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Goals and Scope of

Social Work

1. In each helping situation, the social worker is concerned with

enabling or facilitating change. Interventions to improve the
quality of life may appropriately occur as part of the social work
2. The social worker is in the business of helping people or social
institutions, such as family, change to enhance social
functioning. It is not to focus on the whole person but on social
3. Applying the social systems theory, social work can be viewed as a
profession that helps people interact more effectively with their
social environment.
4. In helping to achieve their goals of improved social functioning,
the social worker must have handles in fortifying and securing the
necessary resources to attain the goals of the clients.

The principle mission of Social Work profession

is to develop and assist human beings and
institutions in attaining the basic human needs and
empowering the lost, the least, and the last.
The specified three (3) distinguishing goals of
Social Work:
The Goal on Caring - Refers to the heart of Social Work.
Focuses on the well-being and comfort of the individual and
The Goal on Curing - Refers to the aspect of treating people
with problems in social functioning. (Counseling, behavior
modification, therapies, psychodrama, etc.)
The Goal of Changing - Refers to the active participation of
social workers in social reforms.

1. Social Work as a Primary Discipline - Focuses on child

a) Adoption and services to unmarried parents
b)The foster care
c) The residential care
d)The support in own home e) The protective services
e) Provide leadership in the coordination of interdisciplinary
skills among student services personnel
Types of Income Maintenance:

a) Public Assistance - Provision of financial aid to the poor

b) Social insurances - Social provisions that are funded by
the employees.
c) Cash in kind benefits, Emergency support funds, etc.
Types of Counseling:

a) Family counseling
b)Family life education counseling - To strengthen the family
through educational activities to prevent family breakdown.
c) Family planning - Assisting the families plan the number,
spacing, and timing of births.

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