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Listening Level C1

exercises prepared by
Lesia Marukhniak
Tanya Stefanyuk

Pre - listening
Task 1. Label the pictures meteorite, oil spill,
volcanic eruption and wildfire. Then discuss
1. the questions in pairs.


2. 4.
Then discuss the questions in pairs.
1) Which of these are natural events, and which – at least
partly – are man-made?
2) How would you feel if you witnessed each one? Use some
of the C1-level adjectives in the box below.

alarmed appalled disgusted distressed

helpless hysterical irritated
overwhelmed speechless unsafe
Task 2. Look at the listening task instructions and
options A–H in both tasks. Answer these questions.
1) How many speakers are there?
2 )What information will you have to listen for in
each task?
3) How many of the options in each task are not
Task 3. Note down words you might hear used about
each of the
options A–H in Part One, e.g. an earthquake – ground,
trembling. Then highlight the key words (e.g. number,
injured) in options A–H in Part Two and think of words
associated with them, too.
Task 4. You will hear five short extracts in which
people are talking about unusual events they
While youan
(Listen listen you
audio must complete
I attached both parts.
in a message)
Part 1. For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–H) the event
each speaker is talking about.
A) an earthquake
B) an oil spill Speaker 1 1
C) a tropical storm Speaker 2 2
D) a wildfire
E) a volcanic eruption Speaker 3 3

F) a meteorite strike Speaker 4 4

G) a flood
Speaker 5 5
H) a tornado
Part 2. For questions 6–10, choose from the list (A–H)
what surprised each speaker most about the event.
A) the number of people injured
B) the likely cause of the event Speaker 1 6
C) the sudden decrease in speed
Speaker 2 7
D) the direction of travel
E) the extent of the damage Speaker 3 8
F) the relative lack of noise Speaker 4 9
G) the place where it happened
H) the number of unreported Speaker 5 10

similar events
Task 5. Make pairs and talk during one minute about
natural disasters that impressed speakers a lot. Use
your notes and rely on key words that you have written
while listening.
Then change a partner and share your views with
another classmates.

Task 6. Find out synonyms and antonyms to
the words given below:

Synonyms Antonyms

Huge, strange, feeling, Silence, alarming, intense,

gradually, path, result, sadness, speechless ,
suppose, companion destruction, safety, harm
Task 1. The meteorite strike (D) and the volcanic eruption (B) are
clearly natural and the oil spill (A) is almost certainly manmade,
but although the wildfire (C) might be caused by lightning, it is
usually started accidentally or on purpose by people. It could
also be partly the result of man-made global warming and
Task 2. 1) five; 2) the event each speaker is talking about; what
surprised each speaker most about the event; 3) three
3 Suggested answers
Task 3. Part 1. A) ground, shaking, trembling; B) sea, pollution,
sticky; C) wind, blow, speed; D) burn, trees, bushes; E) lava, throw,
flow F space, speed, impact; G) water, soak, boat; H) twist, lift,
Part 2. A) number, injured (victims, casualties, hurt) B cause
(explain, result, consequence); C) decrease, speed (slow down,
move, decelerate); D) direction (course, head, destination); E)
extent, damage (how much, scale,
destroy); F) lack, noise (sound, quiet, silence); G) where
(location, spot, centred); H) number, unreported (quantity, no
news, ignored)
Task 4. 1) H; 2) D; 3) B; 4) A; 5) G; 6) F; 7) D; 8) H; 9) B; 10) E.
Task 6. Synonyms: great, big, unusual, sensation, step-by-step,
way, road, consequence, outcome, assume, suggest, friend,
colleague, peer
Antonyms: noise, calming, moderate, joviality, optimism,
communicative, building, construction, danger, remedy, cure
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