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Group four Members

1. ABSHIR SALAD ISMAIL   221-035053-21094

2. Adan Hussein Mohamed Ulusow. 221-035053-21047
3. MOHAMOUD AHMAD MOHAMOUD 221-035053-21123
4. AMAL HUSSEIN MOHAMED 221-035053-22720
5. NUR ABDI ALI.                221-035053-21154
6. LIBAAN YUSUF GEDI.   221-035053-21126
7. Mohamed Garane sanei 221-035053-22971
8. MANGENI PETER.          221-035053-21748
9. Marwa Abdi Adawe 220-035053-19896
Frist one present
NUR ABDI ALI.               


 introduction
 Linking information technology or networks
 Data communication
 Data network topologies
 Different network types (internet, intranet,extranet)
 Network applications
 Introduction

 Links information technology network.

 Networking is a form of telecommunication between
computers where they exchange data with a data link. One
computer-network everyone is familiar with is the internet.
What is information technology or network?

 Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage,

networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes
to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic

 Information network
 The information network serves the purpose of
representing control systems. This can also be extended
into a hierarchy starting with the low-level control,
advanced control, coordinating control, optimizing control
and event-dynamic layers such as supervisory control,
planning and scheduling and logistics on any level.
Second one present
Adan Hussein Mohamed Ulusow.
 DATA Communication

 Data Communication is a process of exchanging data or

information In case of computer networks this exchange is
done between two devices over a transmission medium.
This process involves a communication system which is
made up of hardware and software.
Data signal

Signal mgnaodulation and Demodulation


 There are three modes of data communication.


Half Duplex

Full Duplex
Half Duplex
Third one present
Components of Data Communication

Message Sender Receiver

Set of rules Communication

(Protocol Channels
The effectiveness depends on four fundamental
characteristics of data communications

Delivery Accuracy

Timeliness Jitter
 Data Network topologies

 Physical topology is the placement of the various

components of a network, while logical topology
illustrates how data flows within a network. Distances
between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission
rates, or signal types may differ between two different
networks, yet their logical topologies may be identical. A
network’s physical topology is a particular concern of the
physical layer of the OSI model

 Examples of network topologies are found in local

area networks, a common computer network
Fourth one
Mohamed Garane sanei
Types of Networking Topologies

 Two main types of network topologies in computer networks are

1) Physical
topology 2)Logical
 Internet
 The internet is the largest computer network in the world,
connecting millions of computers. A network is a group of two
or more computer systems linked together
 The Internet is a global interconnection of computer systems. It
is a massive collection of networks sharing information publicly
in the form of interlinked web pages. IP or Internet Protocol
defines a site’s unique location on the World Wide Web.

 Internet: The network formed by the co-operative interconnection

of millions of computers, linked together is called Internet. Internet
comprises of :
 People: People use and develop the network.
 Resources: A collection of resources that can be reached from those
 A setup for collaboration: It includes the member of the
research and educational committees worldwide.
There are two main types of computer
 Local Area Network (LAN): A LAN is two or more connected computers sharing certain
resources in a relatively small geographic location, often in the same building. Examples
include home networks and office networks.
 Wide area network (WAN): typically consists two or more LANs. The computers a father
apart and linked by telephone lines, dedicated telephone lines or radio waves the internet is
the largest wide area network (WAN) in existence.
 Using the Internet to Communicate
 The internet isn't just about finding information. It's also about connecting with friends,
family, and people you’ve never met before. Today, there are many different ways to
communicate online, including social networking, chat, VoIP, and blogging.
Social Networking

 Facebook is used by about one billion people. If you have family or friends that live far
away, you can use Facebook to keep up with their lives. You can also share things you’ve
found online that interest you.
 twitter lets you share brief messages (or “tweets") with the entire world, or with just your
circle of friends. By following people with similar interests, you can discover new things
that you wouldn't have found otherwise.
 LinkedIn is a site that you can use for business new working. It allows you to connect
with other people in your field and find out about new job opportunities

 Intranet: It is an internal private network built within an

organization using Internet and World Wide Web standards and
products that allows employees of an organization to gain access to
corporate information.
How are intranets used?
 Organizations use intranets in a variety of ways depending on their needs. These include
the following….

Central repository.




Easy access to information

Social elements
What are the benefits of an intranet?

