Hydraulics: Mobile Boundary Channel

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Chapter 10
Mobile Boundary Channel
Presented By:-
BCE CD 2075 Group 3
 MILAN Gharti MAGAR (PAS075BCE063)



  Channel whose bed and banks are made up of non-erodible

  Can resist erosion satisfactorily .
  Resistance to water depends only on nature of boundary
surface and it can be determined. 
  Dimensions can be calculated by using uniform flow
equations i.e Manning and Chezy’s equation can be used.
2.Mobile Boundary Channel
  Boundary is made up of loose soil which can be easily
eroded and transported by flowing water. 
  E.g. river, unlined alluvial channel .
  Resistance depends not only on boundary surface but
also on condition of bed and banks.
  Uniform flow formula is not sufficient for design. 
  Stability depends on properties of channel material.
 Channel whose bed and banks are made up of non-
erodible material.
 Can resist erosion satisfactorily
 Resistance to water depends only on nature of boundary
surface and it can be determined.
 Dimensions can be calculated by using uniform
flow equations i.e Manning and Chezy’s equation
can be used
Minimum permissible velocity approach for the design of
rigid boundary channel
 It represents the lowest velocity which will prevent both
sedimentation and vegetation growth.
 In general 0.6 to 0.9 m/s will prevent both sedimentation
and vegetation growth when the silt load in the flow is low.
 This is an important criterion for designing rigid boundary
 It is the greatest mean velocity that will not cause erosion
of the channel bed and bank.
 This is an important criterion for designing movable
boundary channel.
Permissible velocity method for design of channels

In this method, the channel size is selected such that the

mean velocity of flow for the designing discharge is less
than permissible flow velocity.
The permissible velocity basically depends on type of
soil, the size of particles and the depth of flow and alignment
of channel.
Suggested side slope


Rock Nearly vertical
Stiff clay 0.5 :1 to 1: 1
Loose sandy clay 2:1
Sandy loam 3:1
Recommended permissible velocity for 1m depths
Fine sand 0.6
Coarse sand 1.2
Earthen channel
Sandy slit 0.6
Slit clay 1.1
Clay 1.8
Green lined earthen channel
Sandy slit 1.8
Slit clay 2.1
Self stone 2.4
Hard rock 6.1

 Alluvial Channel

a) Alluvial channel transports water as well as sediment .

b) Sediment and channel boundary material has same properties.
c) It is stableif sediment inflow= sediment outflow, channel bed
remains constant.
d) shape, longitudinal slope and cross sectional diamentions
depend on discharge size of sediment and sediment load.
 Shear stress distribution on channel boundary
Assume a control volume of area A,wetted perimeter P,and
distance (channel depth) ∆x,with channel head drop ∆H:
Assume a channel slope S˳ equal to:
S˳= ∆H/ ∆x=tanϴ
The total weight of the water in the control volume
(gravitational force) is:
W=ҮA ∆x
The tractive force is :
Fᵼ=Wsinϴ=Wtan ϴ= ҮA ∆x S˳
The resisting force is:
Fᵣ=ꓔ˳P ∆x
Equating resisting force anf tractive force leads to:
ꓔ˳= Ү(A/P) S˳ = ҮR S˳
For hydrodynamically wide channels;
ꓔ˳= Үy S˳
The distribution pf the tractive stress varies along the
wetted perimeter.
At the channel bottom ,the maximum tractive force is
the full value: Үy S˳
At the channel sides,the maximum tractive force is
only:0.78 Үy S˳
Shear stress distribution
 Average shear stress on the boundary , ꓔ˳= ҮR S
 Average shear stress on the boundary is not uniformly
distributed due to the turbulent and secondary circulation.
 ꓔ˳=0 at the interface of the water surface with the boundary and
at the corners of the boundary.
 Local maxima of ꓔ˳occurs on the bed and sides.
10.4. Incipient Motion Condition
If the discharge is gradually increased, a stage will come
when the shear stress begins to exceed the force
opposing the movement of particles. In such stage,
particles on the bed begin to move
intermittently(unsteadily). This condition in which
sediment just begins to move is called incipient motion
condition or the critical condition.
The shear stress at which channel material just moves
from stationary condition is called critical shear stress 𝝉c
In impending or incipient motion, the particle diameter
(generally d60 ) on the bed is called critical particle
1. Permissible velocity:-

In permissible velocity method, channel size is selected

such that the mean velocity of flow for the designing
discharge is less than permissible velocity.
The mean velocity of flow at which or below
which bottom and sides of channel are not eroded or the
mean velocity which prevents sedimentation or silting.
Permissible velocity depends upon types of soil, size of
particles, depth of flow, curvature of channel.
Manning’s n table
Recommended permissible velocities for 1.0m depth
Suggested side slope for alluvial channel
1) For the specified material, select the value of n, side slope S,
and permissible velocity V from the above mentioned tables.
2) Determine the hydraulic radius R from Manning’s equation.

