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1. CATECHESIS – is the form of ministry of the word which is
intended to make man’s faith becomes living, conscious and active,
through the light of instruction.

2. CATECHETICS – is the procedure in teaching religion. It is the

study of how to do catechesis effectively.

3. CATECHISM – is the text or manual that is a summary of

Catholic doctrine

4. CATECHISTS – are instructors versed in Christian Doctrine

 is one of the components of renewed integral evangelization.

1. Christo-centric
2. Rooted in the word of God
3. Authentically Filipino
4. Systematic ?
The Elements
The Elements of Catechesis
 The Christian Message – CM. It contains the three dimensions of Faith:
Doctrine, Moral, and Worship.

 Learners – The Catechized, or the receiver of the Christian Message.

 Catechist. The Catechist is the facilitator of the teaching learning process.

 The Method. The approach in teaching Catechism in order to be understood

by the learners.
Lesson Planning
I. Preparatory Part II. Phases of the Lesson Plan

• Focus • Phase 1- The Human Situation

• Topic • Phase 2- The Assessment of
• Aspects the Activity
• Level • Phase 3- The Exposition of
• Time Frame
• Christian Message
the Christian Message and the
• Objectives Sources
• Sources • Phase 4- The Integration
1. The Preparatory Part
A. Focus
• This refers to the three dimensions of faith—Doctrine, Moral, and
Worship that the topic is concentrating.

Doctrine Creation, God the Father, Son, Man, Church
Moral Ten Commandments, Sin, Conscience,
Beatitudes, and Virtues
Worship Sacraments, Liturgy
Focus: Doctrine
Topic: The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body
Aspect: I am Part of Christ’s Mystical Body
Level: Grade 6
Time Frame: 45 minutes
B. Topic
• This is the title or the subject matter that is to be discussed to the
learners. This is broader in scope, therefore it must be divided into
several aspects. A sacrament of baptism as a topic is broad, thus, it
must be divided into several aspects like the effects of baptism,
original sin, or the minister of the sacrament.
Focus: Doctrine
Topic: The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body
Aspect: I am Part of Christ’s Mystical Body
Level: Grade 6
Time Frame: 45 minutes
C. Aspect
• This is derived from the topic more specific and particular for that
particular time.
Focus: Doctrine
Topic: The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body
Aspect: I am Part of Christ’s Mystical Body
Level: Grade 6
Time Frame: 45 minutes
D. Level
• This refers to the grade level of the learners from whom the
lesson is prepared.
Focus: Doctrine
Topic: The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body
Aspect: I am Part of Christ’s Mystical Body
Level: Grade 6
Time Frame: 45 minutes
E. Time Frame
• This pertains to the designated number of minutes for teaching
the particular lesson.
Focus: Doctrine
Topic: The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body
Aspect: I am Part of Christ’s Mystical Body
Level: Grade 6
Time Frame: 45 minutes
F. Christian Message
• The three dimensions of Faith: Doctrine, Moral, Worship.

[D]: Thus if we believe that God wants us to know that…

[M]: strive to…
[W]: Lord enable us to…
D- In God’s loving plan, He wants us to know
that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the head.
M- Strive to be good and responsible members
of the Church.
W- Lord Jesus, teach us always to be good
members of the church.
G. Objectives
• This refers to the aims, what is to be achieved by the Catechist
and learners.
• It must also be in three aspects of the faith—DMW
• It must be developed by an introductory statement like:

At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:…

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected
[D] Identify themselves as parts of the mystical
body of Christ, the Church;
[M] Enumerate ways on how to be good
members of the Church.
[W] Pray, Lord Jesus, teach us always to be good
members of the church.
H. Sources
The primary sources as discussed in the previous topics are the
Sacred Scriptures, Church Teachings and Human Experience.

• Bible
• Other religious books
1. Scripture: “Now all the believers lived together and
shared all their belonging. “ [Acts 2:44]. God has
arranged all the members, placing each part of the
body as pleased. If all were the same part where would
the body be?” [1 Cor. 12:18].
2. Church Teaching. The Church is a society structured
with hierarchical organs and the mystical body of
Christ. “ [CCC 771] One becomes member of this
Church not only a physical birth, but by faith in Christ,
and baptism.” [CCC 782].
2. Phases of the Lesson Plan
Phase 1
The Human Situation
Introduces a learning activity to the pupils.
Phase 1. Activity
Phase 1. Activity

Broken Figure Puzzle. Prepare cut objects. Cut the

Broken Figure Puzzle. Prepare cut objects. Cut the
cartolina into smaller parts of unequal sizes. Let them

cartolina into smaller parts of unequal sizes. Let them

assemble all the parts into its original size within 10

assemble all the parts into its original size within 10

1. Brainstorming 8. Film viewing
2 Song Analysis 9. Role playing
3. Small Group Discussion or Focus 10. Nature viewing
Group Discussion 11. Headline hunting
4. Picture Viewing 12. Field trip
5. Photo language 13. Interview
6. Workshop [Puzzle] 14. Collage making
7. Story telling 15. Fantasy building
Phase 2
The Assessment of the Activity
The learners, through the activity, gained new experiences. These
experiences must be evaluated.
Phase 1. Activity
Phase 1. Activity
Broken Figure Puzzle. Prepare cut objects. Cut the
Broken Figure Puzzle. Prepare cut objects. Cut the
cartolina into smaller parts of unequal sizes. Let them

cartolina into smaller parts of unequal sizes. Let them

assemble all the parts into its original size within 10

assemble all the parts into its original size within 10

Phase 2
The Assessment of the Activity
The learners, through the activity, gained new experiences. These
experiences must be evaluated.
Phase 2. Assessment of the Activity
1.What did you feel while doing the activity? Why?
2.What did you observe in terms of the behaviors, reactions and
attitude of yourPhase
group mates?
1. Activity
Broken Figure Puzzle. Prepare cut objects. Cut the
3.What learning insights you
cartolina into gain
smaller parts from
of unequalthis
sizes. activity?
Let them
assemble all the parts into its original size within 10
What do you think the purpose of the activity?

This activity teaches us that each one in the group is important,
just as each part of the body is important. A bod is composed of
different parts which has its specific functions.
Phase 3
The Exposition of the Christian Message
and the Sources
 This part is the center and climax of the lesson plan.
 This phase contains the Christian-Message and the sources which is
the main flesh of the topic.
Phase 4
The Integration

 This part summarizes the lesson discussed. The catechist checks the
learners' comprehension by asking questions and challenging them
to live the Christian message.
Lesson Plan

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