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Concepts, and
Examples) to
see the
Piaget’s Cognitive
Development Theory
• This theory focuses the child’s
they grow up.
Concept of Piaget’s Cognitive Theory

Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory divides its concepts into two

categories: the methods children think, discover, and figure things out, such
as schema, assimilation, accommodation, categorization, and seriation. Also,
how do children's knowledge and intelligence develop as they grow older,
such as the sensorimotor stage (knowledge gained through senses, reflexes,
and movements) and the preoperational stage (beginning to develop
communication skills and logically thinker), the concrete operational stage
(beginning to be conscious of events and classify things into categories and
in series), and the formal operational stage (becoming more accurate and
theoretical, and developing social interactions in community).
Example of Piaget’s Cognitive Theory

1. Mrs. and Mr. Ramos has only son and his name is Keir.
Keir use a banana as a telephone that pretend that he is
calling someone, which means it demonstrates the awareness
of Keir that the banana is both a fruit and a telephone.

2. On Easter Sunday, Mrs. Kimberly hides an egg

everywhere in the house, and her children try to find it.
This activity focuses on the details of a hidden object
that  develops recognition of the object.
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural
Theory of Cognitive
• Language is supposed to play a
major role in the notion of human
cognitive development through
social interaction.

Concept of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive

The sociocultural theory of cognitive development proposed by Vygotsky divides

its concepts into four groups. The first emphasizes culture as a factor that affects
cognitive development. Culture clearly has an impact on individual behaviors.
Second, there is pre-intellectual social speech (no thoughts or words used in
social change), egocentric speech (verbalizing their thoughts by completing
activities), and interior speech, which focuses on speech development phases
(developing their inner thoughts by silently). The zone of proximal development
(which emphasizes the range of abilities an individual can perform with the help
of an expert but cannot do on their own) and scaffolding (which tends to focus
on a student's capacity to learn knowledge with the help of a more
knowledgeable individual) are two different concepts.
Example of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive

1. Fhederix, a five-year-old boy, can ride a

tricycle but not a bicycle  until his grandfather
hangs onto the rear of his bicycle.
2. Mrs. Sunny is a respective teacher who wants
her children to give knowledge by experiencing
them to playing outsides and planting a trees.
Information Processing
• This implies that the person
who receives a piece of
information that occurs in
their minds.

Concept of Information Processing Theory

The information processing theory proposed by George Miller and its

concepts focuses on the basic components of the IPT model, are sensory
memory (memorized in a matter of seconds using senses), short-term
memory (temporary memory), long-term memory (a storehouse of
information), semantic memory (memorized through concepts and facts),
episodic memory (memorized through personal experience), and
procedural memory (memorized through how to do things).
Example of Information Processing Theory

1. Miles is a genius person, her teacher gave a class

quiz up to 20 items, as expected she perfect the quiz
her technique is through visual information and the
explanation coming from the teacher and the
information she learned into the brain where it is
“stored” and “coded”.

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