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Housing & land use:

Housing Strategy Studies using the

examples of Sydney & Glasgow
• Housing is usually the largest bulk of urban dev. & part of a v.complex urban system.
• Dr Salem: per capita consumption of space in UAE: world highest for middle income nationals
in Dubai (71.4 as opposed to 31.5 sq.m in high income countries, 15.9 in middle income
For Abu Dhabi (year 2030)
Housing as a QOL indicator
• Housing: a basic human right, & one of the QOL indicators .

• QOL definitional criteria for Housing :

– Cost of housing;
– Housing for all income groups;
– Housing Mix (diff types for all);
– Quality/standards of housing

• Housing is within the context Land use planning: as observed in the following
housing strategy:
• Australia’s commercial capital,

• Population:3.5 million, expected to grow to 5.3

million by 2031. Comparable to UAE emirates

• Sydney Size:, one of the largest cities in its land size (=London & >double New York
(1580 sq km)

• Coastal city: Sydney is without sunshine for only 23 days of the year, attractive harbour
& Great Barrier reef tourist destination (Dubai!)
Sydney cont’d
• High growth rate (similar to UAE)
• average household sizes anticipated to fall from 2.65 to 2.36 people per private
• will have a total of 2.2 million dwellings (currently 1.6 million)

• Will have a different population structure ex:

– by 2031, there is likely to be about 700,000 more people aged 55 and above in the city
than in 2001
– requires a range of housing options that is significantly different from the current
Sydney’s Housing vision

• Vision: balancing growth with better quality development around transport

(TOD), & increasing supply of land & new releases for housing developments

• Smart planning : protect suburbs by constraining & balancing urban growth in

centers & within transportation nodes)

• Strategy for Housing structured to meet metropolitan strategy aims:

– livability,
– economic competitiveness by housing mixes,
– equity by accessibility to affordable services,
– environmental protection,
– improved governance
General structure of housing strategy;

• 1. Background & review on current conditions

• 2. problems, needs and concerns identified

• 3. conclusions drawn

• 4. planning actions to be done- listed as key objectives of the metropolitan strategy.

• 6. sub-targets within each main objective to serve as detailed steps to achieve each .
Key Objectives of each metropolitan strategy

Note similarities & differences: (red denotes differences)

similarities always tend to exist due to common temporary urban issues..

• we can’t just imitate best practices/plans from other countries

• Sydney studied its local conditions before strategizing its plan (to give direction)

• Only the ideas in the plan maybe useful, but not the LUP plan according
to local situation..
Sydney report example-Background on local conditions
& conclusions -applicable to UAE

• NOTE: The conclusions are used here to give HINTS for actions (the actual structure & details of
planning actions is presented later)

• 1) anticipated changes in household types require a wider mix of housing types (Population growth ,
more bachelors & young ppl)
– identify housing opportunities & zone residential dev

• 2)housing affordability has declined in all major world cities as they became primary economic hubs.

– Economic & pop growth, investment, low interest rates strong housing demand
– moderate income housing most impacted-more than half the population
focus on those with upto 120% of median household income
– Planning actions to prevent housing stress (social housing (UAE?), community housing providers, housing
schemes for duty exemptions& savings ex:in mortgages
• Note that the rate of increase in prices is > rate of increase in income
• Growing similar requirements
• Growth:
• by year 2010 Dubai population is projected to be 1.845 million - an increase of 432,000 people between 2006 and

• housing inadequacy: Gulf news, 2007: “Housing demand in Dubai poised to continue soaring”
• DCCI, 2007: projected expansion in pop  demand for > 43,000 additional residential units in 2010 (international
standard of 2.5 persons/room).40,000 to 50,000 housing units will be supplied annually in Dubai
• Population in Dubai & Sharjah almost equal, but housing units are less in Dubai, why? (UAE National Census,200)
• National housing: alot are on waiting according to oil revenue, sustainable?

• Housing un-affordability: inflation of prices

• (2007, July 20): Abu Dhabi residents “were priced out of the capital's housing market and
many of them were forced to send their families home.”;
• ex: income 5,000-6,000 Dhs (50% of AD population)

• "Residents, who are not granted company or government-provided accommodation, are bearing the brunt,"
(social housing)
UAE (cont’d)
• Housing inaffordability:

• (2006, Oct 09): bachelor accommodation problems, cramped, social

problems, health & safety risks..

• construction of low-cost buildings.. in satellite towns?? So far: accommodation complexes

for 300,000 workers (,2007, March 10 )

• Actually for laborers working in AD urban development projects, not for middle-low
income residents..

• need to use census results, zone land for additional residential developments…with
appropriate housing mix for different income levels (increased supply counteracts inflated
prices… at appropriate locations!

