K.P Mangalwedekar Institute of Management and Research

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P Mangalwedekar
Institute of
Management and
Name: Sarvesh Mukund shinde
Roll no.:1330 Class:BBA III SEM:VI
Subject:Marketing Management II
Topic:To Study Level of Marketing Channels
Marketing Channel

 A marketing channel is the people, organizations and activities that

make goods and services available for use by consumers. It
transfers the ownership of goods from the point of production to the
point of consumption. Examples include trade shows, industry
events, targeted emails, outbound calling, display advertising and
direct sales.
 Distribution channels are part of the downstream process,
answering the question "How do we get our product to the
consumer?" This is in contrast to the upstream process, also
known as the supply chain, which answers the question "Who are
our suppliers?"
 Channel level refers to the intermediary in marketing
distribution channel between the
producer/manufacturer and the end consumer.
 Every channel level plays a role in making the good
available to the end consumer.
 The number of channel levels between the producer and
consumer could be 0,1,2,3 or more.
Types of Channel Levels

There are typically 3 types of channel levels:

Zero Level :[Producer → Customer]

 A zero level channel is a direct marketing channel where there is no

intermediary and the producer
 sells directly to the consumer. For example – direct mails, telemarketing etc.
 The producer sells the goods or provides the service directly to the consumer
with no involvement with a middle man such as an intermediary, a wholesaler,
a retailer, an agent, or a reseller.
 The consumer goes directly to the producer to buy the product without going
through any other channel. This type of marketing is most beneficial to farmers
who can set the prices of their products without having to go through the 
Canadian Federation of Agriculture.
One Level :Producer → Retailer → Consumer
 A one level channel has one intermediary, typically a retailer between a
manufacturer and consumer.
 Retailer buy the product from the manufacturer and sell them directly to the
consumer. This channel works best for manufacturers that produce shopping
goods like clothes, shoes, furniture, tableware, and toys. Since consumers need
more time with these types of items before they decide to purchase them, it is in
the best interest of the manufacturer to sell them to an intermediary before it
gets into the hands of the consumers.
Two level :Producer → Agent/Broker → Wholesaler
or Retailer → Customer

 This distribution channel involves more than one intermediary before

the product gets into the hands of the consumer. The middleman,
known as the agent, assists with the negotiation between the
manufacturer and the seller. Agents come into play when the producers
need to get their product into the market as quickly as possible. This
happens mostly when the item is perishable and has to get to the
market fresh before it starts to rot

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