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Guidelines 2021-22

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Key Points
• From 5th Jan 2022 – 11th April 2022
• 12 credits for the project work (pass grade 50%)
• Report to be prepared as per the format given
(template will be shared)
• Report will be accepted for submission only after
clearance from faculty guide

• Plagiarism/Similarity index indicator <=15%

• Plagiarism from single source <2%

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Key Points Contd..
• A student has to obtain 50% of marks in CIA before submission
of project report
• Student should have cleared all credit courses before
submitting the project report
• Project will be evaluated by the faculty guide and external
• External examiner’s recommendations should be
incorporated in the report before submission to the University
• Viva will be conducted only after receiving a satisfactory report
from the external examiner
• Continuous interaction with faculty guide is mandatory

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Key Points Contd..
• Conditions that apply to a student to be
declared as pass in the project
– Minimum 50% in CIA in all courses
– Minimum 50% in final presentation and viva
– Minimum 50% of marks in aggregate considering both CIA
and viva

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Body of Report
• Chapter 1 -Introduction
 Introduction to the Topic –Mandatory (Industry/sector/company, if
 Rationale of the study
• Chapter 2- Literature Review
 Literature Review (Minimum 40-50 research papers)
 Problem statement
 Research gaps identified
 Conceptual Framework
• Chapter 3- Research Methodology
 Research methodology (Type of research, Data collection, Methods of
data analysis),
 Research Objectives
 Hypotheses Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru
Body of Report
• Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Interpretation
 Data analysis
• Chapter 5- Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions
 Summary of Findings,
 Conclusions
 Suggestions and Recommendations
 Implications and Scope for further Study

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

• References (APA format)- Bibliography and Web
• Annexures—questionnaires, any forms used
for data collection, etc.

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Synopsis (5-6 pages)
• Title of the Study
• Introduction
• Problem Statement
• Research Objectives
• Proposed Methodology
 Data Collection plan (Sampling Method)
 Analysis Plan—tools and techniques
• Expected outcomes
• References – Bibliography and Web sources
Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru
Final Report (100-150 pages)
• Format
• Cover Page (template will be provided)
• Faculty Guide Certificate (template will be provided)
• Declaration (template will be provided)
• Acknowledgement
• Index—table of contents with page numbers
• Table of graphs and tables with page numbers
• Abstract
• Chapters 1 to 5 (As discussed)
• Bibliography/References
• Annexure
Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru
Topic selection (Discussion with faculty
guide) 10th Jan 2022
Synopsis submission 20th Jan 2022
Literature Review submission 10th Feb 2022
Data collection 1st March 2022
Data analysis 15th March2022
I draft report submission 25th March 2022
II draft report submission 1st April 2022
Final report submission 11th April 2022

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Styling of the Report
• A4 size paper
• Font style: Cambria
• Font size: 12 points
• Spacing : 1.5 lines
• Top and Bottom Margins: 1 inch/2.5 cms
• Left and Right Margins: 1.25 inches/3 cms
• Page Numbers: In Footer

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru


• All submissions to be made to the faculty guide

• All mails regarding your project should be

as follows:
• Sub: [Project 2021] followed by your Name
and USN

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Evaluation Criteria—CIA

Criteria Marks
Synopsis 10
Literature Review 10
Research Methodology 10
Data collection 20
Data analysis 30
Report submission (Time line) 20
Total 100

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

Viva and Project Presentation

Evaluation Criteria Marks

Understanding and application of concepts 10
Research Methodology 20
Data Interpretation and Implications 20
Questions and Answers 30
Presentation and Clarity 20
Total 100
Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru
If timelines are not followed,
the final report will not be

No excuses!!!
Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru
Thank you

Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru

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