• Note incoming Sydney strategy for doing so…

3rd conclusion:State planning & local planning of strategic & local centres

• Centres as Employment attraction areas (industrial, commercial, recreational, around

stations) major destinations, economically significant

• focus development in centres (major & neighborhood)-

• Benefits: vibrant spaces, TOD (sustainable), multiple use of CF, design & character of
urban space, local planning with public consultation economy

• Collaboration: between State gov & local gov

• Will also plan for resource lands, ecological & recreational areas beyond the urban area

• Integrated into constituent of the Economy and Employment Centres and Corridor
Strategies contextual development
• strategy has identified different types of centres which will accommodate
• (diff radii, size & number of shops & services, housing density & types..
• From Local library, to school,shops,supermarket, butcher, hairdresser …etc
4th Sydney report finding:
• DEVELOPMENT NEAR TRANSPORT:“over the last 5 years, 43% of new housing in
existing areas has been located within easy access of public transport”.

• target:
– locate more housing near transit nodes
– increase the proportion to 66%
by year 2013.
5th Sydney finding: density differences
• differences in evolutionary changes density in some parts of the city is
significantly higher than others.

• Conclusion: the more recently developed areas can change positively just as older
centres of the city did.
• Any state & local planning & collaboration,??
• Not much state planning, each emirate plans on its own..
• What about regional or contextual planning/dev?
• TOD? Centre dev?

• Dubai-Sharjah case (housing, jobs & commuting..

• Gulf news(2006, December 9): Dubai and Sharjah 'must

cooperate to reduce traffic'

• Al Shafei"There has to be an agreement to link the 2 emirates

[Dubai and Sharjah]," …”will be reached in near future” ??

• "The biggest challenges of RTA are the up-coming real estate

projects and the development of a transport strategy to cope
with the rapid growth in Dubai,"

Sydney’s rail network, but is

that of UAE effective??
• Too much new infrastructure, rather than making use of what’s existing..
• Scattered & suburban development & sprawl

• Broad guidelines for planning actions:

• Urban infill development, Downtown revitalization, compact building design, mixed

use developments, zone for higher densities, Density transfers & TDR counteract
sprawl & demand for C.F ,energy & water

• Align transit with other developments (ex: residential & commercial), Non-motorized
transportation planning & design accessible sustainable transport, pedestrian
friendly community

• Cluster development (to get density for saving ‘unbuildable’ portions of land ex:
mountains, wetlands, native desert, green space ) Preserve open space, native
desert, ecological& coastal areas

• Strategies for Stakeholder Collaboration and input in the decision making process for a
proposed land use public participation & interest.
Key factors affecting density choice
• Cost of development (if highhigh rise dev
• Availability of land
• Cost of operation & mainatainance of the residential development.
• Support of mass transit
Sydney’s 1st action:(applicable to UAE?)
A. ensure adequate supply of land and sites for residential development.
B. Land release strategy:
– past (only land that is serviced by infrastructure)
– New Growth Centre Plan (release new land & low density areas with detailed planning for housing & C.F (to
accommodate the rapid growth)
– Part of Local Environmental Plan.
– will provide for 40% of Sydney’s new housing needs to the year 2031 ……..think of UAE
• Suburban expansion rather than densification.

• In land allocation for housing locals, land is not downgraded houses usually built
before the rest of C.F. land is not habitable

• UAE Case studies: (interview with AD planning directorate):

• #1: Al Shamkha area, along Sweihan

In native bare desert land (no services)

◦ challenging in its design planning

(cone shape &morphology of desert area
Squared urban blocks

◦ special case: direct request from the former ruler

(sponsor & monitor to finish in 1.5 yrs)

o Detailed Planning & estimating capital facilities

o Private directorate of ruler + 12 consultants & 15 contractors
 v.efficient approval, financing & implementation successful
#2 The Opposite! Khalifa Alif area
 was not successful “despite its simple and usual grid iron design”
 Land for locals

 Both sides (residents and government) depending on loans

 Each side waiting for the other!

 after 20 years: still a lifeless area, no residents & C.F. (only 30% finished)

 Manager of town planning:“reasons are not clear: Is it not enough money..or residents?”

Example of lifeless & non-appealing ‘residential’ area around AUS

Residents bring other Residents

Area nearby AUS: Once some people colonize and capital facilities are
available in an area, it becomes appealing for others to reside in there.
Implications from Al Shamkha case

 One way planning, coming from the powerful authoritarian side (ruler, his private
directorate, municipality) need of public participation & stakeholder

 Emphasizing design as a challenge over planning (design background)need of

educating ‘planners’ (more like designers) about the definition & extent of the
planning profession.

 prioritization of roads as base for design of urban blocks (traditional design rather
than modern tracking for pedestrian environment) need to update UAE
planners on new design & planning strategies, ex: smart growth, public spaces,
• Land allocation for Housing ?
• Housing & land use incompatibility:
• Case of Madiant Moh’d bin Zayed…

• Sewage plant near houses

• Mirdiff..

• Airport near houses

• Ras Al Khaima:
• Quaryying near houses!
1c.Sub-regional planning in
Sydney (UAE?)

