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Modern life has become easier and the people of the world have to
thank the immense contribution of the internet. There is no doubt that
the internet has made our life become easier and more convenient. We
can use the internet to communicate with people around the world,
doing business , make new friends and get to knowing different cultures
and etc. However, the internet also contains some unwanted elements
or disadvantages. The following are the advantages and disadvantages
of the internet.
1.  Communication
2.  Resources &
ADVANT Instant
3.  Entertainments
AGES Information
4.  Online
5.  Online Business
1.  Communication
Firstly, the internet can let a person communicate with people virtually
in any part of the world through the world wide web, social media or e-
mail, without having to leave his or her room. It is now possible to send
a message to any part of the world through a simple e-mail address and
the message is delivered in the matter of seconds. The convenience of
e-mail has allowed businesses to expand and communicate with their 
customers located all over the world . 
2.  Resources & Instant Information

Secondly, information is probably the biggest advantage that the

internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasure  of information. Any kinds
of information on any topic under the sun is available on the internet.
The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service through the
internet. This is specifically relevant for students who can use this
wealth of information for their school projects and also learn new
things about the subjects they are interested in. Online education has
grown at a very fast pace since internet allows the development and
uses of innovative tools for imparting education. 
3.  Entertainment 
Thirdly, entertainments are another popular reason why many people
prefer to surf the internet. In fact, the internet has become quite
successful in trapping the entertainment industry. Besides that, there
are numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of
online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attentions by game
4.  Online Shopping
Through the internet, shopping has also got a complete makeover
thanks to the contributions of the internet. You have many websites
selling a variety of products online and  transfer of money is also no
longer a time-consuming job and with just a click of a button you can
easily transfer funds to any place you wish.
5.  Online BUSINNES
If you are a business or want to sell products and services, the Internet
is a perfect place to sell most goods. Because anyone in the world with
Internet access can find your website, you have access to more
potential customers than you ever could with a local retail store. The
Internet also gives businesses the ability to advertise their product or
service to everyone in the world . The internet has made life much
1.  Waste Of Time
2.  Theft and
ANTAGE misuse of
 However, for all the
3.  Loss of ability to
S advantages and positive
aspects of the internet,
the internet has its dark 4.  Cyber Crime
and ugly side too.

5.  Health
Some students will spend too much of time through the internet. In this
case, students might lose concentrate on their studies. More seriously,
some of them can't even divide their time to do homework but they
spent their time on watching movie or chatting with their friends
through internet. 
2.  Theft & Misuse of information

While the internet has made life easier for people in many ways it is
also reflecting an uglier side to its existence through a number of
problems that it has thrown up for its users. With a large amount of
information freely available on the internet theft and misuse of this
information is a likely possibility. Time and again you see cases of
people using someone else’s information or research and passing it off
as their own

Furthermore, children nowadays seem to lose their ability to

communicate with others. They are used to communicate with others
through the internet but they can't communicate with others face by
face fluent. It was a strange sight that internet had make people losing
their ability to communicate. It is because people now are over
depending on internet.
Another problem of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal of
anonymity to a large number of people who may access the different
websites, forums and chat rooms available. This has allowed perverted
individuals to at times take advantage of innocent people and abuse their
trust. We can always hear from news that cheaters used internet to make
crimes. The cheaters will make friends with single ladies and cheat them by
using sweet words. Lonely single ladies are very easy get in trap of these
cheaters. These cheaters normally will cheat these ladies to bank-in money
to them. Some of the cheaters try to borrow money from these ladies. 
There are a lot of games that are available on the internet and this has
made most people to shun all outdoor activity. In the absence of
outdoor activities, people can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle related
diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Apart from these
factors, sitting continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously
damage our eyes, and put a strain on our neck and shoulders. Children
are in their developing years and these factors can create life-long
problems for them.
Conclusio • There are demands from various
quarters that there should be some

sort of regulation to check this issue.
However, we believe that instead of
making internet a taboo, Parents
should educate children to use it for
their benefit.  In conclusion, the
internet has advantages and
disadvantages. It is for us to decide
whether we use technology for the
betterment of our lives or put it to
unabated abuse.

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