy

• Building self image of Islam

• Improve understanding of Islam
with the help of media
• Make sure person you vote knows
about islamophobia
Weakness threat strategy

• Formulate the concept of Jihad

through technology
• Transmitting fun experience and
understanding about Islam
Major success regarding Islamophobia
○ Recently, landmark resolution,
UNGA declares 15 March as an
international day to combat

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