Patent Drafting COURSE PLAN

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Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

LAW 5037
B.A.LL.B., B.B.A.LL.B.
Dr. Jishnu J.R
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

Course objective: The objective of the course is to impart an in-depth knowledge of patent drafting. Emphasis will be
placed on specification writing.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the student is expected to have acquired:
1. Proper practical understanding regarding mode of acquisition of patent
2. knowledge on procedure for drafting and practical ways of submission of application;
3. an ability to analyze the pros and cons for specification method;
4. skills of Patent drafting in a systematic way.
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

How to go about with the Project Component (will be evaluated for 100 marks and then converted
to 10 marks for Internal Component)

• Students are encouraged to carry out the project in small groups of not more than Six per group.

• Contribution of every individual in the group should be clearly stated during the reviews.

• Equal contribution is expected from every individual.

• The group is expected to have periodic discussions on the progress and everyone should take this
opportunity to learn from each other.

• Groups should be formed by the second week of the semester (on or before 10-02-2021).
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

Assessment Rubrics of the Project Component

1. Design an invention based on patent criteria (Synopsis to be submitted) and division of work-
20 Marks

2. Review 1: Introduce your invention, Define yourself (Individual, Industry, University, Group of
Individuals) 20 Marks

3. Review 2: Submit Provisional Specification (Moodle)- 20 Marks

4. Review 3: Submit Final Specification by filing of application (moodle)-20 Marks

5. Final Submission in pdf format and examination of application.- 20 Marks

LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

Internal Components and their respective weightage

1. CAT 1- 10 Marks (Problem Based/ Open Ended questions. 3 questions for 10 marks each)

2. CAT 2- 10 Marks (Problem Based/ Open Ended questions. 3 questions for 10 marks each)


4. Article Review/ Case Analysis- 10 Marks (Article review and Case analysis to be submitted in
the prescribed format)
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing : CASE ANALYSIS FORMAT.

1. Facts: Summarise the Facts of the case (1 mark)

2. Procedural History: What court authored the opinion (1 mark)

3. Issue: What is the question presented to the court? (2 marks)

4. Rule(s): Determine what the relevant rules of law are that the court uses to make its decision. (2

5. Application/Analysis: Summarize the court’s rationale in your own words.  (2 marks)

6. Conclusion: What was the final outcome of the case? In one or two sentences, state the court’s ultimate
finding.  (2 marks)
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing : ARTICLE REVIEW FORMAT

1. Full Bibliographic Reference (State the full bibliographic reference of the article you are reviewing (authors,
title, journal name, volume, issue, year, page numbers, etc)) 2 MARKS

2. Introduction: Objectives, Article Domain , Audience, Journal and Conceptual/ Empirical Classification: (State
the Objective of the Article (goals or purpose), its domain/ topic area. -Identify the intended audience of the article,
i.e. what background should reader have; what background material one should be familiar to understand the
article? - Is the journal appropriate (or inappropriate) for this article? - Classify whether the article is Conceptual or
Empirical or Review) 2 MARKS

3. Brief Summary: Summarize the article very briefly, roughly as under: Paragraph 1: What is the problem being
addressed? Paragraph 2: which solution is being proposed?  2 MARKS

4. Foundation: Identify the key pieces of prior research upon which article are built. If the article is entirely new
domain, “This article does not build upon any foundation research” may be specified. 2 MARKS

5. Analysis:  State that what has changed since the article was written? How do its lessons, ideas and theories still
apply? To what extent has its issues been resolved? 2 MARKS
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

Theory Class Plan:

1. Applying for Patent: Person Entitled to apply, Patentable Inventions, Place mode and address of
Service, patent prosecution, International Application, Authorities involved(CAT 1)
2. Specification: Provisional Specification, Complete Specification, Filing of an application(CAT 1)
3. Publication of an Application- Screening, particulars of publication, Inspection, Effect and Impact
of publication, (CAT 2)
4. Examination of Application- Request for an examination, Practical Aspects, Report, examination of
report by controller, opportunity to amend an application, effect of examination, issue of Patent (CAT
5. Pre Grant Opposition of Application: purpose, objective and utility
6. Post Grant Opposition: Purpose, Objective and Utility
LAW5037: Patent Drafting and Specification Writing

Important Dates:


• CAT 1 PORTIONS: 05-03-2021

• REVIEW 1: 22-03-2021

• CAT 2 PORTIONS: 19-04-2021

• REVIEW 2: 22-04-2021


• REVIEW 3: 14-05-2021

• MCQ: 21-05-2021


• THEORY CLASS: 28-05-2021

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