Why Should We Recycle?

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Why should we recycle?

Recycling at LSQ
At Loreto we recycle:
 Paper – newspaper, white paper, coloured
paper and cardboard.
 Plastics – according to the type
 Glass
 Tins and Cans
 Tetra Pak
The paper and cardboard that is recycled
gets made into new paper.

1 ton of recycled paper can save:

 17 trees (most of the tree is not used to
make paper – it is wasted!)
 4 000kW of electricity
 24 000 litres of water
By recycling plastics CORRECTLY (washing and sorting)
• in 1 ton of plastic we save the amount of water that a city
dweller uses in 2 months!!!!
•Plastics that are not sorted according to their code are just
SO… sort and clean your plastics and look at what they could

This, in my opinion is the most

exciting recycling process!! Look
at what great things come out of
different recycled plastics…
Look at all the things I can become if
you recycle me…

Recycled PET products

Fleece jackets, duvet and pillow inners, plastic cards, shoe inners
Garden furniture,
buckets, refuse bins,
shopping bags

Shoe soles, door mats,

window frames, garden
hoses, fencing, car mats
Bin liners and bags, garden
furniture, containers,
irrigation pipes

Crates, paint
trays, ropes,
Curtain rods, picture
frames, cornices

POLYSTYRENE is banned in most countries due to the dangerous

chemicals it contains.
REMEMBER to NEVER put polystyrene in the microwave!!!
•Glass can be recycled forever it never wears out…

•The energy saved from recycling one bottle could

power a light bulb for 4 hours…

• Half of new glass is recycled glass

Recycling cans and tins
• 100% of a can, can be recycled and cans can be recycled
forever, the quality does not deteriorate.
• It takes about 500 years for aluminium to break down.
•The energy saved from recycling one aluminium can could
power a light bulb for 20 hours…
• In South Africa we only recycle 70% of the beverage cans
that we produce.
There is something new to look out for to help Loreto win with



Please make sure you separate your rubbish, we want it, to save our

Look out for our new bins!!!

Be GREEN and recycle on
Question 1
Which of the following can NOT be
A. Polystyrene trays

B. Plastic water bottles

C. Glass

D. Cardboard boxes

E. None of the above

Question 1
E. None of the above – all of these can
be recycled
Question 2
Who can recycle?
A. Your teachers

B. Everyone

C. Your best friend

D. You

E. Your mom
Question 2
B. Everyone – can recycle no matter
where they live, how old they are or
what they do.
Question 3
If you recycle one ton of paper how
many trees can you save?
A. One

B. Nine

C. Seventeen

D. Thirty-five

E. One hundred
Question 3
C. 17 trees can be saved for every 1
ton of paper.
Question 4
How many litres of water can be saved
by recycling one ton of paper?
A. One thousand litres

B. Ten thousand litres

C. Sixteen thousand litres

D. Twenty-four thousand litres

E. Twenty-seven thousand litres

Question 4
D. 24 000 litres of water can be
saved for every 1 ton of paper that
is recycled.

In South Africa a person is entitled to

2 litres per day. That is enough
water for 12 000 people for 1 day.
Question 5
What can PET (clear bottles) be
recycled into?
A. Duvet inners

B. Shoe inners

C. Fleece jackets

D. Credit cards

E. All of the above

Question 5
E. All of the above
Question 6
In order for plastics to be recycled and
not dumped they must be:
A. Sorted according to size

B. Sorted according to colour

C. Sorted according to code

D. Sorted according to shape

E. None of the above

Question 6
C. Sorted according to code
Question 7
How many times can glass be
A. None, glass can’t be recycled!

B. Once

C. Four times

D. Twenty times

E. Forever
Question 7
E. Forever – that’s the amazing thing
about glass it never wears out!
Question 8
How long does it take for a can to
break down?
A. Ten years

B. Fifty years

C. One hundred years

D. Five hundred years

E. One thousand years

Question 8
D. Five hundred years – that is longer
than Mary ward has been dead for…
that means in 2500 we might still
find your cold drink can!!
Question 9
What will the two new categories of
bins on the LSQ playground be?
A. Cans and plastic bottles

B. Polystyrene and tins

C. Tetra paks and cans

D. Plastic bottles and paper

E. Polystyrene and Tetra Paks

Question 9
A. Cans and plastic bottles


Question 10
What ways can you help save our
A. Re-use your plastic bottles and bags

B. Reduce the amount of waste you

C. Plant a tree

D. Recycle

E. All of the above

Question 10
E. All of the above – by taking these
small steps you can help preserve
our beautiful planet…and your
children will have grass to play on!!!

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