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1. Leadership is the process of inducing a subordinate to

behave in a desired manner
2. Leadership is one form of dominance, in which the
followers more or less willingly accept direction and
control by another person
3. Leadership is the process of providing direction, energizing
others and attaining their commitment to the leaders cause
4. Warren Bennics gave the following characteristics of
 Provide direction and meaning to the people they are leading
 Favor action and risk taking
 Generate trust
 Purveyor of hope
The leader has a clear idea of what he wants to do –
professionally and personally – and the strength to persist
in the face of setbacks, even failure. Unless you know
where you are going, and why, you cannot possibly get
The underlying passion for the passion of life,
combined with a very particular passion for a vocation, a
profession, and a course of action.
The leader loves what he does and loves doing it.
Without hope, we cannot survive; much less progress.
the leader who communicates passion gives hope and
inspiration to other people.
Know yourself is the key word.
The leader never lies to himself, especially about
himself, knows his flaws as well as his assets, and deals
with them directly.
It is important for a leader to be mature, for he needs to
have experience, and grown through that experience.
he is capable of learning to be dedicated, observant,
never servile, and always truthful. Then he can encourage
It is not as much an ingredient of leadership, as it is a
product of leadership.
It is a quality that cannot be acquired, but it is earned.
It is given by co-workers and followers, and without it,
the leader cannot function.
Curiosity and Daring
The leader wonders about everything, wants to learn as
much as he can, is willing to take risks, experiment, and
try new things.
He does not worry about failure, but embraces errors,
knowing he will learn from them.
A Leader is like a Preacher
He has the capacity to convince others, through his
eloquence, through his communication skills.
He ought to be one who is able to relate well with
Nature of Leadership

1. Leaders are somewhat more intelligent than the average of their

followers. One possible reason is that if the leader is too much
more intelligent than the other group members, he will not be
able to relate to others.
2. Leaders have unusual facility with language. The most articulate,
talkative, and expressive is seen in the leader.
3. A leader has diversified interest, aptitude, and knowledge.
4. Leaders are emotionally matured and have a powerful drive or
initiative for achievement.
5. The leaders are fully aware of the importance of cooperation and
strong commitment to group goals.
6. Generally, leaders are bigger, healthier, and more physically
attractive than the average group members.
Leadership Style
Autocratic Leadership (Authoritarian)
Power is centralized and decision-making is assumed by
the leader. The leader determines the policy of the group.

a. Foster decision and Disadvantage:
implementation of goals
a. More frustration and conflicts
Leaders have high sense among members since they
of responsibilities are not asked to share
b. Less competent members can opinions or decisions; have
be put to use, since they low consideration to others
simply follow orders b. Stifle membership drives and
creativity, loss of
individuality among
Democratic Leadership (Participative)

Decentralized authority, consults followers, decisions are

not one-sided or unilateral. Leader asks members to
express their ideas and to give suggestions. people-

Advantages: Disadvantages:
a. Better understanding a. Members tend to be e
between followers, and the assertive and arrogant
leaders can select their b. Lack of discipline and
own working partners limited control of the
b. Encourages constructive leader
suggestions and allows
members to make choices
Laissez Faire/Free-Rein Leadership

Avoid power and responsibilities

a. More freedom and Disadvantages:
independence a. Highly permissive
b. Followers play that might lead to
major role in chaos and disunity
decision-making b. Lack of unity among
members; no
guidance and
Types of Leadership Motivation
1. Positive type – emphasizes praises, support, and reward
for followers
2. Negative type – tendency to be domineering and
superior with other people. Reprimand is given in the
presence of others; there are penalties and displayed
Leadership Skills
1. Technical Skills – refer to person’s knowledge and
ability on any type of process of technique.
2. Human Skill – ability to work and interact effectively
with people
3. Conceptual Skill – ability to comprehend fully in terms
of models, abstract relationship, and theoretical
Measuring Leadership
1. Peer Rating – nominate individuals to be the leader and
assess the performance and accomplishments from the
point of view of the followers and group members.
2. Observers’ Rating Scale – assessment of leaders based
on behavioral dimensions.
3. Identification of appointed Leader – locates the
person occupying leadership position.
4. Self Rating Inventory – subjects are asked to evaluate
their own leadership in the group.
Differences between Leaders and Managers

Leaders Managers
 Education  Training
 Inductive  Deductive
 Tentative  Firm
 Dynamic  Static
 Understanding  Memorizing
 Ideas  Facts
 Broad  Narrow
 Deep  Surface
 Experiential  Rote
 Active  Passive
 Questions  Answers
 Process  Content
 Strategy  Tactics
 Alternative  Goal
Leaders Managers

 Exploration  Prediction
 Discovery  Dogma
 Active  Reactive
 Initiative  Direction
 Whole brain  Left brain
 Life  Job
 Long-term  Short-term
 Change  Stability
 Content  Form
 Flexible  Rigid
 Risk  Rules
 Synthesis  Thesis
 Open  Closed
 imagination  Common sense
Functions of Leaders
1. The leader as an Executive
2. The leader as a Planner
3. The leader as Policy
4. The leader as Expert
5. The leader as Controller of Internal Relations
6. The leader as Surveyor of Rewards and Punishment
7. The leader as Arbitrator and Mediator
8. The leader as Exemplar
9. The leader as Symbol of the Group
10. The leader as a Substitute
11. The leader as Ideologist
12. The leader as the Father Figure

 Initiating – task motivated or goal directed

 Regulating – control rewards and punishment, ability to
minimize conflict
 Information – giving shows high-quality decisions;
receiving monitor communication reduces goal ambiguity
 Supporting – gives mutual trust; warm and affectionate;
coordinate activities
 Evaluating – willingness to make changes; flexibility

 Indifference – cool; detached; habitually absent

 Conflicts – unresolved; avoidance of responsibility
 Rejection – refuses to accept ideas; narrow-minded
 Anxiety – manifests emotional instability, indecisiveness,
and pessimistic outlook
 Self-centeredness – self-righteousness; using extensive
vocabulary and technical jargon
 Hostility – demonstrates a contempt for leadership;
hypercritical of group work
Sources of Leadership Power
 Legitimate power is the power that stems or comes from a
formal management position in an organization and the
authority granted to it.
 Reward power stems from the leader’s authority to bestow
reward on other people. Formal rewards are pay increases
or promotion. Disposal rewards are praise, attention, and
 Coercive power is the opposite of reward power. It refers
to the leader’s authority to punish or recommend
 Expert power results from a leader’s special knowledge or
skill regarding the tasks performed by followers.
 Referent power comes from a leader’s personality
characteristics that command subordinates’ identification,
respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate the leader.

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