 Whether cloud-based or on-premise intranet, using an intranet has many benefits. Some of the
biggest benefits are
 Access to organizational data and files anytime, anywhere
 Increases internal communication
 Connects employees
 Increases employee productivity
 Drives employee engagement
 Enhances collaboration
 Integrates with third-party tools
 Stores securely document
 Boosts employee recognition and rewards
 Encourages knowledge sharing
advantages of an intranet

 Improved communication, information sharing and collaboration within a business;

 Simplified records management;
 Streamlined tracking of requests;
 A testing environment for new ideas before they are implemented on a company's
 Improved corporate culture that focuses on employees and encourages participation and
interaction; and
 A favorable return on investment from low implementation and operating costs
disadvantages of an intranet

 There are also challenges when implementing an intranet, including these:

 Low user participation rates can result in a lack of the content, communications and
documents needed to make the intranet beneficial.
 The high cost of personnel leads to inadequate support for intranet users. As a result, when
software bugs or other issues arise, problems are not resolved quickly.
 The network must be managed, with regular inspections and maintenance checks to ensure
it is running properly and content is fresh and relevant.
 A lack of proper ownership or ownership being distributed among groups complicates
network responsibilities and management.
 A lack of mobile device and remote support creates problems, including limiting the ability
of remote workers to access information on the intranet
 The extranet is defined as a computer network system that is private
in nature which can be used in an organization, institution or any
group so that they can share sensitive information, knowledge and can
also perform operations and access is provided to authorize users only.
 The extranet is defined as a computer network system that is private
in nature which can be used in an organization, institution or any
group so that they can share sensitive information, knowledge and can
also perform operations and access is provided to authorize users only.

 Security: Extranet is formed as a Virtual private network (VPN) as it assures a protected and
secure communication across the network. The information shared between the organizations
could be highly confidential and an extra level of security makes sure that none of it is lost or
accessed by anyone else other than the parties involved.
 Data: Sometimes there could be a large amount of data to be transferred between organizations.
An extranet allows a large amount of data transfer across the network in a secure fashion.
 Network Sharing: One or multiple organizations could connect via the extranet. For example,
three organizations collaboratively working on the same project could make use of an extranet or
an e-commerce site sharing its network with various small businesses.
 Communication: It is a medium for internal and external members to connect or organizations to
connect to third parties. Instead of allowing third parties in the company’s intranet network and
giving access to the internal resources, the extranet provides a lot more flexibility and security for
everyone to communicate.
Features of extranet

 Following are the features of the extranet:

 Data security: Sharing confidential data is of utmost priority and the extranet provides a
safe environment for data sharing between the organizations. This decreases the chance of
loss of confidential data and increases productivity.
 Faster communication: Extranet allows to connect multiple organizations and escalate the
communication between them.
 Flexibility: Extranet provides a flexible and scalable environment to work on for everyone
involved, which also increases the productivity of the organization.
 Cost: It may decrease the cost of paperwork and travel to some extent.
 Authentication: It provides authentication mechanisms like username and password.
Therefore, only authorized users can access the network.

 Complex Security: Extranet needs an additional firewall if hosted on its own server which
expands workload and complex security mechanism.
 Hosting: Hosting could be an issue as it requires a high bandwidth internet connection. A
High bandwidth internet connection may not be possible for everyone, which would lead
to inefficiency in work.
 Expensive: It is costly compared to intranet due to the extra layer of security and hosting
 Limited: It can only be accessed through the internet. So, the work would came to halt or
slow down if the internet goes down
Network application

 A network is a collection or set of computing devices

connected to one another to establish communication and
also share available resources. A network will comprise of
software and hardware devices. You can have a network
even if you are not connected to the Internet. Computer
networks make it possible for people to transfer files from
one place to another and to communicate taking the
shortest time possible.
Nine the Last one
Marwa Abdi Adawe
There are 2 types of network applications

1)Pure network
application 2)Standalone
 Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage,
networking and other physical devices to create, process, store,
secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT is used in the
context of business operations, as opposed to technology used for
personal or entertainment purposes. Data communication enables
the movement of electronic or digital data between two or more
network nodes. There are three modes of data communication - one-
way, half-dulex and full duplex. Data communication is said to be
local if devices are in the same building or restricted geographical

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