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Topic-Children with

special need.
Submitted- Anjuli Jaiswal.
Roll no-

• Will interpret the Children with Special needs

• Will describe the importance of SN
• Will identify The most common causes of disability
• Will identify the characteristics of Children with Special needs
• Will apply the Special Education
• Will explain the inclusive education

• A child with disability, namely, visual, hearing, loco motor, and intellectual”
• (DPEP, 2001)
• Disability is an evolving concept and “results from the interaction between persons with impairments
and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders their full and effective participation in
society on an equal basis with others”
• Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
• “…those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with
various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others”
• The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006)
• Disability is an “umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations or participation restrictions”
• International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),
• • Children with Special Needs: the educational requirements of pupils or students suffering from any of a wide
range of physical disabilities, medical conditions, intellectual difficulties, or emotional problems, including
deafness, blindness, dyslexia, learning difficulties, and behavioural problems.
Special education

• Special education is a form of instruction that's designed to meet the needs of students with
disabilities, so that they can learn the same skills and information as other children in school.
• Special Needs Education (SNE) means educational intervention and support designed to address
SEN. • In broad perspective– includes socially disadvantaged groups also.
• International Standard Classification of Education (UNESCO, 1997),
• Exceptional children differ from the norm (either below or above) to such an extent that they require an
individualized program of special education
Global statistics about people with disabilities

• Approximately 10% of the world’ s population lives with a disability.

• An estimated 80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries.
• unemployment and have lower earnings than people

An estimated 15-20% of the world’ s poorest people are disabled. No
rehabilitation services are available to people with disabilities in developing countries.
• Only 5-15% of people with disabilities can access assistive devices in the developing world.
• Children with disabilities are much less likely to attend school than others.
• People with disabilities tend to experience higher
TheThe most common causes of disability

• The most common causes of disability

• Chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer);
• Injuries (e.g. due to road traffic accidents, conflicts, falls and landmines);
• Mental health problems;
• Birth defects;
• Malnutrition; and
• HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases.

• Learning disabilities NEEDS

• Do not read well,
• Mistakes in spelling,
• Numbers wrong,
• Untidy and late in submitting assignments,
• Poor performance in examination,
• Excited, Reads individual letters in words and difficulty in text
• Poor academic achievement
• Communication disorders
• Observable deformity in ear(s),
• Frequent discharge from the ear(s),
• Complain of pain in ears frequently,
• Scratches ear(s) frequently,
• Turns head on one side to hear better,
• Makes many errors in taking dictation,
• What Is Special Education?
• Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.
• 1. Special education as intervention
• Preventive: Designed to keep minor problems from becoming a disability
• Remedial: Attempt to eliminate the effects of a disability
• Compensatory: Enable successful functioning in spite of the disability
• What Is Special Education?
• 2. Special education as instruction
• Individually planned
• Specialized
• Intensive
• Goal-directed

• What is Inclusion ? • Inclusive means all castes, religions, races, gender, abilities learning and
working together. • Schools and communities which welcome all children and adults – A Process
• – A Journey – Responsibility of all – Building a community
• Inclusive education implies all young learners, young peoplewith or without disabilities being able to
learn together through access to common pre-schools and schools with an appropriate network of
support services.
• Inclusion means not only disabled children but also other children in our context amongst the poorer
segments of society who face barriers to learning.
• The girl child / The socially and economically disadvantaged child / The child with disabilities Shift in

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