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Protocol Stack

Audio Video

G.7xx H.26x




Data Link Layer (Ethernet, ATM, FR, ...)

Tasks of the various Layers
• G.7xx: describes the formats for voice data
(Voice- Codecs)
H.26x: describes the formats for video data
• RTP: provides packets with a time stamp and a
sequence number
• UDP: quick working L4-Protocol
• IP: Standard L3-Protocol (Routing, etc.)
• Data Link Layer: responsible for the physical
transmission and fault control, etc
Attributes of Voice Codecs
• Codec: Coding – Decoding
• Bandwidth
• sampling rate
• quality
• processing time
• Standard-Codec G.711
(must be supported by all VoIP-devices!)
Standard Voice Codec G.711

- 8.000 Samples/sec.
- every Sample 8 bit
- 64 kbit/sec
Voice Codecs
• Optional (exception: G.711)
• Save of Bandwidth by compressing information
• Compression needs more computing power
• Compression generates more delay
• Compressed Signals are more sensitve upon packet loss
• Terminals and Gateways must support the corresponding
compression codec (e.g. G.723, G.729A)
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
• the analogue signal is approximated with digital values
• additional noise because of the quantisation
• G.711 uses PCM
• no compression
• provides best quality
Overview Voice Codecs
Codec Algorithm Bandwidth Sampling Quality
G.711 PCM (pulse code 64 kbit/s 0.125 ms very good
G.722 DPCM (differential pulse 48, 56, 64 0.125 ms good
code modulation) kbit/s

G.723.1 MP-MLQ (multi pulse - 6.3 / 5.3 kbit/s 30 ms good- not so

maximum likelihood good
quantization) / ACELP
G.726 ADPCM (adaptive 16, 24, 32, 40 0.125 ms good – not so
differential PCM) kbit/s good
G.728 LD-CELP (low delay - 16 kbit/s 0.625 ms good
code excited linear
G.729 CS-ACELP (conjugate 8 kbit/s 10 ms good
structure-algebraic code
exited linear prediction)
G.729A CS-ACELP (conjugate 8 kbit/s 15 ms statisfying
structure-algebraic code
exited linear prediction)
Data Voice

Structure of a voice data packet

20 Bytes 8 Bytes 12 Bytes

IP-Header UDP-H. RTP-H. Data

40 Bytes Overhead
Overhead of a data packet

12 bytes 8 bytes 6 bytes 6 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes

Interframe Preamble Destination Source Length Payload FCS

Gap / SFD Address Address / Type Data

20 bytes 8 bytes 12 bytes


Header Header Payload
Packetising vs. Sampling
• Many Samples in one Packet
 good payload/overhead ratio, bandwidth savings
 more delay because of longer duration for
packetising, more sensitive upon packet loss
• Packetising Period ≥ Sampling time
MOS for Different Codecs
Audio-Codec MOS-value
G.711 / PCM 0,125 ms 4,1
G.723.1 / MP-MLQ 30 ms 3,9
G.723.1 / ACELP 30 ms 3,65
G.728 / LD-CELP 0,625 ms 3,61
G.729 / CS-ACELP 10 ms 3,92
G.729a / CS-ACELP 15 ms 3,7
Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP)
• For the transport of real-time data (Audio, Video) over
packet-oriented network
• NO QoS- guarantees
• Unicast and Multicast
• Supplement by RTCP
• Independent from L4/L3 (normally over UDP/IP)
Features of RTP
• Sequence number to guarantee the right sequence on
the receiver side
• Timestamp for keeping the original time-lags in
the data packet sequence
• No Reassembling
• No error correction
RTP Header
0 2 3 4 8 9 16 31
extension fixed header

V P X CC M PT Sequence Number


Synchronization Source Identifier (SSRC)

Contributing Source Identifiers (CSRCs), optional

V: Version number present state: Version 2 (2 bits)

P: Padding Bit indicates fill bytes in the payload (1 bit)
X: Extension Bit indicates an opitonal header extension (1 bit)
CC: CSRC Counter Number of Contributing Sources (4 bits)
M: Marker Interpretation depends on the PT (1 bit)
PT: Payload Type (7 bits)
Realtime Control Protocol (RTCP)

• Control Protocol for RTP

• UDP: RTP  even Port Number (x)
RTCP  odd Port Number (x+1)
Tasks of RTCP
• provides informationen about the current transmission quality
(Sender Reports SR; Receiver Reports RR)
• identifies the RTP-Source (Canonical Name CNAME)
• selfcontrol (BandwidthRTCP ≤ 5% BandwidthRTP)
• supplementary infromation about the subscriber (optional)
RTCP Messages
• SR - Sender Report
contains statistics of the receiver and the
• RR - Receiver Report
contains receiver statistics of subscribers
that are not sending
• SDES - Source Description
contains the CNAME (canonical name)
• BYE – indicates the end of a participation
• APP – application specific functions
RTCP Header
0 2 3 7 15 31

V P Count Type Length

Sender Info Block (optional)

Report Block

V (Version) present state: Version 2 – RTP (2 bit)

P (Padding) indicates fill bytes in the payload (1 bit)
Count number of the received report blocks (5 bit)
Type RTCP Paket-Type, for instance SR or RR
Length length of the RTCP-packets (in multiples of 32 bit)
Sender Info Block for Sender Report only
Sender Info Block
• Sender Report contains Sender Info Block
• Contains statistical information about the RTP
packets that have been sent out, e.g.
- number of RTP packets sent
- number of payload octets sent.
Report Block

• Contained in every RTCP-Packet

• Contains statistical information about received
RTP Packets, e.g.
- overall number of lost RTP packets since last report
- jitter, etc.

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