E4T. Canvas Design Template

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English for Tourism Classroom Project - Canvas

Learning aim: build the concept for a transversal classroom project to promote the culture of tourism
Purpose Scope Success Criteria
Why are you doing this project? What do you expect the impact to be? What do we need to achieve for the project to be successful?
This project prepares us to receive all the tourists that come to Tourism project will impact in the lives of people within the tourism We need practical and structured approach to project
our city . we benefit the people that work sector such as staff in hotels, restaurants, taxi drivers, allowing management to be successful
them to better their income
Milestones Outcome/Output
What are the key milestones and when will they occur? - Start and end: From 15th september to 15th october-2020 What is the expected end result?
- Class orientation: 15th september -2020 (Example: a website, an event, a guide,
- Surveyed background information of students.: 22nd september -2020
- Formed groups and Tourism topics: 6th October -2020
- Make brochure with aspects that promote turism of student´s favorite locations and aspect than interest
A digital brochure
them: 15th October - 2020
Which activities need to be done in order to reach each milestone?
Total Project Time: Four weeks
- Teacher explains the tourism Project
- Students brainstorm about tourist places in town
- Teacher forms working groups to read texts about tourist places
- Students design a digital brochure with the most relevant tourist information.

Team Stakeholders Users

Who is participating in the project? What are their roles? Who has an interest in the success of this project? How are they Who will benefit from the outcome of the project?
involved in the project?

Teacher- Guide Teacher and student are interested in the success of Teach students about the benefits of promote the tourism using a
Students - actors brochure with relevant information about different tourist places in
Resources the Project bacause it represents a practical tool to
Constraints Challenges
the town
What resources do we need in the project? showare
What important
the knownaspects about
limitations of thetourism
project?to all tourist. Which challenges may occur during the project?
How could you face these challenges?

- Board, Computer, Research, Paper, Pencil, Textbooks, • No common strategy for tourism development
• Lack of cooperation
pictures • Low visibility of tourist information
• Lack of financial funds
• Lack of skilled tourism
We face these challenges by looking for new income alternatives

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