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Man and

Group 10
Group 10

 Nazar Gimnastiar(20210410700059)

 Salman Mulya Lesmana (20210410700064)

 Bagus Kurniawan (20210410700067)

Understanding Adab
And Civilization
Adab is a noble character in the form of
behavior or habits that show kindness, courtesy,
responsibility, which is based on norms and
2. Civilization
Civilization is part of a very refined,
beautiful and developed culture. While the
definition of civilization in a broader sense is a
collection of the broadest identity of all the
results of human cultivation, which includes all
aspects of human life, in this case both physical
(such as buildings, roads) and non-physical
(order, art, culture and science and technology)
is including a civilization.
3. Forms of civilization
• Morals are values related to decency in
• Norms are rules, measures, or guidelines for
determining the right, wrong, good, and bad
of something.
• Ethics is the value of moral norms or
manners in regulating human behavior.
• Aesthetics is the beauty that includes unity,
harmony and goodness in everything.
4. Civilization according to
• Bieren de hann
According to Bierens de Hann civilization is all social,
political, economic and technical life. So civilization has
practical uses in social relations.
• Albret weber
The notion of civilization refers to practical and
intellectual knowledge. As well as a set of technical
methods used to control nature. Where in culture itself
consists of a set of values, principles, normative and unique
5. Examples of civilization

• Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian civilization began around 3100 BC.
The term "Egypt" itself comes from the Arabic misr which
means suburb. This refers to the location of Egypt which is
on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians themselves
called their territory Kemet or Kumat, which means black
soil, in accordance with the conditions of the soil around the
Nile. examples of relics of ancient Egyptian civilization
include pyramids, sphinxes, ancient cities, hieroglyph
Civilization always has changes and developments
along with the rotation of the Times or times.

According To Arnold Y. Toynbee, a British historian, the

civilization was born from The Theory of Challenge and
response. Civilization is born from the response of man
who with all his effort and wit face, conquer, and cultivate
nature as a challenge in order to meet the needs and
preserve its survival.
In addition, the dynamics of civilization is also related to
the advancement of Science and technology. In his book The
Third Wave (1981), Alvin Toffler stated that the wave of
change in human civilization experienced 3 phases, namely:
a. Wave I, also called the civilization of agricultural
technology that lasted from 800 BC-1500 BC.
b. Wave II, also called the industrial technological
civilization that lasted from 1500 BC-1970 ad.
c. Wave III, also called the information civilization that
lasted from 1970 ad-now.
Each phase of civilization is controlled by the level of
technology used.
Wave I / first wave (800-1500 BC)

The first wave is also known as the Green Revolution.

In this phase, humans invented and applied agricultural
technology. Agriculture is limited to the management of
land to cover daily human needs.
Wave II (1500 BC-1970 ad)
The second phase is the industrial revolution
initiated by Western countries that began in
England. The Industrial Revolution began with the
invention of the steam engine in 1712 by James
Watt. The use of machines such as steam engines,
spinning machines in the garment industry and
others has advanced and prospered the lives of
European Society at that time.
Wave III (1970 M-present)

The last phase is referred to as the Industrial

Revolution marked by the advancement of
Information Technology. This progress makes it
easier for humans to establish communication in
various areas of life. The advancement of
information also encourages progress in the field
of aviation and space, alternative energy,
urbanization, communication and data
processing, and others.
This last wave gave rise to the life of the
world community known as the Global Village.
It is estimated that this era will reach its peak in
the next 10-20 years. It is also inseparable from
the influence of globalization that removes
barriers between nations so that technological
and information advances are growing rapidly.
Civilization and problems

The concept of culture is the development of culture

that reaches a level that is reflected in the intellectual,
beautiful, technological, spiritual level seen in society.
Culture is dynamic. Therefore, there is a change or shift.
The main factor in this change is the existence of
Globalization is a special phenomenon in human
civilization that moves continuously in a global society
and is part of that Global human process.

Globalization has an influence in various lives such as

political, economic, social, cultural and defense. The
influence of globalization on ideology and politics will be
the strengthening of the influence of liberal ideology in
the politics of developing countries marked by the
strengthening of the idea of freedom and democracy.
The influence of globalization in the field of
politics, among others, brings internationalization
of the spread of democratic thought and values
including human rights
The effects of globalization on the economy
include the strengthening of capitalism and the
free market. This is shown by the growing
number of transnational companies that operate
without knowing national borders.
The influence of globalization on social
culture will be the inclusion of values from
other civilizations. This results in the
erosion of the socio-cultural values of a
nation that becomes its identity.

This influence is increasingly smooth

with the rapid media of information and
communication such as television,
computers, satellites, the internet and so on.
Globalization also has an impact on national
defense and security. The spread of trade and
industry around the world will increase the
likelihood of conflicts of interest and can disrupt
the security of the nation.

The problems of civilization in indonesia

arising from globalization can be seen in the field
of artistic language, as well as the most important
social life.
Another important civilizational problem is the
possibility of extinction of a language in a certain area
because its speakers have been "contaminated" by the
influence of globalization.

An example of this is the case in West Sumatra. In

this area we often find language mixing (code mixing)
which is usually spoken by young people in West
Sumatra, such as mixing Betawi and Minang languages
in everyday speech. This clearly threatens the existence
of language in certain areas.
Civilization is a certain stage of the culture of a certain
society as well, which has reached a certain culture as well,
which has achieved a certain progress characterized by the
level of Science, Technology and art that has advanced. To
become a civilized being, always have to uphold the rules,
norms, customs, and values of life in society that are
realized by obeying various social institutions or social
rules, so that in life in society it will create comfort, peace
and peace. Civilization as a form of culture that is non –
material, such as customary social manners in living life and
this human life always holds true to existing values, both in
the form of morals, norms, ethics, and aesthetics.
• Syukri Albani Nasution, Muhammad, dkk. 2015.
Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar-ed. Ke 1, -Cet. 1.
Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

• Mumtazir. 2019. Ilmu Sosial & Budaya Dasar.


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