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Education and
Aubrey Kamp
 Decrease risk of malnutrition
Reasons why we  Decrease risk of re-admission of patients
use  Decrease risk of complications

interprofessional 

Decrease cost on medical bills
Decrease length of stay in hospital
collaborations:  Increase care provided
 Decreases the communication gap between professions
 “Two brains are better than one”
 More knowledge as a whole
 Creative solutions
Benefits  Improve patient safety
 Prevents errors
 Allows for different views
 Too many views are presented
 Lengthen the time it takes to come to an agreement
Limitations or  Remaining within scope of practice
Challenges  Maintaining respect
 Understanding roles and limitations of other healthcare
Goal:  Improve quality of
patient care
 Works directly with RDs
 Glycemic Control Taskforce
 Hypoglycemia prevention team
 Key to success on interprofessional collaborations
 Not always stepping up stepping up to “fix” the issue yourself
 Maintain trust within the group

Registered Nurse, Acute/Critical Care Knowledge

Professional, and Certified Diabetes Care & Education
 Works directly and indirectly with RDs
 Through patient care teams
 Rely on orders to determine how medications are taken (PO, tube, or IV) via diet orders
 Collaborate to determine appropriate enteral or parenteral nutrition is safe and chemically
stable for patient
 Key to success on interprofessional collaborations
 R-E-S-P-E-C-T
 Understanding who is necessary to achieve the clear goal

Doctor of Pharmacy
 Works directly with RDs
 Discusses treatment plans and potential interventions
 Key to success on interprofessional collaborations
 Keeping the patient as the sole focus of the effort
 Communication is KEY

Registered Nurse, Oncology Triage Nurse


Green BN, Johnson CD. Interprofessional collaboration in research, education, and clinical

practice: working together for a better future. J Chiropr Educ. 2015;29(1):1-10.


Bridges DR, Davidson RA, Odegard PS, Maki IV, Tomkowiak J. Interprofessional

collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Med Educ Online.

2011;16:10.3402/meo.v16i0.6035. Published 2011 Apr 8. doi:10.3402/meo.v16i0.6035

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