Blend of Few Topics

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Presentation for VIVA

By Ilhaam Damad

Definition: The 7 c’s Of communication can be defined as a checklist used to help effective
communication between two or more parties and make sure the message is clearly understood.
Setting goals gives one long term vision and short term motivation.

Helps us organize the time and resources so that one can make most out of life.

One could be very hardworking but without goal setting he or she may be lead to no-where in life.

Envision, Plan and Achieve the plan- three elements in goal setting.

It is important for a company and its personnel to have mutual goals for its achievement.

Principles of goal setting:

- Focus on present and future plans and not on why we have failed in the past.
- Develop a plan of action.
- Learn and evaluate different approaches to achieve your goal.
- Ask others how they have achieved their goals.
- Do a lot of self learning.
- Get commitment for co-workers
- Check progress on regular basis.
- Ask for help and advise when required
- Do not give up.
Goals should be SMARTER:

- Specific: Be specific for what you want don’t generalize. Use specific terms rather than vague and abstract
- Measurable: Include some method for objectively measuring their achievement. Example reduce electricity
bill by 15 % in next 6 months
- Achievable: Should be achievable. Example don’t say I want moon or double sales in next 15 days etc.
- Relevant: Follow business strategy of the organization unit. You cannot say that that you want to increase
customers by 10 % when the organization says 20 % in 6 months.
- Timely: Should be time bound. Cannot say that I want to reduce cost buy 25%. But by when??? To stay in the
competitive market goals should be time bound
- Effective: Should be effective. Focus on critical factors rather than trivial ones. Like using less stationary is an
inappropriate goal whereas implementation of a policy could be a very effective goal.
- Reinforcing: Once the goals have been set down you will have to reinforce the goals at every stage.
Subsequent goals in a list reinforce previous goals and do not contradict them.
For example, you set a goal to save paper and every week you want the employees to write down on a paper how
much paper they have saved is contradicting the goal.
2. Magic of voice and accent
Voice and Accent play a vital role in improving your communication.

A lot of people who speak English specially in India have the problem of FLI (First language Influence).

It creates a lot of problems specially for foreign clients.

Hence it is important that one speaks in a neutral accent (with no influence of first language)

There are three main elements of voice and accent:

- Rate of speech: a moderate rate of speech is desirable as too slow or too fast creates confusion.

- Intonation: speaking in a constant tone can be too boring and monotonous. Hence rise and fall of pitch can
bring life to what you speak and creates good impression.

- Loudness and Clarity: Voice should not be too loud or too soft. It helps in conveying the message better.

All three can be achieved by practicing , controlling the breath while speaking, watching videos and movies on
internet and taking pauses while speaking as required.
Accent is they way of speaking a particular language.

Main mistakes made while speaking

- Sound swap: People change the meaning of words in long and short sound swaps.
e.g. IT/EAT, GET/GATE, SLIP/SLEEP etc. Neutral accent and practice can help reduce sound swaps.

-Syllables and Word stress: Every word could have one or more syllables. Syllable is shortest unit of sound.
People tend to stress the wrong syllable while speaking. One word should have stress on only one syllable.
e.g. PHO TOGRAPH, PHO TO GRAPHER, PHO T GRAPH IC underlined are the syllables to be stressed.

Practice is of utmost importance to improve voice and accent.

Neutralized accent is important to ensure faster and smoother communication with foreign people.

One can improve voice and accent by

- Spending more time pronouncing words correctly.
- Using the language more for communication with other people.
- Listening more carefully to yourself and others.
- Slow down and speak up.
3. Medical Advancements and Insurance claim
How medical advancements has affected insurance claims management.

Medical advancement has been a process and not something that has happened overnight.

Insurance companies need to understand the medical advancements for claims settlements. Medical
advancements are not something special or unique but they are a part of evolution and daily life.

Major surgeries have started becoming minor due to easy availability of resources.

Advancements can take place every day however insurance policy premium can’t keep changing every day.
So, they have to assume and hence the pricing of an insurance policy is more on an assumptive platform.

Insurance company needs to have the following departments:

1. Actuarial team: does pricing work, so they can decide the right premium for the product in the market
by looking at the past data, the trends and assume for future
2. Underwriting team: team which segregates the risk so they have to take good risks in the book and
bad risk also are in consideration
3. Claims: team which looks at the policy terms and conditions and pays the genuine claim. They also
have to deny payment for fraudulent activities.
Cost Benefit Balance:
When we are looking at medical advancement the concept of cost benefit balance has to come in.
Due to advancement a person can live more and thus advancement can lead to increase in medical cost. But,
however, it can also decrease cost by early detection, prevention, better outcome, reduction in medical cost etc.
hence it is very complicated that it can increase as well as decrease the cost due to medical advancements.
Hence a balance has to kept.

Challenges faced :
Challenges in measuring impact: whether a new advancement can have an Impact on cost.

