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Introduction Definition History Classsification Application

Nano-tech The nano-tech Challenges Conclusion

tools Industry
• Think small. Think really, really small—smaller than anything you ever saw through a
conventional microscope at school. Think atoms and molecules, and now you’re there.
You’re down at the nanoscale, where scientists are learning about these fundamental
components of matter and are putting them to use in beneficial ways.
• In this powerpoint, There is a overview of nanotechnology. Nano tech is a highly
booming industry in the 21st century. We talk about the definition , history, types of
nanomaterials ,application and challenges and the future of this emerging technology.

• The term “nano” evolves from the Greek word “nanos,” meaning “dwarf.” It is used as a
prefix to denote one billionth in a measuring system.

– Nanotechnology is the design, characterisation, production and application of structures,

devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometre scale.
– Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular
and macromolecular scales, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale.
•The word “nanotechnology” proper was coined by Nario
Taniguchi in 1974 to describe machining with tolerances of
less than a micron.

• The Vision: In 1959, Caltech physicist Richard Feynman

gives his famed talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the
Bottom,” outlining the prospects for atomic engineering.

• Based on the dimension, nanomaterials are classified in to four.

1)0 D : Here, all dimensions (x, y, z) are at nanoscale, i.e., no dimensions are
greater than 100 nm. It includes nanospheres and nanoclusters.
2)1D: Here, two dimensions (x, y) are at nanoscale and the other is outside
the nanoscale. They are needle shaped. It includes nanofibres, nanotubes,
nanorods, and nanowires.

3) 2D : Here, one dimension (x) is at nanoscale and the other two are outside the
nanoscale. They exhibit platelike shapes. It includes nanofilms, nanolayers .
4) 3D : are not confined to the nanoscale in any dimension. They have three
arbitrary dimensions above 100 nm. It includes dispersions of nanoparticles,
bundles of nanowires and multi-nanolayers.

• For the better understanding, nanomaterials are again organized into

four types.
(i) Carbon based materials: These are composed of carbon, taking the form
of hollow spheres, ellipsoids or tubes. E.g. fullerenes and nanotubes.
(ii) Metal based materials: These include quantum dots, nanogold,
nanosilver and metal oxides like TiO2.

•(iii) Dendrimers: are nanosized polymers built from branched units. The
surface of a dendrimer has numerous chain ends, which can perform specific
chemical functions.
• (iv) Composites: Composites are combination of nanoparticles with other
nanoparticles or with larger, bulk-type materials.

• Nanotechnology will generally increase your standard of living . It will make our lives
more secure, improve healthcare delivery, and optimize our use of limited resources.
Security • covering everything from the security of our borders to the
security of our infrastructure to the security of our computer
networks. Here’s our take on how nanotechnology will
revolutionize the whole security field:
Superior, lightweight materials

• Imagine materials ten times stronger than steel at a fraction of the weight. Nanotech could
revolutionize tanks, airframes, spacecraft, skyscrapers, bridges, and body armor,
providing unprecedented protection.
• Bullet proof vests will be replaced with materials that not only provide better protection
but store energy and monitor the health status of our soldiers
More powerful and smaller computers will
encrypt our data and provide round-the-clock
security. Quantum cryptography —
cryptography that utilizes the unique
properties of quantum mechanics — will
provide unbreakable security for businesses,
government, and military.
Nanometals, nano-sized particles of metal
such as nano aluminum, are more
chemically reactive because of their small
size and greater surface area. Varying the
size of these nanometals in munitions
allows us to control the explosion,
minimizing collateral damage
Making the world around us more secure
is one thing, but how about making the
world inside us more secure? With
nanotechnology, what’s beneath our skin
is going to be more accessible to us than
it’s ever been before.
Hospitals will benefit greatly from
DIAGNOSTICS: nanotechnology with faster, cheaper
diagnostic equipment. The lab-on-a-
chip is waiting in the wings to analyze
a patient’s ailments in an instant,
providing point-of care testing and
drug application,.

• Nanotechnology will aid in the delivery of just the

right amount of medicine to the exact spots of the
body that need it most.
• Biocompatible joint replacements and artery stents
that will last the life of the patient instead of having
to be replaced every few years.
RESOURCES • The only thing not in short supply these days is more
human beings. If we are going to survive at all ,we are
going to need to find ways to use the riches of this
world more efficiently. Here’s how nanotechnology
could help:
• Nanotechnology will provide new methods to
effectively utilize our current energy resources
while also presenting new alternatives. Cars
will have lighter and stronger engine blocks
and will use new additives making fuel more
ENERGY efficient. House lighting will use quantum dots
to transform electricity into light instead of
wasting away into heat. Solar cells will finally
become cost effective and hydrogen fuel cells
will get a boost from nanomaterials and
• Nanotechnology will provide efficient
WATER: water purification techniques, allowing
third-world countries access to clean
water. When we satisfy our energy
requirements, desalinization of water from
our oceans will not only provide enough
water to drink but also enough to water
our crops.

