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Computer Network Homework Help

Problem 1. IND-CCA

Alice and Bob have taken 6.857, and would like to send
confidential messages to each other in a way that meets the
IND-CCA definition given there.
Bob suggests the following method.
Let EncCBC(K, M) denote the process of padding M with a 1
bit and then as many 0 bits as needed to make the message
length a multiple of 128 bits, and then using AES in CBC mode
to encrypt the result, using a randomly-chosen 128-bit IV. The
result is:
EncCBC(K, M) = IV, C1,C2,...,Cn .
Let Rev(S) denote the reverse of a sequence S. That is, S is
parsed as a sequence of 128-bit blocks (the length of S must be
a multiple of 128 bits), and these blocks are re-arranged into
reverse order.
Bob then proposes that he and Alice secretly agree on two AES
keys K1 and K2, and then define the encryption of a message
M as
E(K1,K2; M) = EncCBC(K2,
Rev(EncCBC(K1,M ))) .

The intent here is that the reversal avoids the problem noted in
class, that “ciphertext prefixes decode as prefixes of the
Show that this method does not meet the IND-CCA security
definition given in class. That is, show how the adversary can
“win” the security game against this method.

Problem 2. Kalns

Ben Bitdiddle has designed a new cryptosystem called Kalns,

but we suspect it might not be as strong as we would like to be.
Therefore we ask your help to break it.
In this problem we will be working with a finite field GF16.
The elements of our field are all 4-bit strings. The f ield
addition is computed as xor: GF16(x) + GF16(y) = GF16(x ⊕
y). We provide the two tables describing addition and
multiplication laws on the course web page.
If you are curious, these tables are obtained by interpreting 4-
bit field elements as degree ≤ 4 polynomials 4 over GF2 and
performing addition and multiplication modulo the irreducible
polynomial x + x + 1.
However, for the purposes of this problem you do not need to
understand how our GF16 is constructed; the solutions we
know assume black-box access to GF16. We have provided a
GF16 implementation for you.
Kalns is a 64-bit block cipher. The secret key consists of three

•an invertible 16-by-16 matrix A over GF16;

•a 16-element vector b over GF16; and
•a permutation (bijection) S that maps GF16 one-to-one and onto
To encrypt a 64-bit block B we first break it up in sixteen 4-bit
chunks and interpret each of them as a GF16 element. So block B
corresponds to length 16 vector x = (x0,...,x15) over GF16.
The encryptions consists of the following: y = S(Ax + b), where
the permutation S is individually applied to each of 16 elements of
v = Ax + b. The 16-element vector y is later re-interpreted as 64-
bit integer to obtain the encrypted block B'.

(a) Ben suspects that his cryptosystem is very secure. After all it
has around 16162 possible keys. However, we suspect that there
are many equivalent keys. These keys have different values for (A,
b, S), but produce the same ciphertext for any given plaintext. Is
our suspicion wellfounded?
(b) Describe a chosen-ciphertext attack on Kalns that recovers
the unknown key (A, b, S) or an equivalent key.
(c) To demonstrate that your attack works, write an
implementation that can break a randomly generated key. We
have set up a web server that implements Kalns algorithm at
Prove that your implementation works by getting your team’s
name on the list of successful teams. The server is powered by shared hosting infrastructure. Please don’t issue
denial of service attacks or try to attack their servers.

Solution 1. IND-CCA

Theorem: Bob’s method E is not IND-CCA secure

Proof: The adversary picks m0 = 0x, m1 = 1x for large x ≥

3·128 in phase I. Then y = EK1,K2 (md). Let z = y with the
first bit flipped. Since z = y, the adversary is allowed to ask for
DK1,K2 (z) in phase II. This correctly gives the first 128-bit
block of md, revealing d (zeroes if d = 0 or ones if d = 1).
Therefore, the adversary wins the game
Why does this work? Consider the steps of E, where md is
divided into n 128-bit blocks (n ≥ 3)

1. Start with md = m1,...,mn. (1) (1)

2. EncCBCK1 (m (1) 1,...,mn) = IV , C1 ,...,Cn .
3. Rev(IV (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) , C1 ,...,Cn ) = Cn ,...,C ,IV (1) 1 .
EncCBC (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2)
4. K2 (Cn ,...,C1 ,IV ) = IV , C1 ,...,Cn , Cn+1. (2) (2) (2)
5. End with IV (2), C1 ,...,Cn , Cn+1 = y

Now, consider the steps of D, which reverses E.

6. Start with y = IV (2), C1 ,...,Cn , Cn+1. DecCBC
7. K2 (IV , C1 ,...,Cn , Cn+1) = Cn ,...,C ,IV (1) 1 .
8. Rev(Cn ,...,C1 ,IV (1)) = IV (1), C1 ,...,Cn .
9. DecCBCK1 (IV (1), C1 ,...,Cn ) = m1,...,mn.
10. End with m1,...,mn = md.
Finally, consider the steps of D when the input is z instead
of y (the first bit is flipped). Denote any changed blocks in
red. As we observed in Lecture 9, the bit flip only affects
the decryption of the current block and the next block, since
each decrypted block only depends on Ci and Ci 1 (and
only the first block depends on IV ).