Observable indicators are insufficient: when there is advancement related to health, symptoms, increased
accuracy in diagnosis etc they are still insufficient because there is advancement happening all the time.
Time lag: after an advancement has happened the effect can take place at a very later stage, for e.g. vaccines are
working or not it takes year to understand
Clinical trial based presumptive: advancements are more practised on clinical trial-based presumption but the
effects on the consumer also need to be studied which is a post reactive phenomenon.
Lack of data: data is required in all forms whether there is feedback data, review data, supplement data etc is
required for measuring the impact.
However many challenges have been overcome like below mentioned:
Example: Chemotherapy has resulted in 50 to 60 percent positive gain in cancer treatment in USA
Asthma medication has improved by 28 percent in USA. These are some examples which have overcome the
challenges that are mentioned above.

Summarize impact:
All the procedure needs to go through a rigid Health Technical Assessment. But to know the final impact of
procedure whether it has benefited or not we have to look at the “cost per unit benefit”.
In short insurance companies do not have a choice they have to accept medical advancement and have to look at
ways to fund them rather than avoid them.
“Advancement is inevitable and financing needs to follow”
4. T 20 of Life.
It is rightly said that “as you sow, so shall you reap”.

What we do is because of our thoughts, thoughts influence actions and actions determine who we are in life.

We should look at life like a T20 game. How short a T20 game is and how much energy and enthusiasm players
put into the game same way life should be lived.

Be free of bad karmas.

Look at the situation from others perspective. Try to be composed and calm in every situation.

Let go what has happened in the past. We should not be living in the past. Negative past experience should not
affect todays actions.

Life could be looked like it has three stages:

0-20: Adolescence.
20-40: Career.
40-60: Mid life.
60-80: Dependant/ retired.
Each stage of life will affect the other.
Life should be lived like people should be motivated by us. We should encourage budding players/ people.

There should be sense of gratitude for things in life.

Strive to do your best and have sense of belongingness for society and family.

Be considerate towards others, speak to them kindly and remember that there are a lot of people subtly
contributing to our growth.

First 20 years of our life are determined by Karmas of our last birth because of which we are born in a particular
community, country, religion etc. These 20 years are the base or foundation of life.

The next 20 years are karma of how we have lived in our 0-20s. Particularly with respect to parents guidance,
support, cultural education etc. if these are weak the effects will be carried for the next 20 years. For e.g. growth
gets affected.

From 40- 60 years are affected by how we have lived in the past 20 years. Whether we have conditioned
ourselves to deal with stressful situations or just give up. Here generally career becomes stagnant.

From 60-80 responsibility gets over from work and family and here we can contribute to the society and try to
make changes so that the future generation has a better life. If one has not paid attention on health in the last 20
years will definitely affect the life in these years.
In short whatever we are now is because of our past actions.

It all depends upon choices. It is in our hands to create a happy and joyous life or to create a bad and
unhappy life. Today whatever we do we might not see immediate benefits but we have to keep trust and
believe that the dots will connect in the future.
5. Six thinking hats
It is a concept to harness different aspects of your thinking process to constantly deliver better and keep
improving professionally and individually.

It is powerful tool to look at decisions from different point of view. Teaches us how to switch our vision and

It works by:
- encouraging lateral thinking ( thinking from different angles).
- Encourages parallel thinking.
- Helps us use all possible resources.
- Facilitates discussion process
- Conflicts gets minimised as everyone looks at every perspective.
- Leads to organised and common decision making.

The 6 hats are:

1. White hat: It basically signifies facts, uses a lot of data, logic and research.
No scope for opinions or assumptions like “ I think”, “may be” etc.

2. Red hat: Emotions are an integral part of any activity in any organization.
Wearing a red hat signifies a lot of emotions like gut feeling, instinct, six sense etc like “I am passionate”
“I want do this”, “ I think” etc.
Wearing red hat is not bad at all. However, emotions we should learn to harness emotions properly.

3. Black Hat: It is more about looking at the other side of the situation. Like calculating the risks keeping them in
consideration while making decisions. It is not about being negative but, thinking what could go wrong, looking
and identifying the obstacles in the path so that they could be worked upon to minimise the risk.

4. Yellow hat: It is exactly opposite of the black hat. Here we only see the positive side of the situation, look at the
potential benefits and expected profit. It signifies positive rationality. However support for the idea should be
logically justified.

5. Green hat: It is called the creative hat. It helps us process and identify a lot of different areas which you could
work on. When your organization has hit a plateau and to go further up you must do something creative you must
wear the Creative hat.

6. Blue hat: Blue hat comes in once you are successful and self developed in your own field. It helps in summing up
and making decisions where your organization looks upon you. It is used for directing the discussion, summarizing
major points and switching hats when required.

All six hats can be used as powerful creative tool for personal and professional development. You will get to know
the uses of hats with practice.

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