•Nano applications are already showing up in areas as diverse as computing,

transportation safety, and medicine. The steps may seem modest by future
standards, but they get big effects from tiny things. Three examples illustrate
what we can do now:
• Computer transistors have broken below the 100nm barrier — transistors are
officially nano-sized. Look for the devices that house them to shrink as well,
and for devices that are already small (such as cellphones) to become more
 Airbag sensors, although micro in size and bigger than nano, are used in
most recent cars — some of them already saving lives. These sensors will
continue to shrink, becoming more powerful and accurate.
•At least one home pregnancy test (Carter-Wallace’s “First Response”) uses both gold
nanoparticles and micrometer-size latex particles on an external, disposable test sheet.

•What will be improved Besides introducing new products and procedures, nanotech will
advance those that already exist.

• The nano-tech industry sector has been growing rapidly driven by technological
advances, increased government support, increased private investment. 
•  In the United States alone, for example, more than 18 billion dollars were
invested between 2001 and 2013 through the NNI (National Nanotechnology

Thermo Fisher
Scientific Applied DuPont de Taiwan CMC
Materials($23.0 Nemours, Inc. Semiconductor Materials($1.2
$37.1 billion
6 billion) $16.45 billion $ 4.85 billion billion)

The availability or cost of equipment used to monitor the quality of the product could be
a problem. The smaller the product being worked on, the more sophisticated and
expensive the equipment needed to monitor quality control. The equipment needed for
producing nanomaterials may not be readily available — or could cost a bundle.

Then there are the regulatory hurdles: Evaluations and government approvals
are needed to bring products such as a new drug to market. All that hoop-jumping
could take a long — and we mean long — time.

 We’ll have to develop procedures to mass-produce products developed in labs.

The factors affecting the development of the manufacturing process includes
•The safety factor: Making sure the chemicals used are safe in a manufacturing
environment and meet all government regulations.
•The awful-glop factor: Having an environmentally safe way to dispose of or
recycle used chemicals.

•The heavy-duty factor: Producing production and monitoring equipment able to

withstand the rigors of full-time use with reasonable maintenance requirements.
•The uniformity factor: Developing a production process that minimizes variation
during mass production so that enough of the products produced meet

•The quality-control factor: Finding a way to test or screen out unacceptable

•The expertise factor: Locating enough human resources (for example, suitably
equipped engineers and scientists) to troubleshoot the process when, inevitably,
issues show up in mass production that never appeared in the lab.

Not all challenges with nanotechnology are technical.. For example, the
development of nanotechnology entails two major ethical issues

The first is the possibility that nanomaterials could cause harm, either to the
environment or to human beings
 The second relates to the way in which nano-benefits will be divided among the
nations of the world.
The debate often gathers around the expectation that benefits of nanotechnology
could directly address third-world countries , for example: Potential uses of
nanotechnology to detect TB and malaria, could end up being unavailable where
they are needed most.

•Over the last ten years or so, work with nanomaterials has moved along smartly — and
by now we’re using them in a whole bunch of products such as semiconductor chips and
drugs. Tests for toxicity that might result from using these materials have been much
slower to appear. Still, some experiments have shown there is cause for concern.
• In the wake of cautions about (for example) genetically modified crops,
governments and corporations are paying closer attention to how nanomaterials
affect the environment, humans, and animals. The U.K. Royal Society has
commissioned a study of the potential risks and benefits of nanomaterials. The
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has also funded studies into potential
health and environmental effects of nanomaterials.

 Because of the small size of nano materials, people have looked at

the possibility that they could interact with living cells in ways we
can’t anticipate.
 A research team at Rice University exposed human liver and skin
cells to solutions containing buckyballs. They found that a diluted
solution (20 parts per billion) was capable of killing half the cells.

• In conclusion,. Dealing with objects at the nano scale is mind blowing concept.
• Although nanotechnology , like other technologies has its drawbacks, but it is a
very promising. Companies and governments are investing fortunes in the sector.
Predictions are we will be equipped with nanotech tools in the next two decades.
• This technological branch manipulates the molecular structure of materials to change their
intrinsic properties and obtain others with revolutionary applications.
• Nanotechnology is an emerging field that deals with the development and application of materials
in different aspects of life.

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