• For planning comprehensiveness

• Sydney:
– different local governments : city divided into south, East, North, North East…etc sub
– strategy for long term possible housing distributions

– sub regional housing capacity targets: supply development sites in excess of

forecasted demands (for affordability)

– Focus new development in strategic & local centres /corridors, monitoring

trends plans…etc (to achieve key objectives)

• partnerships between state & local government, and with associations & agencies..)
1d. Monitor Future Housing & Employment Supply (UAE?)
• housing potential assessments
– determine levels & locations of zoning capacity
– infrastructure planning

• Monitor market for commercial, retail and industrial lands :

– understand the employment demands and available supply
– develop plans for needed retail floor space capacity for sufficient
employment zone commercial areas
– encourages nearby residential development (in centres)

Also could be as part of a strategy to

alleviate any homelessness (by
decreasing unemployment)

1.e. increase usage & viability of existing housing stock

• redevelop existing apartments & encourage higher occupation of existing dwellings

(make use of existing infrastructure)

• Ex: second kitchens, design standards for underground parking & accessibility for
disabled people

• BUT: increases costs of reform

• Applicable to UAE?


2nd housing action: housing mix (for UAE?)

• 2a. plan for a housing mix near jobs, transport and services
– large residential population
– high land values high rise developments  zone for them!

• Example: Kogarah Town Square , Sydney (mix of retail, commercial, basement

parking, hospital, banking sector, traditional main street.
housing mix-2b. self care housing for seniors &
• Seniors Living SEPP guidelines (part of Local
environmental plans)
• Also mechanisms for their effective public &
private delivery, and to maintain their availability.

• UAE?

Housing mix-2c. market analysis

• to guide local environmental plans
• To meet needs of a changing and ageing
population whist considering market trends.
–  wide range of housing in a flexible market
–  appropriately located affordable housing

– UAE?
3rd action: Urban renewal/regeneration
• Sydney: 3rd action: renew local centres; by:

– sub-regional planning identifying local centres for renewal.

– partnerships
– Innovative developer Government’s renewal agency
– Revitalized centres will then serve as models for other areas

– In Sydney: State owned sites: significant area catalysts for the urban renewal
assessed and evaluated comprehensively (in relation to open space, facilities,
surrounding areas) contextual dev

• Issues possible in UAE:

• Favoring suburbanization rather than redeveloping lower density areas or
• government investing in key projects for downtown attractive dev ( here housing
• land reclamation and funding (infrastructure & transport
4th Sydney Planning Action: housing affordability

• developing economically prices increasing..

a. special committees, strategies & programs, focus on moderate income.

b. major property owners (via market:7.5%)
c. support social housing, community housing providers
d. high rise dev (in urban renewal centres, corridors and major residential/mixed use

Other possible options: facilitated national mortgage and rent schemes (to enable
tenants to stay in their homes

investment in old, disrepaired housing (stays cheaper than what’s new)

For UAE?
Sydney’s 5 key action th

• Improve the quality of new development and urban renewal; Achieved by:

• a. good design/ urban design & competition./ landmark site design attractive
• b. local gov training & education
• c. design quality criteria
• d. local cultural & environmental plans (art is an element)

• Other possibilities (not in strategy):

• Develop quality specifications.(now energy efficiency & environment important
• Upgrade/ invest in old disrepaired housing
Other issues
• Equality of access to housing (irrespective of race, gender, etc)

• UAE: “Tenants see discrimination among nationalities” (Indian Vs European!-

landlord’s requirements real estate agents comply..
•  need of monitoring, policies & housing for all types..

• Effectiveness of providing housing services (specialist agency allocation, housing advice, stakeholder

• Homelessness, ex in Glasgow: chronic problem

• UAE: current housing stress may lead to this problem..

• re-housing (UAE: rigid local housing location & size because of policy& funding strategy (can’t sell or
rent it.. Once & for all)

• special needs (ex: drug misusers ,learning disabilities, bachelors, housing alarms, room size &
General Census
• issues
• Why important
• Using results in actual planning
• Need of Relevant, high quality, timely information..
• Scope & contents for housing plans:
• Population demographics, with social & economic charactersitics
• Building & housing characteristics
– Ex:# of buildings, housing units, locations, cost/types of materials, crowding,
overcrowding, # of ppl/unit, future demand..
• Sources:
• (2007, April 02) Housing demand in Dubai poised to continue soaring
• (2007, July 20) Low cost housing for bachelors in Abu Dhabi, Retrieved March 4, 2008, from
• (2007, March 10 ) Dh2.5b accommodation complexes for workers to be built in Abu Dhabi,
Retrieved March 4, 2008, from
• (2006, Oct 09) Housing for bachelors in Abu Dhabi under study
• , Retrieved March 4, 2008, from
• M. Al Serkal, Mariam (2006, December 9), Dubai and Sharjah 'must cooperate to reduce traffic'., Retrieved May 17, 2007, from
• NSW Government, nd, City of Cities; A plan for Sydney’s Future-Housing Strategy for Sydney
• Glasgow City Council, 2007, Glasgow's Local Housing Strategy 2003-2008, retrieved March 10 2008 from
•, 2008, Sydney Facts retrieved March 15 2008, from

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