Vũ Thanh Tùng CLC01

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In order to improve the
solvency and collateral
position of the operation,
Jim needs someone or
some program to
guarantee the operating
and machinery loans.
=> The increase in debt-
to-asset ratio from 48 to
76 percent
Lender’s Reaction: Applying for an FSA operating loan
guarantee could be considered a first step for Jim and his
lender, with a loan guarantee by John and Joan kept in
reserve as a back-up plan.
If Jim qualifies and receives
approval for an FSA loan
guarantee, the default risk to
the lender would be reduced
and allow more latitude on
negotiating loan covenants
If the FSA loan guarantee isn’t approved,
there are several options that will arise:

First, the lender

might limit operating
funds to revenue
assurance crop
insurance guarantee
Next, the lender could ask that John and Joan guarantee
the loans or co-sign the loans with Jim and Janet 
Finally, John and Joan could be
asked to consider a
hypothecation agreement:
John and Joan will provide
possible collateral to secure
the Jim and Debit
account Janet. If the account
cannot be repaid, the lender
may foreclose the property to
repay the loan, but John and
Joan is not personally liable if
the collateral does not pay off
the debt. 
Limit Capital Purchases

Jim got into the machinery

business when he wanted
to and then applied for a
loan. However, paying the
debt the capacity of the
operation has declined over
the past two years and such
practice will no longer exist
is acceptable
Principal payments on the
machinery loan were likely
made from the depreciation
allowance, liquidating
inventory, or possibly
included in the operating
The purchase of
additional machinery
using borrowed
fund should be avoided
until the financial
condition and
repayment capacity for
the operation improves 
Lender’s Reaction

Given that Jim has

purchased machinery
in the past and then
arranged financing
after the transaction
The lender will also know that Jim
can buy the machinary from
a dealer and then arrange the
resource for the transaction buy
that information by the other
information or people for another
buy that do not need to message
for your method the lender comes
after the transaction.
Jim have peace of mind for buy a number of machine
with the taxation target; however, has now
increased worried about Jim's debt repayment. 
Future regulations
should be made
with the title
Maximize after-
tax profits over
time rather than
minimize taxes in
the short run
Increased output price volatility
Marketing has caused some grain
elevators in the past to lower
Plan and futures prices contracts
because they simply cannot
Tools guarantee credit lines
Although Jim may view the
additional costs associated
with hedging negatively, the
need to manage the risk
that the activity faces for it
to become a necessary
Lenders response:

 Increased price
volatility in grain
markets, risk of local
grain price
hikes availability of
futures contracts
decreased and Jim's
financial condition
Jim must develop a marketing plan and plan the
marketing cases, implement a marketing plan that will
add discipline and reduce market risk through the use
of futures and/or options.
The case study discussed here provides
an example that risks are always present,
Final even during profitable periods in
Comment agriculture and a risk management plan is
needed to mitigate the adverse effects of
those risks.
Risks vary across
operations and the
respective risk
management plans
need to be tailored
to fit the needs
of each situation.
The tools and practices
discussed include not
only those desired by
the producer but also
those that might be
suggested by a lender
who provides borrowed
funds for the operation.
The suggestions presented in this
discussion are intended as a starting
point for reflection and discussion.
Producer and lenders should work
together to develop a risk
management plan, as well as seek
advice and advice from
other professionals, such as
lawyers, tax professionals,
government agencies,
marketers insurance consultants
and agents to prepare a risk
management plan

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