Market Analysis of Arabic Countries in Term of Food Products

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Market Analysis of Arabic

Countries in term of Food

The Arab World: Overview
Who are Arabs
History and Culture
Economy Overview
Food and Agriculture
Major Food Commodities
Definition of major food commodities

The Arab World Market

Market size (( Consumption))
Market size (( Production))
What can help and affect this business in Arab world
Who are Arabs?

The Arab world refers to Arabic-speaking countries,

An Arab is a person whose language is Arabic, who lives

in an Arabic-speaking country, and who is in sympathy
with the aspirations of the Arabic-speaking peoples

The Arabs, a name given to the ancient and present-day

inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula and often applied
to the peoples closely allied to them in ancestry,
language, religion, and culture

The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" as defining a

group of people dates from the 9th century BC in Assyrian
records which describe the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula.

The most popular Arab account holds that the word 'Arab' came
from an eponymous father called Yarab, who was supposedly the
first to speak Arabic. Al-Hamdani had another view, he states
that Arabs were called GhArab (West in Semitic) by
Mesopotamians because Arabs resided in Western Mesopotamia,
the term was then corrupted into Arab. Yet another view is held
by Al-Masudi that the word Arabs was initially applied to the
Ishmaelites of the "'Arabah" valley.

The root of the word has many meanings in Semitic

languages including west/sunset, desert, mingle, merchant,
raven and are comprehensible with all of these having
varying degrees of relevance to the emergence of the name

Arabic is spoken by almost 360 million people in more than

twenty two countries, from Morocco to Iraq, and as far
south as Somalia and the Sudan.

The languages of northern India, Turkey, Iran, Portugal,

and Spain are full of words of Arabic origin.
The Arab World is the most ancient region of human
civilization. Around 10,000 BC farming first developed
in the area referred to as the Fertile Crescent (the area
of land arching from the Persian Gulf over the
watersheds of the Tigris and Euphrates River in Iraq
through the eastern coast of the Mediterranean into
Over the next 12,000 years many different great
civilizations and cultures developed from or invaded
the area. The list of ancient empires includes:
Egyptians (c. 3000-1000 BC); Assyrians and
Babylonians (c. 1000-500 BC); Persians (c. 550-330
BC); Greeks (c. 330-60 BC); and Romans (C. 60 BC -
140 AD). In modern times, the Ottoman Empire (c.
1300 - 1923) became the largest political entity in
Europe and western Asia. The Safavid empire (1501 -
1736) dominated the area of modern Iran.

The terms Arab World have been adopted by the people of the entire region to
refer to themselves and to their part of the world, in much the same way as
such terms as Europe, Central Asia, and "Southeast Asia are used to broadly
identify highly complex and culturally diversified regions of the world.

The Arab World, as defined above, encompasses four distinct culture areas:
Arab, Turkish, Iranian, and the newly evolved Israeli culture. The Arab,
Turkish, and Iranian cultures are heirs to great Islamic empires that had their
centers in the region and represent three distinct variations within the global
Islamic civilization. The most recent and most enduring of these, the
Ottoman Empire, ruled over most of the Middle East, as well as parts of
eastern Europe, for almost 500 years, until its demise and dismemberment at
the end of World War I. Out of its ashes arose the modern state of Turkey, as
well as the majority of the contemporary Arab nation-states
The Arab World countries stretch across more than 14
million square kilometers of the Atlantic Ocean in the west
to the Arabian Sea in the east, and from the Mediterranean
Sea in the north to the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean
in the southeast.
The Asian part of the Arab world is called the Mashriq. The
North African part of the Arab World to the west of Egypt
and Sudan is known as the Maghreb.
The status of Egypt itself, geographically in the center of the
Arab world, its total area (14 million km²), and consists of 22
countries and territories with a combined population of 360
million people straddling North Africa and Western Asia

The Arab League is a culturally and ethnically diverse

league of 22 member states. As of January 1, 2007, the
combined population of all the countries that are
members of the Arab League was about 360 million
Arab World is very diverse when it comes to religions,
many of which originated there. It’s geographic and
emotional center of three of the world's great religions.
Islam in its many forms is by far the largest religion;
about 92% of the populations (292 million people) are
Muslims, but other faiths, such as Judaism and
Christianity, are also well represented. There are also
important minority religions like Bahá'í, Yazdânism,
Zoroastrianism, Mandeanism, Druze, Yarsan,
Yazidism and Shabakism.[10]
Ethnicities in Arabic world are
Coptic Egyptians
Economy overview

Arab World economies range from being very poor

(such as Gaza and Yemen) to extremely wealthy
nations (such as Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia).

