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Student: Tabyldiev Bekmyrza

Teacher: Chalova M.K.
Flag of the United States of America
When the independence of the United States of
America was proclaimed on July 4, 1776, the
young state did not yet have an official flag.
Is the official state
symbol. There are 50 five-pointed white stars in
the dark blue roof. 13 stripes symbolizes13
British colonies that formed an independent
state (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland,
South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New
York, North Carolina, Rhode Island). The blue
roof symbolizes the Union. The number of stars
in the blue roof corresponds to the number of

states (currently 50). Red represents endurance and valor;

dark blue - diligence, justice, vigilance; white - innocence and purity.
United States of America (USA) - country in North
America. It has state borders with three countries: in
the north with Canada, in the northwest with Russia
(by sea), in the south with Mexico. It belongs to the
largest states in the world in terms of territory, length
of borders, population, economic, political and
cultural influence, as well as scientific, technical and
military potential. Currently considered the only
The US economy
The US economy is the world's top economy in terms of
GDP, accounting for almost a quarter of global GDP in US
dollars since the end of World War II

Main Industries oil, gas, metallurgical, food, automotive,

chemical, electronic, aviation, energy,
United States
The United States of America is a 50-state country that
occupies a significant part of North America. The state of
Alaska is located in the northwest of the continent, and
Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. The major cities of the
Atlantic coast include New York and the capital
Washington. To the west of them is another important city
- Chicago, known for its impressive architecture. And on
the west coast is Los Angeles with famous Hollywood
film studios.
Country in North America. Area - 9.5 million km² (4th place in the world). Population - just over 333 million people
(2021, estimate; 3rd in the world). The United States has a federal form of device, administratively divided into 50 states
and the Federal District of Columbia; they also control a number of island territories (Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
Guam and others).
The capital is the city of Washington (District of Columbia), and the largest in terms of population is the city of New
York. The United States borders Canada in the north, Mexico in the south, and also has a maritime border with Russia in
the west. They are washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west, the Atlantic Ocean from the east and the Arctic Ocean
from the north.
The United States of America was formed in 1776 by the union of thirteen British colonies that declared their
independence. The War of Independence continued until 1783 and ended in victory for the colonists. In 1787, the US
Constitution was adopted, and in 1791, the Bill of Rights, which significantly limited the powers of the government in
relation to citizens.
Canada state in North America, the largest in area on
this continent and the second in the world. By
population, the 37th state in the world (38,640,330
people as of January 30, 2022). It is washed by the
Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, having the longest
coastline in the world. It borders the United States of
America in the south and northwest (Alaska), also has
maritime borders with Denmark (Greenland) in the
northeast and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon) in the
east. The Canada-US border is the longest common
border in the world.
South America
South America is one of the six continents of the planet
Earth, located in the south of the Western Hemisphere. It is
washed in the west by the Pacific Ocean, at the federal
level - by the Atlantic, in the north - by the continental sea,
covering the observation area between the two Americas.
The Isthmus of Panama in the northwest of the mainland
connects with South America from North.

The area of continent is 17.84 million km² (4th place

among continents; only slightly larger than Russia in area),
population - 438,039,139 (2021) people (4th place among
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