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Unit 2: HEALTH

Habla sobre problemas de salud y estilos de vida.
Treatments and advices
 What do you recommend?
 What do you suggest?

 I suggest…
 I recommend…
 You can try…
 Take this medicine/syrup/these tablets/pain killers/pills/vitamins
 You're going to need a few stiches.
 I'm going to give you an injection.
 We need to take a blood sample.
 You must drink lots of liquids.
 You must brush your teeth at least three times a day.
 You mustn't forget to take your medicine.
 You mustn't drink any alcohol.
Healthy and Unhealthy lifestyles
 Classify the actions on healthy or unhealthy
1. eat a balanced / healthy diet 10. stay up late
2. sit around / sit at a desk all day 11. walk every day
3. get enough sleep 12. drink a lot of caffeine
4. take plenty of exercise 13. eat enough fruit and
5. skip meals vegetables
6. eat lots of fatty foods / fast 14. exercise regularly
food / junk food 15. lose weight
7. get stressed out 16. take up a new sport
8. cope with stress 17. Go to the gym
9. drink plenty of water
Let’s practice

 Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Why? Why not?

 What do you do to stay in shape?
 Do you get regular exercise?
 Do you eat enough vegetables?
 How often do you eat junk food?

 What can I do to get a healthy lifestyle?

 You should….
 You shouldn’t…
 You must…
 You mustn’t…

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