1 - Simplification Using Theorems (DLP-2021-22)

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Construction of Optimized

Digital Logic Functions and

Circuits using Boolean
Think & Answer
What is optimization?

How to optimize the digital systems?

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Need for Optimization of Digital Systems

 Optimization of Digital Systems is required for

 Reducing Complexity

 Reducing Size
 Reducing Power Consumption
 Reducing Overall System Delay
 Improving System Speed

 Enhancing the Efficiency

Methods for Optimization of Digital Systems

 Optimization of any Digital System can be done by choosing

either of the following Methods

1. Optimization using Boolean Theorems

2. Optimization using Karnaugh Map Simplification

Boolean Theorems

04/14/2022 5
Application of Boolean Theorems

Example 1- Minimize the expression using Boolean Algebra

ABC + A’ +A B’ C
Step-1 Use the Boolean postulate (B+ B’ =1)
AC(B+ B’ )+ A’

Step-2 Use the Distributive law

AC+ A’ =(A+ A’ )(C+A’)
Step-3 Use the Boolean postulate (A+ A’ =1)
1.(C+A’)= (C+A’)
Answer  (C+A’)
Application of Boolean Theorems

Example 2- Minimize the expression using Boolean Algebra

(A+B)(A+ B’)
Step-1 Use the Boolean postulate (AA=A & BB’=0)
(A+B)(A+ B’)=AA+AB’+AB+BB’=A+AB’+AB+0

Step-2 Use the Boolean postulate (B+ B’ =1)

Step-3 Use the Boolean postulate (A+ A=A)
Answer  A
Application of Boolean Theorems
Example-3 - Minimize the function f(p, q, r)= ∑(3, 5, 6, 7) using
Boolean theorem.
Solution: f(p, q, r)= ∑(3, 5, 6, 7) =f(p, q, r)= p’qr + pq’r + pqr’ + pqr
Step-1 Use the Boolean postulate, x + x = x
f(p, q, r) = p’qr + pq’r + pqr’ + pqr + pqr + pqr
f(p, q, r) = (p’qr + pqr)+ (pq’r + pqr) + (pqr’ + pqr )
Step 2 Use Distributive law
f(p, q, r)= qr(p’ + p) + pr(q’ + q) + pq (r’ + r )
Step 3 Use Boolean postulate, x + x’ = 1
f(p, q, r)= qr 1 + pr 1 + pq 1
Step 4 Use Boolean postulate, x.1 = x
f(p, q, r)= qr + pr + pq ---------> Minimized Expression
Application of Boolean Theorems
Example-4 - Express the function F = (x + y + z)(x’ + y + z)(x + y + z)
(x + y’ + z)(x’ + y + z)(x’+ y + z’) in minimized form
using Boolean Theorem.
Step-I Term (x + y +z)(x’+ y + z) can be write (y + z +xx’)
Step-II Since xx’=0 hence (y + z +xx’)= (y + z)
Step-III (x + y +z)(x+ y’+ z) can be write (x + z + yy’)
Step-IV Since yy’=0 hence (x + z + yy’)=(x + z)
Step-V (x’+ y + z)(x’+ y + z’) can be write (x’ + y + zz’)
Step-VI Since zz’=0 hence (x’ + y + zz’)=(x’ + y)
Hence final expression will be
F = (x + y + z)(x’ + y + z)(x + y + z)(x + y’+ z)(x’ + y + z)(x’ + y + z’)
=(y + z)(x + z)(x’ + y)
Try them on Your Own…!

Simplify the following Functions using Boolean Theorems:

1. F1 = A’BC + AB’C’ + ABC + AB’C

2. F2 = XY + XYZ’ + X’YZ + X’Y
3. F3 = (P + Q).(P + R).(P + Q’ + R)

04/14/2022 Source: Confidential 10

Advantage of Simplification using
Boolean Algebra
 Simple theorems may be used for minimizing the
number of gates and inputs to the gates.

 There is no unique procedure or algorithm to use
appropriate theorems for simplification

Think & Answer

1. An equivalent representation for the Boolean

expression A' + 1 is

2. An equivalent representation for the Boolean

expression A' +A is

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04/14/2022 Source: Confidential 12

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