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Energy Value of

Foods (Calorie)
Mheljan A. Suya
What is energy?
• Energy: the capacity to do work, such as
moving or heating something.

• Calorie: the unit used to measure energy

- a kilocalorie is a unit of energy
- commonly used to express energy value
of food
The Nutrients in Foods

• Nutrients: substances obtained from food and used in

the body to promote growth, maintenance, and repair.
• Essential nutrients: nutrients that must be obtained from
food because the body cannot make them for itself.
• Nonessential nutrients: nutrients that the body needs,
but is able to make in sufficient quantities when needed;
do not need to be obtained from food.
Provide Energy?
• Carbohydrates are the body’s main source
of energy. The fruit, vegetables, dairy, and 
grain food groups all contain
carbohydrates. Sweeteners like sugar,
honey, and syrup and foods with added
sugars like candy, soft drinks, and cookies
also contain carbohydrates.
• Proteins are often called the body’s
building blocks. They are used to build and
repair tissues. They help you fight
infection. Your body uses extra protein for
energy. The protein foods group includes
seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs,
beans and peas, soy products, and
unsalted nuts and seeds
• Fats give you energy, and they help the body
absorb certain vitamins. Essential fatty acids
help the body function, but they aren’t made
by your body—you have to consume them.
Many foods naturally contain fats, including
dairy products; meats, poultry, seafood, and
eggs; and seeds, nuts, avocados, and
Certain kinds of fat can be bad for your
health—saturated fats and trans fats:
• Saturated fats
• Trans fats,
Replace saturated and trans fats with these two
types of healthier fats while keeping total fat
intake within the recommended range:
• Monounsaturated fats
• Polyunsaturated fats
Energy per gram of typical
Macronutrient Kcal/g

Protein 4.0

Fat 9.0

Carbohydrate 4.0

If you know the number of

grams of carbohydrate, fat, and
protein in a food, you can
calculate the number of calories
in it.
Let’s try…
• A deluxe fast-food hamburger contains
about 45 grams of carbohydrate, 39 grams
of fat and 27 grams of protein.
- Computation
45 g of carbohydrate x 4 kcal/g = 180 kcal
39 g of fat x 9 kcal/g = 351 kcal
27 g of protein x 4 kcal/g = 108 kcal
180 kcal + 351 kcal + 108
kcal = 639 kcal
A deluxe fast-food hamburger
contains about 639 calories.
Percentage of Total Energy Intake

The percentage of your total energy

intake from carbohydrate, fat, and
protein can then be determined by
dividing the number of calories from
each energy nutrient by the total
calories, and then multiplying the
result by 100.
Components of Energy Output
We Need Energy for:
• Basal Metabolism
- BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate
• Physical Activity
• Metabolizing Food
Calories and Energy Balance
• Calories IN = Calories OUT - Maintain
• Calories IN > Calories OUT - GAIN Weight
• Calories IN < Calories OUT - LOSE

- To maintain a desirable weight, energy

intakes should not exceed energy needs.
Energy Balance
• Body weight is stable when energy
consumed is equal to energy expended.
• When energy consumed is greater than
expended, weight increases.
• When energy consumed is less than
expended, weight decreases.
• One pound of body weight is equal to
3,500 kcalories.
It’s all about Calorie Balance
• If you eat more calories than your body uses,
they will be stored as fat
• One pound of body fat is equal to 3,500 kcal
- In theory, losing one pound requires a deficit
of 3,500 Calories
Eating 500 fewer Calories per day - or expending
500 more Calories - would result in losing one
pound per week
Weight Management:
• To maintain body weight in a healthy
range, balance calories from foods and
beverages with calories expended.
• To prevent gradual weight gain over time,
make small decreases in food and
beverage calories and increase physical
Thank you

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