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<<move through each day with a happy spirit>>

With love

1.a. What is reading? 2. There is a reference

b.What is the benefit of when you read a text, what
reading, mention it. is that? Please explain it.

3. How do you organize 4. Can you predict

the idea by classification something? How can you
and comparison? Give do that?
some examples.
5. Do you know about 6. What is passive voice,
previewing? Give give two examples.

7. What is gerund? give 8. What is infinitive as you

two sentences of gerund. know, give two sentences of
Gabriel Gibran Andreansyach 0220210030
Tpm 1 A
1a. Reading is seeing and 3. By comparing my ideas with
understanding the contents of my friends to find out better
what is written,either orally or between them. Then I can
only by heart classify my ideas and my
friends to find only the good
1b. benefit of reading ones and ignore the bad ones
1. Help to reduce stress
2. Can increase knowledge
3. Helps to stimulate analytical
thinking skills 4. can predict rain by looking at the
sky, clouds and wind, if the
clouds look dark and the
2. Fiction books because the stories
direction of the clouds and the
presented are in the form of the
wind is towards us, the rain will
author’s imagination and are good
likely come soon. But maybe my
for our way of thinking
prediction can be wrong
5. Such as a synopsys, which 6. passive voice is a type of English
explains the entire content of sentence that emphasizes the
the work from beginning to end object (receiver of action).
in short sentences While the active sentence
emphasizes the subject or actor
of the activiy
1. some floors mopped by my
7. Gerunds are nouns that are mom
made from the base verb 2. I am qualified enough to
plus ing. participate in this event
1. I and my brother are
used to playing basketball
together in the back yard 8. Infinity is a verb that functions
2. Ema seems to give up. as a noun,adjective, or adverb.
Cooking is not her passion. 1. I want to swim in the
2. Gibran wants to watch

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