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• Human Intelligence is the creation of God gifted to humans and Artificial Intelligence is
created by humans. Intelligence plays a vital role whether it is human or artificial.
•  Human intelligence is a quality that helps humans in learning, understanding, and
solving problems with brilliant ideas whereas artificial intelligence is something that
mimics human beings by the information they receive. 
• Human intelligence is the thing that shapes the development and appropriation of man-
made consciousness and creative arrangements related to it. It is human intelligence
that tries to ask 'why' and considers 'imagine a scenario where' through basic reasoning.
As engineering design keeps on being tested by complex issues and the nature of
information, the requirement for human oversight, skill, and quality affirmation is basic in
using AI-created yields.
• Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Data Science that focuses on building smart
machines capable of performing a wide range of tasks that usually require human
intelligence and cognition. These intelligent machines are imbued with learning from
experience and historical data, analyzing their surrounding environments, and
performing the befitting actions.
• AI is an interdisciplinary science that leverages concepts and tools from multiple fields
like computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, and
Parameter Human Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Energy Human brains use about 25 Modern computers use 2 watts of
Efficiency watts of energy. energy.

Functioning Human beings use the AI machines rely on data,

computing power, memory specific instructions and
and thinking power of their learning's that are fed into their
brain. system.
Parameter Human Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Nature of Existence Human intelligence revolves It aims to mimic human
around adapting to the behavior and perform
environment using a human like actions.
combination of several
cognitive processes.

Learning Power Humans learn from various Machine learn from data
incidents and past and continuous training.
Parameter Human Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Decision Humans can make rational AI machine make decisions
Making Power decisions. based on events, the data they
are trained on, how they are
related to a particular event.

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