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Ms. Singiser ’s 12 t h Grade Government Class

Monday April 11, 2022
Warm Up:
Write down any
regarding the
political cartoon.

Example: What do
you see? What is
happening in the
cartoon? When was
it made?
◦ The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a convention of delegates from all the states except
Rhode Island. At this meeting it was decided that the best solution to the country's problems
was to set aside the Articles of Confederation and write a new constitution to decide how the
Untied States was to be governed.
Two Groups, 1 Country
◦ There were two main groups:
◦ Those who supported the ratification of the Constitution and were in favor of a stronger central
government were known as the federalists. (John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, etc.).
◦ Those who opposed a strong central government were known as the anti-federalists. They were in favor
of smaller state governments. Their oppositions led to the creation of the Bill of Rights. (Patrick Henry,
George Mason, Samuel Adams, etc.).
◦ Federalists included big property owners in Northern states, judgers, lawyers, etc.
◦ Anti-Federalists were farmers, laborers, and small landowners.
John Adams Alexander Hamilton John Marshall
The Federalist Papers
◦ The Federalist Papers were a series of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander

◦ Promoted the ratification of the Constitution.

◦ Argued that a stronger central government could better protect liberty.

◦ Federalist Papers No. 10 argued for ratification.

◦ Federalist No. 51 introduced the idea of separation of powers and checks and balances.
Federalist Arguments
◦ Argued that the central government had too little power and opposed the Articles of Confederation.
◦ A system of checks and balances and three branches of government would prevent corruption or one
branch from becoming too powerful.
◦ In favor of a representative democracy.
◦ Stated that it was better not to list any individual rights within the Constitution because it was impossible
to write down every single one.
Anti-Federalist Arguments
◦ Feared that the new national government would be too powerful and thus threaten individual liberties.
◦ Argued that the new Constitution would not protect individual rights.
◦ State governments could better ensure freedom and avoid another monarchy/tyrant.
◦ A strong central government would hold too much power and grow corrupt.
◦ The Articles of Confederation were sufficient as is.
Why is this All important?
◦ Both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists played an enormous role in creating the United States
◦ They established basic human rights, the country’s government, and the foundational laws of the United
◦ The government/country we see today is a result of the Constitutional Convention and a product of both
groups’ arguments.
◦ How different could our government (and our lives!) be had these arguments not been made?
◦ The idea of popular sovereignty is the belief that the authority of a state and its government are created
and supported by the consent of its’ people, through their elected representatives, who are the source of
all political power

◦ In short, the power comes from the people.

◦ Highlighted in the Constitution.

Primary Sources
◦ Tomorrow we will look at excerpts from two primary source documents.
◦ In our table groups, we will do a close-read activity of these documents and answer the questions on the
worksheet I will provide you.
◦ As you read these documents, be sure to fill out the Document Analysis worksheet to help organize this
◦ Remember: Primary sources are critical to understanding the past. They give us insight into different
perspectives, help us develop critical thinking skills, and allow us to become better citizens through
studying the past.
Examples of Primary Sources
◦ Images
◦ Letters
◦ Journals
◦ Political Cartoons
◦ Essays
◦ Recordings
◦ Interviews
◦ Videos
◦ Objects and Artifacts
◦ Reports

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