1. Start with z = IV (2), C1(2) ,...,Cn(2) , Cn+1(2).

2. DecCBC K2 (IV (2) , C1 (2),...,Cn (2) , Cn+1 (2) ) = Cn ,...,C1 ,IV
3. Rev(Cn ,...,C ,IV (1) 1 ) = IV (1), C1 ,..., Cn .
4. DecCBC (1) K1 (IV , C1 ,..., Cn ) = m1,..., mn.
5. End with m1,..., mn.
Therefore, the first block m1 of md is correct, revealing d
Problem 2. Kalns
a) Our suspicion is well founded, which we can see from a
very simple analysis. Consider an orig inal key combination
(A, b, S), where we call Ax + b = v. Let us then consider a
possible key combination (n*A, n*b, S’), where n is some
number in GF16. The output of this new key pair will be
S/(nAx + nb) = S/(nv). Thanks to the properties of GF16, we
know that n ∗ m, where n is a GF16 value held constant and
m is a GF16 value varied from 0 to 16, return all different
values ranging from 0 to 16. (Of course, the case where m = 0
maps to 0, but the other cases map more interestingly.) Thus,
multiplying v by n can be considered as just an extra
permutation, P(v). (This is true if n is nonzero, but we are
simply choosing this to be the case.)
This means we can just adjust S’ to look like S after
canceling out this original mapping, i.e S/(x) = S(P −1(x)),
and we have an equivalent key pair. Thus we have generated
several equivalent key pairs. It turns out that, since we have
such freedom with S, we can actually generate even more
equivalent key pairs by basically generating new v’s and
adjusting our S accordingly, as shown above. Thus, we know
that there will be many equivalent key pairs.

b) Let’s consider a series of possible inputs and outputs that we

could try encrypting/decrypting, and consider the
information gleaned from each. u If we encrypt the vector
x0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0], we will get y0 = S(b). Additionally, if
we encrypt the vectors xi , which are the 16 unit vectors (i.e.
the vectors with all 0’s except a 1 at position i), we i will get
back y = S(Ai + b), where Ai is the i’th column of A. We
now have information about A and b, but they are embedded
in S, the permutation. In order to get information about this,
we can decrypt the values yi = [i, 0, 0, 0, ...0]. Reversing our
algorithm, v we can see that x = A−1(S−1(y) − b), which
means we will get back x = (A−1)0(S−1(y ) − b). If i i v i v
we take the first element of these x , we will get
(A−1)0,0(S−1(i)−b0), and if we take the differences v 0 v i v
di = x − x , we will get (A−1)0,0(S−1(0) − S−1(i)). Here, we
take advantage of the properties of GF16 to define a new,
valid permutation, S/ such that S/−1 = (A−1)0,0S−1, such
that the values di are actually differences between the inverse
permutation values for 0 and i. Defining S’(0) = 0, we thus
b) have a valid permutation that we have fully defined, and
which we can construct an equivalent key pair using. (Recall
from part a that we can do this because our permutation is
correct up to a multiplicative constant!).

Using this new S’, we can decrypt S(b) such that S/−1(S(b)) = b/,
and similarly extract each column of A as a column of a new
matrix A’. This new key combination (A/,b/,S/) is equivalent to
the orig inal combination (A, b, S). Since we now have an
equivalent key set to the original combination, we can freely
encrypt and decrypt data as we please, completely compromising
the Kalns encryption scheme.
c) We have successfully implemented this algorithm. See
MCRBFinalFast on http://6857.scripts. Our code
follows the exact process detailed in part b. The MITx
submission site only allows one uploaded file, so we did not
submit our actual code file, but the code we used is reproduced
below using the verbatim tag.
from kalns import *
tokenString = remote_query(’keygen?team=MCRBFinalFast’)
theToken = tokenString[80:112]
rk = RemoteKalns(theToken)
b = int64_to_GF16_vec(rk.enc(0))
r_unit = []
for i in range(16):
A = []
for row in range(16):
for col in range(16):

iTimesAInv = []
for i in range(16):
#print int64_to_GF16_vec(i*(2**(4)))

topVals = []
for i in range(16):

#These for loops are actually irrelevant, they were

#originally to ensure that we didn’t need to try cyclic
permutations of
#the S that we derived. It turns out we don’t, so we just set the
#to 1. for i in range(1):

for ii in range(1):
AA = []
BB = []
s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sinv = []
for iii in range(16):
x = topVals[iii]
x0 = topVals[0]
s[int((GF16(i) - ((x0-x)/GF16(ii+1))).val)] = int(iii)

for ij in range(16):
for k in range(16):
for l in range(16):

for kk in range(16):
for ll in range(16):
newVar = AA[kk][ll] - BB[kk]
AA[kk][ll] = newVar

print "s = " + str(i) + ", Ainv[0][0] = " + str(ii)

print rk.answer(AA, BB, s)

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