3) From continuity equation, determine area of the channel for

the given discharge Q.
A = Q/V
4) Determine wetted perimeter of channel of the channel.
P = A/R
5) Now, determine the bottom width Bo and the flow depth y
of the channel by solving following two equations.
A = y(Bo + zy)…………………(1)
P = Bo + 2y √(z 2 +1) ………..(2)
6) And also, add a suitable value for freeboard.
FB=0.8* y 0.5
2. Tractive force method
Tractive force is the drag force exerted by the flowing
water on the sediment particles, thereby causing their
This force is due to boundary shear stress, which is
equal to the tractive force per unit area.
The tractive force required to initiate general
movement of grains is called critical tractive force.
It is the function of material size and the sediment
Fig. Tractive force method
Critical tractive force approach for the design of
stable channel
This approach attempts to restrict shear stress
anywhere in the channel to a value less than the
critical shear stress of bed material.
If the channel carries clear water, there will be no
deposition problem and hence the channel will be of
stable cross-section.
Stability of particle on side slope
Values of K2:
 Straight channel = 0.9
 Slightly curved = 0.81
 Moderately curved = 0.67
 Very curved = 0.54

Design of channel using tractive force method:

 Determine angle of repose
 Establish longitudinal slope from topographical consideration.
Fix side slope from practical and constructional aspects.
For trapezoidal channel of normal depth y0 and longitudinal
slope S0, maximum shear stress on the sides (𝝉w)max and bed
(𝝉b)max can be given by,

The lesser of the two values of y0 obtained from a and b is

adopted. With y0 known, the width of channel is determined by
using Manning’s formula.
3. Regime theory approach
A channel in which neither silting nor scouring takes
place is called regime channel or stable channel.
This stable channel is said to be in a state of regime if
the flow is such that silting and scouring need no
special attention.
The basis of designing such an ideal channel is that
whatever silt has entered the channel at its canal head,
it is always kept in suspension and not allowed to settle
anywhere along its course.
Simultaneously, velocity of water is such that it does not
produce local silt by erosion of channel bed or sides.
Lacey’s regime theory

According to Lacey, dimensions of bed width, depth

and slope of channel attain a state of equilibrium with
time which is called regime state.
A regime channel is a channel which carries constant
discharge under uniform flow in an unlimited
incoherent alluvium having the same characteristics
as that transported without changing bottom slope,
shape or size of cross-section over a period of time.
Thus in regime channel, there will be suspended
load, bed load and formation of bed forms.
In the initial state, depth, width and longitudinal
slope may change.
The continuous action of water overcomes the
resistance of banks and sets up a condition such
that the channel adjusts its complete section, then
final regime condition is reached.
After attaining regime state, the dimensions of the
channel will remain constant over time.
Design procedure by Lacey’s theory
10.6 Introduction to Shield diagram and its
application for designing MBC
• Shield’s tractive force theory
• According to Shield, the tractive force exerted by the flowing wa
sediment to cause motion is equal to boundary shear, τ0.

• Tractive force / resistance to motion of single sediment grain Cs=

Where Cs = dimensionless shield’s number
= specific weight of sediment
= specific weight of water
d = diameter of particle
• Non dimensional ratio termed as entertainment function or non d

• Another non dimensional number is shear Reynolds number Rn

Where = shear velocity
= kinematic viscosity
By plotting against on log graph, a curve is obtained which is called
This curve is used to establish the criteria for incipient sediment motio

Flow at
bed Turbulent
flow at
Sediment bed

No sediment motion
 The salient features of the curve are as follows:
 For Rn=2 , the grain is completely enclosed in laminar sub-layer an
by the particle size.

 For Rn < 400 , the flow is in transition stage where both the particle
viscosity affect .

 For Rn > 400, the curve becomes horizontal. At that time the value
entrainment function becomes constant at about 0.06 (independent
thereby indicating that in turbulent flow is proportional to . That m
function of particle size only.
 For Rn > 400 and the entrainment function greater than or equal to
sediment attains incipient motion condition.

 The minimum value of the entrainment function = 0.03 at Rn = 10.

Rn > 10, the entrainment function should be greater than or equal to
sediment motion to occur.
If the median size of the particle (d) is greater than 6mm, then critica
is given by = 0.06

Determination of size of sediment (dc ) that will not be removed f

(valid for d
Cs = 0.06
S = 0.06c
c= = =

10.7 Formation Of River Beds Based On
The Shear Stress
 ꞇ₀ > ꞇc, bed particles start to move in direction of flow
 ꞇ₀=avg. shear stress on bed of alluvial channel
 ꞇc=critical value
 Different features form on bed under different conditions
of sediments size, fluid and flow condition.
 Characteristics of different bed forms = regime of flow
 When ꞇ₀ < ꞇc, no sediment motion, bed remains plane,
rigid boundary channel.
Types of bed forms
 ꞇ₀ > ꞇc, sediment particles start to move start to move and
small unsymmetrical triangular undulations appear on bed
known as ripple.
 Length of undulation < 0.4m
 Height of undulation < 40mm
 Sediment size <0.6mm
 Sediments move by sliding and rolling
 Smooth water surface
 Formed when Fr<1(subcritical condition)
 With increase in discharge, ripples grow in size
with flat upstream and steep downstream
 Water surface not smooth
 Some particle may remain in
 Length of undulation >0.3m
 Height of undulation >30mm
 Sediment erosion in upstream
 Downstream movement speed << mean
stream velocity
 Formed when Fr<1(subcritical condition)
 With further increase in discharge,
dunes get washed leaving small
 Small discharge increment may
cause formation of sinusoidal waves
(standing waves) on bed and water
 These two types(plane bed with
sediment motion and standing wave
stage) of bed form are designated as
 Formed when Fr is relatively high
 Unstable bed form
 Offers low resistance to flow
 With further increase in discharge, sediment transport intensity
 Symmetrical bed and water surface waves appear
 Sediments move downstream, crest of bed wave move
 These undulations are Antidunes.
 Waves grow steeper and break
 Occurs in supercritical flow
 High sediment transport rate
 Low resistance to flow
 Energy loss is mainly due to the grain bounddary roughness

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