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Information and Knowledge

Briefing Document preparation and Q&As session

See also: Assessment guidelines and advice document on

Assessment (further details in assessment
brief & guidance)

• Assessment is 100% assignment:

• A diagram of your view on a core theme in information

management and knowledge management and a written
explanation of the diagram in 5001000 words, 30% of marks;
you will have the opportunity to submit a draft of your diagram
for formative feedback, prior to the final submission;
• A briefing document of 1800 words which builds upon the
group work and discusses the applicability of the concept
proposed in your diagram to an organisation of your choice, 70%
of marks.
Briefing document (70%)

• The Briefing Document (1800 words) builds

upon the diagram;
• Brief: “Taking the perspective of an Information
and Knowledge Manager discuss the relevance
of your concept of Information and Knowledge
Management for an organisation of your choice
and make recommendations for its
implementation in this organisation”.
Briefing document structure
1. Introduction
• Context of your report, aims, key points you will make in the document.
2. Overview of the organisation and of its IKM requirements and
• Context of the organisation and its core aims and functions; key IKM
requirements and the challenges it faces in terms of IKM.
3. Discussion of the relevance of your concept for IKM for your chosen
• Brief presentation your concept of IKM; discussion of its relevance for
addressing the IKM requirements of your organisation and for
addressing the IKM challenges it faces.
4. Recommendations for the implementation of your concept for the
• Recommendations on how your concept of IKM can be best
implemented to address the IKM requirements and challenges of your
previous organisation.
Points to consider
• You can chose any organisation or part of an organisation; this can be your
workplace, or another organisation of your choice, or even a case study; chose the
organisational example that will be most useful to you for practical and professional
purposes and to demonstrate the relevance of your IKM perspective;
• You will have to provide some organisational analysis and a diagnostics of IKM
requirements and challenges; focus on the the most important points; additional
detail can be provided an appendix;
• This assignment builds upon your diagram; however, you can present an alternative
perspective if your view has changed as a result of furthering your readings and
reflecting upon them and upon the feedback received on the diagram;
• Make sure sections 2, 3, and 4 are well aligned and follow through each other;
• Examples should be used to back up your arguments in discussing the the
relevance of your concept of IKM; KM, in particular, falls under the radar of most
organisations, yet most, in one way or another, manage their knowledge basis; in
many cases, this happens at an informal, socialisation oriented basis;
• Unless you chose one of the case studies as your organisation, you are not required
to use examples from the case studies, but can do if you wish to - although you
should remember the word limit of 1800 words;
• Emphasize critical analysis and evaluation, rather than the descriptive elements of
the organisation and framework.
Other issues to consider
• Headings should not be overused, as this fragments the text too
much; use enough to signpost the key points of the document;
• You are not required to include an abstract;
• Don’t forget to include the word limit; word limit is 1800 words (+/-
• We normally prefer the use of the third person, but you can, if you
prefer, use the first person, as long as you do so consistently; you
will not be penalised for this
• Footnotes, figures, tables, references and appendices do not
count towards the word limit.
Briefing document support

• There are sessions to help you to prepare for this assignment:

• one synchronous briefing document preparation and Q&A session in

week 9;
• The material on week 10 provides you with several examples on how
IKM can be implemented in practice in different organisations (in
addition to examples on weeks 3, 5, 6 and 7);
• one synchronous online small group tutorial in Blackboard
Collaborate in week 11, involving a meeting between your group and an
allocated tutor to discuss any specific questions you may have; please
come well prepared with your questions for the week 11 tutorial; tutors
will answer questions but not provide feedback on individual drafts. 

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