Industries of the Middle Eastern region include oil and

oil-related products, agriculture, cotton, cattle, dairy,
textiles, leather products, surgical instruments, defense
equipment (guns, ammunition, tanks, submarines,
fighter jets, UAVs, and missiles). Banking is also an
important sector of the economies, especially in the
case of UAE and Bahrain.
Unemployment is notably high in the Middle East
and North Africa region, particularly among young
people aged 15–29, a demographic representing 30% of
the region’s total population. The total regional
unemployment rate in 2005, according to the
International Labor Organization, was 13.2%, and
among youth is as high as 25%, up to 37% in Morocco
and 73% in Syria
Statistics (GDP, GDP PPP) [14]
An IMF analysis of growth determinants indicates that
greater integration with international markets could
provide a substantial boost to income and growth.

Trade in goods in all Arab

world Countries, 2000-2009
NOTE: All figures are in
millions of U.S. dollars
 Trade in goods in all
Arab world Countries,
Data by Country
 NOTE: All figures are
in millions of U.S.
Food and Agriculture

Food and Agriculture

Agriculture is the basic source of food; agriculture is an integral
part of the socioeconomic fabric of many communities in the
Arab World. Agriculture is by far the most important economic
activity in the Arab World, since about 50% of the total working
population is directly engaged in cultivation and a further
proportion is dependent upon the products of agriculture either
as a supplement to the main livelihood of pastoral nomadism, or
as a source of raw material for industrial occupation. Even in Iraq
or Libya which have large incomes from oil, agriculture still plays
an important role as the biggest employer and as a producer of
food stuffs. In Egypt, Sudan, Syria about three-quarters of exports
earnings come from agriculture
Major Food Commodities
Definition of Major Food
Cereal crops or grains are mostly grasses
cultivated for their edible grains or a
fruit seeds.
Cereals include wheat, oats, barley, rye,
maize, rice and millet.
Cereal grains are grown in greater
quantities and provide more energy
worldwide than any other type of crop,
they are therefore staple crops
.In some developing nations, grain
constitutes partially the entire diet of
poor people.
Dairy Products
Dairy product, milk and any of the
foods made from milk, including
butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt,
and condensed and dried milk.
In some countries almost half the
milk produced is consumed as
fresh pasteurized whole, low-fat, or
skim milk.
However, most milk is
manufactured into more stable
dairy products of worldwide
commerce, such as butter, cheese,
dried milks, ice cream, and
condensed milk.
Fats and Oils
Vegetable fats and oils are
lipid materials derived from
plants. Fats and oils may
also simply be called "fats."
They can be of plant origin
(olive oil, sunflower oil,
walnut oil, etc.) or of animal
origin, such as duck fat or
Meat is animal fles h that is
used as food.
The meat packing industry in
a more restrictive sense—the
flesh of mammalian species
(Poultry, beef, pork, lamb,
veal, rabbit, ostrich, frog's
legs, fishes and other etc.)
raised and prepared for
human consumption, to the
exclusion of fish, poultry, and
other animals.

Sugar is a term for a class of

edible crystalline
carbohydrates, mainly
sucrose, lactose, and fructose
characterized by a sweet
In food, sugar almost
exclusively refers to sucrose,
which primarily comes from
sugar cane and sugar beet.
Vegetables & Fruits

Vegetables & Fruits

1)Bulb vegetables
2) Root vegetables
 3)Fruit vegetables
4)Leaf vegetables
5)Stem vegetables
6)Tuber vegetables
7)Flower vegetables
Fruits are fleshy & some are dry

Peas, beans and

lentils are known as
pulses. They are the
seeds of plants
belonging to the
family Leguminosae

Fish are vertebrate animals

that live in water, have
Muscular bodies, and are
There are three classes of fish:
Class Agnatha (jawless fish),
Class Chondrichthyes
(cartilaginous fish),
Class Osteichyes (bony fish)
The Arab World Market
Market size
(Total Production

Dairy Products, Meats, Fish
Numbers: Unit (1000 Head)

Production: Unit (1000 M.T.)

by Region[26]

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